Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that, Kit-Kat. It’s no problem. No problem at all,” he laughed with more arrogance than I knew he could afford.

I hung up feeling both nervous and excited. I wanted to see my dad, but how was he going to keep up his fa?ade? There wouldn’t be private drivers, no fancy sports cars, and where would they stay? With me?

I didn’t say anything to Rhett or any of the team about my dad’s visit, just in case it was a bluff. When I stepped onto the field and found my dad surrounded by the players, my stomach ached.

Todd smiled at me, waved me over. “Look who’s here?” he said excitedly.

My dad, tall, handsome, and still oozing charisma gripped me by the arms and pulled me in for a tight hug. “I told ya I would be here, Kit-Kat.” Todd gave me a strange look as I fell into my dad’s chest.

The guys were gushing over Bobby “Spaceman” Delaney visiting their practice, and it didn’t take long for my dad to absorb all their admiration, leaving me on the sidelines to watch as he sucked up their attention.

I watched as they all swarmed him, listening so intensely to the advice I’d heard my entire life. “Never change your swing, just your position,” he told them.

He gripped the bat, showing them how he choked up or down, and how he moved to keep from being jammed up, or to get away from a curve ball. Todd was especially interested, listening to how easy it was to tell when a batter was in a lull.

“The catcher is the one watching this fancy footwork. They need to know where each batter stands, where they choke the bat, and not just how they swing.” Dad spoke like he was teaching a little league, and the guys listened like they’d never heard such great advice.

“Watch the batter’s hands, where they are on the bat, and where they pull with the swing,” he told Calvin directly. “That’s how you know where that ball’s goin’.” He spoke with such confidence it gave me goosebumps to listen.

He pulled Calvin and Luke aside, showing them a few of his favorite pitches. The arch slider and the screwball were the ones he swore by, saying they could take any batter out — any batter. “You have to know when to use ‘em,” he smirked, patting Calvin on the back.

The coach kept Bobby around for practice, using him to help give the guys some more pointers. Spaceman didn’t shy away from the task, running out to the mound, squatting next to Todd, and standing next to Ace, pointing in the direction of the batter as he no doubt provided some super useful tip. He was seasoned, experienced, and had seen more than most of them ever would during their career. Even Blake soaked up his knowledge, which I was certain he’d already heard before.

I loved watching him out on the field. It took me back to the days I cherished and made me realize my father, even though broke, was still a legend and a great man.

“I’m gonna catch up with this beautiful lady,” Bobby said to the players as they rushed into the locker rooms.

He moved toward me, taking the seat next to me. “So how’s it going?” he asked, concern in his voice.

“It’s going great,” I said, unsure why he was intruding. Had Rhett told him something?

“I know it couldn’t be easy adjusting to a nine-to-five,” he said.

“More like five-to-nine, but it’s actually been great,” I admitted, feeling pride as I spoke.

His arm wrapped around me. That familiar scent of Old Spice wafted under my nose. “I noticed that Morris character giving you some looks. He sweet on you?” he asked. Good God, he didn't miss a thing!

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Like hell you don’t. I saw you giving him the same sweet looks,” he chuckled.

I hated that he had such a keen eye. It was great in baseball, but here, right now, it was just annoying.

“You’re being ridiculous.” I laughed, knowing my cheeks were turning blood red.

“Pretty smart, Kitty-Kat,” he said, making me cringe at the name once again. His hand gripped my shoulder, squeezing it tightly as he pulled me closer to him. “Snatching up a player’s worth a pretty penny.”

My stomach rolled with disgust of what he was saying, what he was insinuating. “I didn’t come here to snatch anyone up,” I snapped.

“He’s a daredevil too, great pick. Just be sure you get listed as the beneficiary on the insurance forms before the fool offs himself.”

Anger boiled in my veins, rushing through me like fire. “How—?”

“Hang on to that one. Hell, maybe he’ll even float your old man a loan so I can get back on my feet.” He laughed and squeezed me tighter against him.

“Just because you gambled everything away, it doesn’t mean it’s up to me to ‘snatch’ a player and get you back on your feet,” I snapped, having heard enough.

“I understand. You have to look out for you first,” he said calmly.

My mind raced with ways to tell him what an ass he was being, but my lips didn’t move. I was stunned, highly disappointed, and more than a little hurt by his insinuations.

His eyes moved over my shoulder. My heart sank deep into my chest as I turned to see who he was looking at.


Oh my God, Todd.

How much had he heard?



I was still concerned as to why Kat hadn’t told me Bobby was coming to town. We’d spent so many nights talking, about everything. Why wouldn’t she want me to know?

The guys were all planning a night on the town, still gleaming from their one-on-one tips from a favorite baseball legend. “You coming out tonight?” Luke asked, nudging me on the side as he walked by.

“I’m not sure,” I replied, wondering if Katrina would be occupied with her dad, or possibly want me to join them for dinner.

A bunch of the guys were riled up, slapping each other with towels, dancing, and even singing out of tune. It would’ve been a great time to bond with the team, but Kat was heavy on my mind. Why didn’t she at least let me know so we could plan around the visit? I wasn’t sure where I was expected to be. In her bed tonight? With her now?

A quick “thank you” to Bobby would get me close to her, and possibly an answer to some, if not all of my questions. I ducked out of the locker room unnoticed and made my way to the stands where Kat and her dad were catching up.

Their conversation sounded serious, so I didn’t want to intrude, but I was already too close to avoid overhearing. His words, her words, what the fuck were they saying?

Bobby’s broke?

Kat came here to land a player with money?

Was she that good of an actress? Was I that stupid?

My pulse raced and sweat beaded up around my brow as I listened to the conversation I wished I’d never heard. Bobby’s eyes landed on mine, solid and without remorse. But, Kat’s, oh God, Kat’s eyes were filled with horror. Yeah, she’d been caught in a lie. A big one.

I was frozen in my spot, unable to move for what felt like minutes. My heart beat so hard I could hear it slamming against my chest, and the sweat poured down my temples as I fought back everything I wanted to say, to do.

Alice Ward's books