I've Got My Eyes on You

Scott swung his arm holding the pistol back toward Aline and fired. The shot passed inches over her head.

Mike’s first shot hit Scott in his left shoulder. He slumped momentarily, then raised his hand with the gun and fired wildly. Mike’s next shot shattered two of Scott’s ribs, knocking him over backward as his pistol went skidding across the patio.

Mike raced across the lawn to the patio, his pistol still trained on Scott, who was writhing on the ground. From the front of the Chapman house he could hear screeching sirens, the squeal of tires, car doors slamming.

“Back here!” he yelled to the officers, who came running around the house. Holding up his badge while pointing to Kimball on the ground, he said, “Get him an ambulance and arrest him.”

Aline was helping Jamie to his feet.

“Were you hit?” Mike yelled as he rushed to them.

Without answering, Aline threw her arms around Mike.

“Big Guy tried to shoot us,” Jamie yelled. “That wasn’t very nice.”

“Thank God you’re both okay,” Mike said as he held her.

“You’re not getting out of having dinner with me,” Aline whispered. “Change of plans. We’re having Chinese food with Jamie.”


Marge was lying quietly in the intensive care unit of the hospital. Cardiogram leads on her chest were monitoring her heart.

The operation had been successful. The grogginess from the anesthesia was wearing off. Her intense worry about Jamie was returning in full measure.

There was a tap on the door and Father Frank walked in. “How are you doing, Marge?”

“It’s hard to tell, but I guess okay.”

“Well, I have some news that will make you feel a whole lot better. Jamie is home having Chinese food with Aline. She said she’ll stay overnight with him at your house tonight.”

Father Frank decided to skip the fact that shots had been fired at Aline and Jamie. Instead he began, “The police arrested Scott Kimball, the lacrosse coach at the high school. They are one hundred percent certain that he’s the one who murdered Kerry Dowling. It turns out that he’s ‘the Big Guy’ Jamie was talking about.”

It took a full minute before the implications of what she had been told sank in. “Oh, thanks be to God,” Marge said fervently. “Thanks be to God and his blessed mother!”


Alan was sitting with his mother and father in the den. It seemed to him that ever since they’d heard about Jamie’s potential involvement in Kerry’s murder, they could not stop watching the local news. A breaking story caught their attention. A woman reporter was standing in front of the high school. “Saddle River, New Jersey, high school lacrosse coach Scott Kimball has been arrested for the murder of Kerry Dowling.”

Impossible, Alan thought. It’s not going to be true.

But it was. In total shock he listened as the details of Kimball’s attempted murders of Aline and Jamie were reported. As his mother screamed in relief, tears welled in his eyes. “I can’t believe it’s really over,” he said, “for Jamie and for me. I guess I’ll be going to Princeton after all.”


Fran and Steve were having a quiet dinner at the Bermuda Hamilton Princess. They were the only ones in their corner of the restaurant. At the same time both of their cell phones signaled the arrival of a text. It was from Aline. Watch this and call me right away!!!!!!!!!!!

Puzzled, Fran came around and sat next to Steve. He tapped on the link and the broadcast of the CBS local news began with the arrest of Scott Kimball for the murder of Kerry Dowling and that Aline had saved Jamie’s life as Kimball had tried to kill them too.

Fran and Steve fell into each other’s arms as they realized that they might have lost their other daughter.

“Fran, Fran,” Steve said, his voice husky with emotion, “to think what could have happened.”

Fran, filled with relief and overwhelmed with gratitude, was finding it hard to speak. Then she whispered, “Let’s go home. I need to put my arms around Aline.”


Three Months Later

Scott Kimball had been arraigned while in his hospital bed recovering from his wounds. The charges were the murder of Kerry Dowling, the attempted murders of Aline Dowling and Jamie Chapman, possession of a firearm for an unlawful purpose, and aggravated sexual assault against Valerie Long.

The prosecutor had told Valerie and her parents that there was overwhelming evidence on the other charges and that Kimball would spend the rest of his life in prison. She would not have to testify unless she really wanted to.

Valerie agreed to her parents’ suggestion that she go for therapy to help her cope with what Scott Kimball had done to her and the many personal losses she had suffered. She remembered vividly Wayne’s furious reaction when he heard what Kimball had done to her. For the first time she viewed him as her father.

Two stents in her heart improved Marge’s health considerably. But she insisted that knowing the cloud had been lifted from over Jamie’s head was the only medicine she really needed.

Jamie was thrilled that the manager at Acme had offered him his job back. In response to Marge’s vehement insistence, it was agreed he would even be given a raise.

Princeton immediately reinstated Alan for the January semester. He was counting the days until he could leave for school. Three months earlier he had no idea what career he wanted to pursue. Now he was pretty sure he wanted to be a defense lawyer.

He was working five nights a week as Christmas help at Nordstrom’s. June had found him the job.

Aline and Mike knew the moment they embraced after the shooting that they were destined to hold on to each other forever. They decided they would be married in the fall, after Kerry’s one-year anniversary. Fran and Steve would always deeply grieve Kerry’s loss, but they were delighted that Aline and Mike would be together. Fran’s mind leapt to the future as she thought of holding a grandchild in her arms.

Father Frank would preside at the wedding. Mike’s parents loved Aline and could not have been happier with their son’s choice.

Father Frank had shared with Aline, Mike, Fran and Steve something Rose Kennedy once said: “Birds sing after a storm. Why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?”


This newest book is finished. And it is time to thank all the people who shared their expertise and those who encouraged me along the way.

Michael Korda, my editor who for forty years has been my guiding light. All the thanks in the world, Michael.

Marysue Rucci, editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster, who as always is a wise and discerning voice every step of the way.

John Conheeney, spouse extraordinaire, who for over twenty years has listened to me as I sigh that I am sure this book isn’t working.

Kevin Wilder for all his help educating me on how a detective investigates a murder case.

Kelly Oberle-Tweed for giving me insight into the role of guidance counselors.

Mike Dahlgren for his advice on what a college would do if it had a controversial student headed its way.

My son Dave, who works with me every step of the way. Much of the credit for this plot belongs to him.

My grandson David, who has Fragile X syndrome. Thank you for inspiring my Jamie character.

Finally, and of course, to all of you, my readers, I hope I will entertain you in the time you give to reading this book. God bless you, one and all.