Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

“I hear Netflix has all the Sex and the City seasons. Isn’t that aired in New York?” he said with a snarkiness that was unbecoming.

Holly didn’t seem to mind; she was already focusing on Ace. Calvin gripped my arm and gently pulled me towards the dugout. “Seriously, Whitney, what is she doing here?” he practically growled into my ear.

“She came to check on me,” I said quickly. “I called her last night.”

“Oh my God! Why would you call her?” he asked, his tone rising, but the volume staying low enough to not be overheard. “This is not what we need. You just got here.”

“Yes, and what were you doing when I arrived?” I planted my hand on my hip and shifted my weight to one leg as I glared at the man I loved, the one who was making me so damn angry right now. Silence, nothing but a dumbfounded look was given for a reply to my comment. “Exactly… that’s why she’s here,” I said.

Ace came running up to Calvin, throwing his arm over his shoulder like they were already old pals. “Who’s this lovely lady?” His eyes took me in, slowly and a little too dramatically for my liking.

“This is Whitney. Whitney, this is Ace Newman,” Calvin said proudly.

“Of course.” He drawled out the words. I stared at him with a fake tight smile and empty eyes. He knew exactly who I was. He’d seen me storm into the club and break up his party.

“I’d like to apologize for last night,” he said smoothly. “The owner was out, and he’s rarely a fixture when it’s just us players. Calvin tried to leave several times, but you know it’s always best to schmooze with the boss so I may have fed him a few too many drinks.” He paused, offered up his charming smile and a quick wink in my direction. “I was just looking out for him; it’s never good for a rookie to decline a drink with the boss man.”

Yeah, if you were looking out for him, you would have sent him home…

Damn, he was charming, and even though I could smell the bullshit falling from his lips, it was still hard to ignore. Holly was pushed up next to me, her arm intertwined with mine. She pinched me as a warning to introduce her.

“I’m Holly,” she blurted out, pushing her hand towards his before I had the chance. I watched in horror as their hands touched and my best friend’s face lit up with excitement. I’d seen that look before; prom night when Kevin Harper, the star quarterback, asked her to dance. She left her date, spun around the dance floor with Kevin and then ended the night with her panties in the floorboard of Kevin’s Camaro. I wasn’t ready for another Kevin Harper incident. When he didn’t call her the next day and acted as if he didn’t know her at school afterwards, she was a mess, a train wreck really. Ace made that boy look like Mr. Rogers. This couldn’t happen!

I watched Ace’s tongue glide out of his mouth and rest on his bottom lip as his eyebrows rose high to his forehead. “Hello, Holly, what a beautiful name,” his words spit like venom. Both his hands clamped over hers, and I watched as his fingers caressed her palm and she began to melt in his presence. “You have the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen,” he said sweetly. She giggled. Oh God, she giggled, that’s it, she’s done for…

I glared at Calvin, trying desperately for him to read my thoughts. No, don’t let this happen, he’s a snake!

“Why don’t we all go out for dinner later?” Calvin asked. Good job, dumbass, that was not what I was thinking!

Holly lit up like a Christmas tree. Her breasts bounced as she hopped in place. Calm down girl, wow.

“That sounds like an excellent plan,” Ace said as he pulled Holly’s hand towards his lips. Calvin smiled proudly, for what I have no idea. Holly melted and let out a sigh as Ace puckered his weathered lips against her soft tan skin. I knew I rolled my eyes, but no one seemed to notice or care. “It’s a date.” Ace winked at Holly as he released her hand.

She looked like her bones had turned to rubber. Her shoulders slouched, and her head cocked to the side. It was like the marionette I had as a child when it wasn’t in use.

“Seriously?” I asked after he walked away, not even trying to hide my sarcasm.

“What?” Calvin asked. He seemed cautiously aware that he had messed up yet again, but wasn’t sure how or why.

“He’s a player,” I snapped.

“He can play me anytime he wants,” Holly said, almost as a sigh.

Calvin frowned. “You need to get to know him. He isn’t all bad. Give him a chance.”



The double date was planned, and even though Whitney wasn’t entirely onboard, I thought it would be a great way to smooth over the bad feelings from last night. As Ace pushed for details about Holly, I started to rethink my carelessness and knew that she may be out of his league. “So, this Holly chick, she looks like a wild fire in bed,” Ace spat. “Any inside information?”

“No, I’ve never slept with Holly,” I deadpanned.

His question offended me, but in Ace’s world, monogamy didn’t exist, so I decided to let it roll off my back.

“She has a hot little ass,” he hissed.

My tension increased at the comments Ace made about Whitney’s best friend. She had always been a pain in my ass, but I looked at her like a sister, not my favorite sister, but a sister nonetheless.

“She’s a good girl, Ace, not one of your typical groupies,” I warned.

I could tell that my comments fell on deaf ears as Ace continued his ranting about the size of Holly’s breasts, wondering if they would fit in his mouth. “You’re a sick fuck,” I scoffed.

His smile widened, and it was obvious he took that as a compliment. What had I done?

I arrived back at the apartment to find both Holly and Whitney in my bedroom. Clothes were strewn all over the room. They were fussing with their hair, their makeup, and their clothes, not exactly the fantasy I had as a teenage boy about having two women in my bedroom.

“How does this look?” Whitney asked. She stood in front of me wearing a shiny blue dress, low cut, making her breasts look amazing. It was new, the tag hung from under her arm; I leaned in, lifted the tag and turned it so I could see the price. Holy shit!

“You look stunning,” I said, not mentioning the outrageous price though my brain still felt slightly numb.

“It’s too much,” she pouted.

“No, it’s beautiful,” I insisted instead of agreeing that, yes, it was way too much. It was more than I paid for my first car.

“Thank you,” she said sweetly and then tiptoed to reach me with her lips.

“I have to get a shower,” I announced, hoping that would clear out my bedroom. No such luck. Holly was leaning over the bathroom sink, smearing makeup all over her face. It was so thick I almost offered her a spackle but knew that would only upset Whitney. I’d done enough upsetting her already to last a lifetime.

“Can you use the other bathroom?” Whitney questioned, again sweetly.

Alice Ward's books