Wicked Edge

Daire leaned back in the cushioned chair in Bear’s rec room, eyeing the bar set against the corner. In contrast to the play room at Fire, this one was clean, shiny, and comfortable. Bear might be a deadly shifter, but the guy liked his comforts. Several plush lounge chairs faced a huge screened television. Pool tables, dart boards, and various video games took up the other room, while the scent of orange cleanser filled the air. He sipped his whiskey. “The damage to my penthouse is going to cost you a mint,” he said, savoring the liquid.

Bear grunted from a nearby chair.

Felicity sat to Daire’s left, flanked by Adam. She swirled the brew and downed a good portion of the drink. Color sprang into her cheeks. “I paid Lucas enough to fix your place, Daire. Now, if you don’t mind, I do have work to do.”

Amusement, the kind that would get him shot, pinged up through Daire. “Actually, Cee Cee, I do mind.”

Bear shifted his weight, stretching out his bare feet. “Why do I feel like I’m going to be the one screwed here?”

Daire lifted a shoulder.

Bear sighed. “You can’t keep a member of the demon ruling family a prisoner, Daire. I sure as hell won’t help you.”

“I’m not asking for help,” he rumbled.

“I am.” Felicity turned a sparkling smile on the shifter.

He perked up.

Daire growled.

Felicity leaned forward. “I hired Lucas and your men because I needed help, as I still do.”

Bear frowned. “To be honest, I don’t like any woman being held captive, demon ruling family member or not. What do you want, pretty lady?”

Daire cut him a hard look. Was the shifter flirting?

Felicity’s dimples winked, making her both cute and undeniably sexy. “I just need a ride to the airport. Nothing big.”

Bear scratched the whiskers at his chin. “Does your, ah, family know where you are?”

Her eyebrows lifted, suddenly regal. “My son doesn’t need to know my whereabouts, Bear.”

“Well, shit,” Bear said.

“That about sums it up,” Adam said cheerfully.

Daire fought the urge to hurl the heavy crystal glass at his brother’s head. “Where is the plane heading this time?” he asked.

She turned her focus on him, and he felt the punch from those stunning eyes right in his solar plexus. “A spa in Alaska.”

Cute, and a terrible liar. “I wonder if I spanked you right now, whether anybody would try to stop me?” he mused.

Fire snapped from her eyes.

Bear cleared his throat. “This ain’t no sex dungeon, kids. Keep it PG rated.”

Daire rolled his eyes. “Where are you planning to go, and don’t lie to me again.”

She kept her lips tightly together.

He leaned forward. “What’s the name of Bychkov’s partner, Cee Cee?”

Her eyes widened.

Yeah. He’d figured out she had an inkling as to the identity of the traitor witch, and it was time she helped him instead of hindered his mission.

Bear’s phone buzzed and he glanced at the face, frowning. Then he reached over his shoulder for a remote control with enough buttons to launch a space shuttle. “I think it’s for you,” he murmured, pointing the device at the massive screen and pushing a key.

Vivienne Northcutt, the leader of the Council of the Coven Nine, slowly took shape.

Daire and Adam both snapped to attention and stood. “Aunt Viv,” Daire said.

Her black eyes shot all sorts of sparks. “Don’t you even think of Aunt Viving me, Daire Dunne.” She’d pulled her dark hair atop her head and wore a sparkly dress enhanced with diamonds, obviously having been interrupted doing something fancy.

“You look lovely, Aunt,” Adam said.

“You’re in trouble, too.” Viv leaned toward the camera, which distorted her face. “I take it you’re Felicity Kyllwood?”

Cee Cee stood. “Yes.”

“Ah.” Viv glanced to the side. “Bear?”

Rebecca Zanetti's books