Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

“Show me what you got, Malone!” she shouted and jumped up from her seat to cheer me on.

We had fans back in college, sometimes women who wanted to hook up with some of the better players in hopes of snagging them before they hit it big. But this… this was different, we were all big players now with large paychecks, and the women seemed much more aggressive than any I had experienced.

Keep your nose clean, Calvin. You’ve already fucked up once.

Ace made his way to the fence and leaned over to whisper something in a petite brunette’s ear. I watched as she giggled and blushed. He grabbed a bat and took his position at the plate, winking at me before swinging at one of my warm-up pitches.

The crack was deafening and the ball gone. I squinted, watching it soar past the outfielders and then past the fence. He was certainly a power hitter, but as he dropped the bat and moved back towards that little brunette, it was obvious he was more of a power player than anything else.

I knew I needed to stay away from him, but he was impressive, smooth, and charm oozed from his pores. He demanded attention and usually received it from whoever he wanted.



The water washed over me, cleansing the scent of Calvin from my body. I couldn’t resist him this morning, but I knew I should’ve. My breasts were still sensitive as the water streamed onto my nipples, and my pussy still ached from where it had been stretched to accommodate him after so long.

You gave in, Whitney. Good job!

I scolded myself, but I knew it was unnecessary because Holly would be here soon to scold me plenty. What would Calvin think when she arrived? I knew he would be pissed, and why wouldn’t he? They barely got along, and any time there was trouble between us, Holly was quick to point the finger at Calvin, even when it wasn’t his fault. Our troubles were usually small, silly stuff like forgetting my birthday one year, or arguments over his obsession with baseball. This trouble was different, and it felt huge.

There had never been another woman between us, at least not like the blonde who so freely showed off her vagina — in public — like Calvin was a gynecologist giving her an exam. He had his share of groupies, but Calvin was always polite. He signed autographs, let them snap a picture with him after a big game, but he never flirted, and he certainly never let them hang on him like that slutty blonde.

My blood was boiling again, the sweet thoughts of our lovemaking this morning had vanished from my mind, and all that was left was anger, confusion, and pain.

I dressed in my cutest white sundress, the one that showed off my tan and my cleavage, figuring I would take Calvin up on his offer and stop by his practice later that day. The credit card he left on the bed taunted me as I started to walk out of the bedroom. I reached down, picked it up, and carried it to the kitchen where I left it on the table. The place was quiet, too quiet for New York, and I was dying to see some action, but going alone didn’t seem appealing. I fell onto the recliner that sat in front of the large screen TV and gripped the remote. I flipped through channels, determined to find something to keep my mind occupied until Holly arrived.

The vibrations of my phone pulled me awake. I reached for it underneath me where it had slipped and saw Holly’s face on the screen. Surprised I’d fallen asleep, the last thing I remembered watching was a reality show about little people. I slid my finger across the screen to answer. “Hello?”

“Hey, hooker. I’m here, you gonna buzz me up or what?” Holly’s voice was a welcomed and much needed symphony for my ears.

“Yes, of course,” I said, jumping out of Calvin’s recliner that had swallowed me into sleep and pushed the button on the wall beside the front door. I gripped the knob and pulled the door open. The clicking of her heels on the steps made my heart race. I finally got a glimpse of her on the second flight and ran down the stairs to meet her. Her arms wrapped around me, she squeezed me hard and tight, and suddenly, all of my pain and anger was gone.

“So… this place is nice,” Holly said in a tone I recognized as fake. I couldn’t stop my laughter. “This is where they placed him until he finds his own apartment,” I explained. I knew she was expecting some swanky high-rise with a doorman and amazing views of the city since Calvin was now officially a NY Beast. “He wanted to wait until I arrived to help pick out a place.”

Holly pushed her blonde hair from her shoulder and gave me a concerned glance. “Sounds like he’s done plenty without waiting for you,” she snapped.

“Calvin’s not like that,” I quickly said. Why was I defending him?

“Well, it sounded pretty serious last night,” Holly reminded me.

She pulled her large red designer suitcase into the apartment and left it by the door. It looked like she’d packed for a month. How long was she planning on staying?

“I was just upset,” I said, downplaying the true hurt and anger I’d felt. And still did. I didn’t need Holly’s fangs coming out for blood, especially since I hadn’t even told Calvin she was coming.

“So, how drunk was he?” she asked. She looked around the apartment with a judgmental glare at its lack of swank. After she asked the question, she didn’t wait for me to answer, she just moved towards the window in the living room and looked down towards the street. “Looks like a lovely neighborhood.” Sarcasm oozed from her lips.

“He was pretty wasted.” I ignored her snobbish remark.

“And who was he with?” she asked.

I lifted a shoulder. “A couple guys from the team. Ace somebody. He kept going on and on about being out with him, and the owner of the team, I think.”

“Ace Newman?” Holly asked, quickly turning to stare me in the eye. Her voice raised in pitch when she said his name and her excitement was easy to see.

“Yes, that’s it, Ace Newman,” I agreed, wrinkling my nose.

“Holy shit, he’s the hottest player in the league!” Holly squealed, suddenly not interested in Calvin’s bad behavior. “I didn’t know he was on his team.”

“I think it was meant to be either a surprise or it was a last minute decision. His name wasn’t mentioned before Calvin came out here.” Her enthusiasm about Ace was starting to bug me. I wanted to focus on the true problem of Calvin getting a lap dance from a slutty blonde instead of rushing home to see me like I expected.

“And you said the owner of the team was there too?” she asked.

“Yes.” I was getting irritated at her lack of empathy for my situation.

“What difference does any of that make?”

Holly slowly sank into the recliner that had soothed me to sleep without warning and smiled. “Well, it was his first day, and Ace Newman is his hero, right?” she asked, and I nodded. “He would look like a little bitch if he took off to go home to his girl right then, especially in front of the owner.”

Alice Ward's books