Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse Series Book 3)

He also has a small dick and a large problem with premature ejaculation, so I always think of that whenever I’m in his presence. Otherwise, he’d skeeve me out too bad just by the way he looks at me.

It tore me up to admit to Rand the other night that Samuel let Kevin have me. I’m not sure if the offer was ever made to Richard or not, but he and I never fucked. In fact, Richard was unfailingly polite but reserved around me. He was married to a nice woman, had two kids, and managed Samuel’s investments, seeming to enjoy a much quieter life than his plastic brother.

The first time with Kevin was my first Christmas with Samuel, which was just an ordinary day to me. Samuel and I ate breakfast together in almost total silence—the only sound interrupting us was the doorbell ringing.

I found Kevin there when I opened the door. He told me he was just dropping by to give a present to his father, but I knew it was a lie. I knew it because as he said those words to me, I could see him undressing me with his eyes. He was also empty handed.

Samuel wheeled himself into the foyer. The minute Kevin stepped in and I shut the door behind him, he made it clear that I was actually Kevin’s Christmas present.

“Catherine, darling,” Samuel said in that weak voice made so by congestive heart failure. “Be a good girl and wish Kevin a very Merry Christmas.”

I only spared a moment to stare at Samuel in completely stunned disgust, but I saw the resolve on his face. When I turned back to Kevin, he was already undoing his belt and breathing shallowly as if he hadn’t been laid in months. I suspect that was true because his wife looked a little uptight and they didn’t have any children, so something wasn’t working right.

“Get on your knees,” Kevin ordered me, pushing his pants and underwear down, that tiny little dick popping free. I almost laughed, but I didn’t because what I was getting ready to do wasn’t the least bit funny.

I shudder over the memory and take an involuntary step backward, my ankles wobbling just a bit.

“I’m surprised to see you still in Jackson,” Kevin says as he rubs a finger over his chin in a thoughtful manner. His voice is mildly polite, but I can sense an underlying vibe of distaste for me. While Kevin never had a problem fucking me, I knew he hated the fact his dad married me. Hated he had a stepmother younger than him and who would potentially carve into his inheritance one day. I know this because he would sometimes mutter that to me while he was banging me.

“Not sure why you’re surprised,” I tell him calmly. “You left me without a dime to my name when you had that attorney kick me out of my home and shut my credit cards off. Just how did you expect me to get out of town, Kevin?”

He shrugs dismissively. “Not my problem really. Figured you could fuck your way back to Vegas or something.”

I have to curl my fingers inward and press the nails deep into my palms to restrain myself. It’s almost impossible to hold myself back from kneeing him in his tiny nuts and following it with a right hook to his smug face.

But I decide to choose a different way to change his attitude. “I want a signed copy of the will, Kevin. Apparently, that attorney had only an unsigned copy. It seems a little suspect you’d have me evicted based on that alone.”

“You weren’t there for the actual reading in Vegas,” he says calmly, that smug smile still in place. “That’s where the signed copy is.”

“I figured as much,” I tell him with a pointed look. “That’s why I’m going to call Richard and ask him to send me a copy with the signatures, so I can have my own attorney look at it.”

And… there it is. That superior-than-thou attitude melts as his lips flatten into a grim line. He has no clue if I’m bluffing, and I’m totally bluffing. I can’t afford an attorney, but I am going to do whatever I can to see a copy of that signed will. I also have no intention of calling Richard because even though I think he’d be fair to me, I can’t be sure. It’s best not to trust either of Samuel’s sons at this point.

“Listen,” Kevin says in a conciliatory tone as he steps closer. His eyes are glittering with something I can’t quite put my finger on but which sets off all my internal alarms. His arm reaches out and he grasps me by my shoulder. “If you need a place to stay, you can come back to the house here. I’ll even give you some cash to help you out.”

Twisting my upper body to dislodge his hand, I laugh at him. “And let me guess… in return, you want me to fuck you?”

His eyes light up with the prospect. “I wouldn’t be averse to that.”