Dark Lies (Detective Rhodes and Radley #1)

Dark Lies came to me in a rush, a story I couldn’t wait to tell, with characters I felt connected to from the very start. The second book has proved equally rewarding, and I’ve loved returning to Nathan and Katie, to push them even harder and test their remarkable detective skills.

It would be wonderful if you could find time to write a review of Dark Lies. It’s obviously helpful in finding new readers, but also fantastic for me, after so long locked away with only a keyboard and my thoughts for company, to hear your views. Should you be social-media minded, I would also be delighted to hear from you on Twitter @vonmaraus. This is just the start of my writing adventure, and it would be great to have your company on the way.

Best wishes,



It hasn’t been easy to reach this point. So much frustration, confusion and doubt, so many early starts, so many late finishes, near misses, rewrites galore, whole chapters thrown out. But one of the loveliest things about getting here, in finally achieving this lifelong dream, is that I get a chance to recognise those who’ve helped me along the way.

I’ll start with those that have suffered the most: my family. To my partner, Amanda, I can’t thank you enough for your patience and faith. To my parents and my brother, your support has been immense, and something for which I will for ever be grateful. To my son, Ethan, your arrival has given me far less time but far more focus (oh, and please don’t read this book for many more years). I hope this is some justification for the time I’ve stolen from you all.

To my agent, Sarah Manning, and my editor, Jessie Botterill, you have been extraordinary. Thank you for your passion, your commitment and your belief in my writing. You are everything an agent and an editor should be.

To those friends who have given encouragement over the years, and even to those who clearly doubted I’d make it, you have been invaluable. A special mention to Kim Curran, a brilliant writer and the most wonderful source of sage advice. We’ve come a long way since the RWC.

And finally, thank you! The reader. Much as I love the writing process, it’s brilliant to be able to share my efforts with you.

Nick Hollin's books