Wicked Edge

She wiggled and tried to move the bike, but he slapped a hand over hers and held her in place. When she struggled, his grip tightened. A warning.

Damn it. Not for one second had she even considered he’d disobey a direct order from the leader of the Coven Nine. He was an enforcer, for Pete’s sake. Anarchy would ensue if enforcers just willy-nilly decided not to follow orders. She fumed behind him, her hand caught, the inside of her thighs tight to the outside of his. His hard, very masculine, oh so hot thighs.

Her nipples peaked.

Of all the ridiculous reactions. So, she’d had sex—great sex—for the first time in decades. Daire was creative, full of fire, and sensual as hell. Her body didn’t need to react to such a degree.

More than ever, she wished she could melt minds with her brain.

No such luck.

They drove down a dirt road with overhanging trees covering them. Soon the rush of a river competed with the pipes of the bikes. How Daire could see, she had no clue, but he drove on as if knowing exactly which potholes to avoid. Finally, he stopped outside of a rustic cabin and silenced the bike.

She immediately launched into speech. “This is kidnapping and treason, Daire Dunne.” Sucking in a full breath in order to let him have it, she choked when he yanked her in front of him, cradled between the handlebars and his length. “Why you—”

His mouth was on hers. Not gentle and sure not nice, he conquered her mouth like the soldier he was. No mercy, no cajoling, just pure, raw male. Demanding and strong, his tongue swept inside her mouth, stealing even her breath. One arm secured her back while the other held her chin right where he wanted her.

Her legs dangled over his knee, and if she kicked, she’d only hit air and then the bike on the down swipe. But she didn’t think of kicking.

In fact, she stopped thinking the second he released her chin and palmed her breast. Need licked down to her clit. A moan rumbled up from her abdomen, through her chest, and into his mouth.

“Knock it off, you two.” Adam’s voice jerked her back to the present.

Daire released her mouth, his hand remaining in place.

She panted, her body rioting. A corner of her mind cataloged Adam stomping up wooden steps and shoving his way inside the cabin.

Green eyes pinned her through the darkness. Slowly, deliberately, Daire tweaked her nipple through the thin cotton.

She bit her lip, her brain fuzzing.

He leaned in, pinching with just enough bite to keep her still. “I’m done being played by you, Cee Cee. Agree right now to work with me; no more secrets and no more lies.”

She could only blink.

He caressed down and palmed the flesh between her legs. Even through the jeans, his hand heated her. “I can see you need persuading.”

“No.” She finally regained some sanity. “I’ve got it.”

He paused. “You sure?”

“Yes.” There was no doubt he could bring her to orgasm, probably multiple times, and she didn’t want to scream with Adam in hearing distance. Yet a part of her, one on fire, almost challenged Daire. How much could one little orgasm hurt? She shook her head. “I’m sure.”

“Good.” He released her and swung her to the ground. “Let’s go inside, and I want your whole damn plan.”

Chapter 14

Felicity stumbled after Daire across the wet leaves. A cranky enforcer was no fun. She bit back a smile at her sarcastic thoughts, feeling almost high from his kiss. Even now, her lips tingled and her body ached for more.

And the damn man knew it.

Of course, she hadn’t missed his deliberate shifting to ease what had to be rather tight jeans. Take that, witch.

She clomped up three wooden steps, inhaling their cedar scent and walking across the long porch. The smell of cedar continued to fill her nose when she stood inside the quaint cabin. Adam crouched near a fireplace, setting paper on fire with his own energy.

Witches had it cool.

A small kitchenette took up one wall, fronted by a long oak table. A gathering area with bluish green sofas and chairs snuggled cozily around the stone fireplace.

Rebecca Zanetti's books