Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse Series Book 3)

“Looking like a chip off the old block,” he says before taking a chair at the table opposite of me. “He’s got the look of a snowboarder for sure.”

“It could be a girl,” I point out since it’s still too early for the ultrasound to show that.

“Nope. Gonna be a snowboarding boy. Amber’s going to be the skier.”

I laugh and shake my head, but, secretly, I’m a little envious of him. Beautiful wife, gorgeous kid with another on the way, and leading a spectacularly full life. Once I figure out what I want to do with my own, I’m hoping things shake out for me like they have for Jake.

“So what’s up with you?” Jake asks. “Jimmy said you’ve been here a while.”

Jimmy is one of his employees who is manning the store today. He also doubles as a fishing guide, but the trip he had set this morning got cancelled. It rained like hell last night and the rivers are too muddied to make it worthwhile.

“Just waiting for a friend who is doing some errands around town; thought we’d go get some lunch after she’s done.”

“She?” Jake asks, an eyebrow cocked and with a quick lick to his lips.

“Yes, a she,” I affirm. “I’ve been known to like the opposite sex, you know.”

It’s no wonder Jake has a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to me making any type of plans that sound like a date with a woman. He’s the one person who knows firsthand how turbulent my relationship was with Tarryn. He also knows that when it ended, I sort of swore off relationships for a while. While he has no clue about The Silo and what I do there, he’s also observed me for the past four years and hasn’t seen me date anyone. I’ve been to dinner at their table, gone out with him and Lorelei on many a weekend, but they’ve never seen me with a date.

And why would I?

Even though I truly understand what happened to our relationship, Tarryn left me a little jaded by her infidelity. Besides, there was no shortage of tourists and locals to fuck once I settled here in Jackson. Once The Silo opened, that pretty much sealed my fate as a bachelor because I could get off whenever I wanted with no-strings attached. It’s not that I’m opposed to the strings, but it’s just easier when they’re not involved.

“This is monumental, dude,” he says with a grin. “It’s about time you started dating again.”

“We’re friends,” I correct him. “She’s down on her luck and crashing at my place for a few days.”

Friends who are fucking though.

“Friends my ass,” he says without any qualms of dismissing my motives so quickly. “So when do Lorelei and I get to meet her? How about dinner this weekend?”

“Maybe,” I say, not bothering to try to assert that this is a friends-only deal. He’s not buying it. Not because he has any great insight into me, but because he doesn’t want to. Jake’s always been a romantic at heart, and he wants everyone to fall in love, get married, and pop out kids. “She’s going to come here after she’s done dropping resumes off, so you can meet her then.”

“She’s job hunting?” he asks before taking a sip of his coffee.

“Yeah, you hiring?”

“Not right now, but I will be in about two weeks to gear up for the start of hunting season. I’ll need some extra help to keep track of all the expeditions and guides.”

“How many are you up to now?” I ask curiously. Jake has never hunted or fished in his life that I know of, but he’s become quite successful at gathering knowledgeable guides who flock to this area during peak tourist season to pick up work.

“I’ve got eleven,” he says nonchalantly. “Seven returning from last year and four new that I’m hiring.”

“Jesus,” I say with a teasing grin. “Do you even bother with the snow sporting world anymore?”

“Still my one true love,” he answers before pushing his chair back and standing up. “And I need to get to it as I have a shitload of stuff to do today. I’m already a few hours behind.”

“Sure, man,” I say, standing up as well and not wanting to hold him up… too much. But I have to ask, “Listen, this friend of mine… her name’s Cat, and she’s really in a tough spot. If you hear of any job openings, let me know, okay?”

“You know I will,” he reassures. “But you know it’s tough around here. Everyone wants to live and work in this area.”