Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

Her back arched, her body pushed toward me, showing no signs of fear, reluctance, or even embarrassment of being in a public place. My body was drenched in adrenaline as I unleashed my cock and slid up her body, taking one breast in my mouth from above her shirt.

Those moans, those little sighs, all the sounds of her pleasure were pushing me closer and closer to my edge. I didn’t want this to end, but as my cock rested at her hot pussy, I knew it wasn’t going to last long.

“Don’t leave me again,” I whispered in her ear as I slid deep inside of her.

“Never,” she gasped, my cock thrusting into her squirming body.

Her legs wrapped around my waist, her arms tightened around my neck. Lips pressed hard against my shoulder, and then teeth grazed softly at my skin. Her warm, tight flesh tugging at mine sent a furious rush of pleasure through my veins. My toes curled into the sand, digging deep into the earth as I thrust deeper and deeper into her.

Nails scraped at my back, her hips bucked against me as her breasts pushed upward to my open, ready mouth. Moans escaped her throat and fell onto the night air without remorse as her orgasm let loose and her inhibitions disappeared. That was all I needed for the extra nudge over the edge. My body tensed, tightened, and then relaxed as my weight dropped to her, and cum exploded from the tip of my cock.

I brushed the hair gently from her face, stared into her eyes. I didn’t say anything, but I wanted to. I wanted to say so much.



Juggling the job of media manager for the Beasts and attending to Rhett’s demand for ten positives for every one negative was proving more exhausting than expected. At least I had Todd, at night anyway. Snuggling up in his arms, falling asleep after making love, or sometimes just talking, it was nice. Was it too nice? I was getting too close to him. I knew that.

“You’re doing an incredible job, Katrina.” Rhett slapped me on the back as the players all lined up behind the long tables I’d set up. Each one had a stack of photographs, a pen, and a large canister to hold donated food.

“Thank you,” I said, stretching up to hang the Beasts Battling Hunger sign. Lana stood beside him, her hand on her hip, and her lips tightly pursed into a dead smile.

I hated her being there, but it seemed she had no plans on leaving. “Yes, great job,” she said quickly and moved down the table toward Todd. I watched her, trying my best not to be noticed by Rhett. Todd smiled, laughed at whatever she said, but snuck a quick glance in my direction that eased my anxiety.

Lana had me confused. She hated when I screwed up, like letting Todd venture into a bad part of New York where he was videoed in a fight. But she also seemed to be irritated when I was doing a good job. At career day, when I chose Ace Newman to speak, she cringed when Rhett told me how smart my choice had been. I was pretty sure she'd cringed when he just complimented me here.

“I can’t wait to hold you,” Todd whispered in my ear as he walked by. Lana glared in our direction.

“What did the bitch want?” I snapped, realizing as soon as I spoke that my tone was less than flattering.

“She actually asked about you. She wanted to know if I was tired of having a full-time babysitter yet.”

I was fuming. “Calm down. I think she was just feeling me out for adrenaline cravings,” Todd said, brushing his hand slowly up my arm.

“You’re right,” I agreed, even though I wasn’t certain he was right. Lana was smooth, but she was also sneaky. Maybe she was on to us.

“My room or yours?” Todd asked, changing the subject and easing my mood.

“Mine,” I said and moved away to talk to the other players.

Lana had caught me once going up in the elevator, so I wasn’t taking that chance again. Todd knew to punch the lobby button in the elevator to pass my floor if Lana made it on there before he hit my floor. It was exhausting hiding out relationship, but I knew, we both knew that I’d be fired if caught. What Todd didn’t know was how much I truly needed this job. Without it, where would I go? To my mom and dad’s tiny condo?

“How long do you plan to stay?” I asked Lana, trying my best to make small talk.

“As long as I need to,” she said coldly.

“I think I have things pretty well under control here.”

Her eyes went dead. “Yes, we all thought you did in New York too.”

I exhaled then pulled in a long, cleansing breath. “What exactly is your problem with me?”

Her smile tightened, and her eyes narrowed. “What makes you think I have a problem with you?”

Why did I open my big mouth? I knew her type. She was the queen of spinning a situation to her favor. “I just get the impression that you’re not happy with me, whether I’m doing a great job or not.”

She laughed, tilted her head, and widened her smile. She appeared to be more than a little amused at my observation. “That’s the key phrase, Katrina. Or not. If there weren’t any issues, that or not would not have been in your statement, now would it?”

Fuck! She made me so angry. Walk away, Katrina, walk away.

I forced a smile, greeted the fans, and continued my job while my blood boiled from Lana’s words, tone, and even the look on her face. God, I hated her!

Rhett didn’t stay long, and thankfully Lana tailed him. Was there something going on there? No way, Rhett Hamilton could have anyone. Why would he want the ice queen?

“Let’s grab something to eat,” Todd said, sneaking up behind me. I could feel his hands resting gently around my waist, and the scent of his cologne rolled from his tight body to my nostrils. I fell back into him, melting before realizing Blake was eyeing us. He smiled, and I blushed, pulling myself away from Todd.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea with ice queen here?” I asked, still fuming from her coldness.

“She’s up Rhett’s ass somewhere. We can have a meal while discussing your media plans, right?”

“Yes,” I agreed. Pizza and room service was beginning to get old. I wanted to get out of my room. I needed it.

Todd found a quaint little place on the north end of the beach. It was tucked so tightly into the grassy roadside that we almost missed the turn. We sat at a long picnic bench, ate hush puppies, fried catfish, and French fries overlooking an almost green marsh.

I knew he had to be tired of listening to me rant about Lana, but I couldn’t get her off my mind. “You can’t let her get to you,” he said, eyeing me with a strangely hungry look.

“I wish it were that easy.” I needed to calm down and decided to splash some cold water on my face. “I’ve got to use the little girl’s room,” I said politely as I got up.

The restaurant was empty with the exception of the few staff members. I imagined during peak season it was lively as I noticed the unlit party lights along the long corridor toward the bathrooms. A strong grip on my shoulders pulled me backwards. I spun around to a familiar scent and was face to face with Todd.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

Alice Ward's books