Wicked Edge

Daire cut him a sharp look.

Adam gave a body shudder and reached for his phone to quickly dial. “Simone? What did you find out?” He listened and then nodded. “Keep looking.” The phone disappeared in his pocket. “Felicity and her gang went north, and Simone is sending tracking information to our cell phones.”

Daire twisted the key and his bike roared to life. A marking might appear just because a possible mate had gotten close; it didn’t mean he and Felicity were fated. He didn’t believe in fate, and if he did, fate would have a nice, docile, sweet woman ready for him. One who didn’t get in the way of his job and was a soft place to land when needed.

Fate definitely wouldn’t stick him with a wounded demon who’d rather drug him than work with him. No way. He jerked his head toward the exit and swung his bike around, heading out at full speed.

Felicity Kyllwood, demon or not, wasn’t getting out of his reach this time. He reached into his pocket and grabbed an earbud to shove in his ear. Heading north, he swerved around cars, past restaurants, and around drunken pedestrians. Simone gave directions in his ear, her keyboard clacking across the line.

“They’re on bikes and just turned east onto Bentley Road,” she said.

Daire cut Adam a look. “Bears’ territory?” he mouthed.

Adam exhaled heavily and twisted his throttle.

Oh, the bear shifters had better not be in on this. The bears lived in plain sight as the Grizzly Motorcycle Club and usually kept to themselves. Anger tightened Daire’s hold on the handles, and he pushed his bike harder. A rumble from up ahead disturbed the airwaves. He focused, realigning oxygen molecules, applying quantum physics in a way humans would never understand. Five riders, about a mile ahead.

His blood thrummed with the thrill of the chase. He’d forgotten. Actually forgotten the excitement of a challenge. It had been so long since he’d had one.

Felicity was one hell of a challenge.

He leaned over the bike and let the wind roll across his shoulders. Lights. Up ahead, he saw lights. So he kicked it into gear, fire all but burning through his skin.

Her scent. That hyacinth sweet scent wafted back, and his nostrils flared. Mine.

Forgetting his job, forgetting formality, even forgetting diplomacy, he chased her. She sat behind a large shifter, her arms around his back, her glorious hair streaming in the wind.

The sight of her with her arms around another male had fury careening through him until green sparks shot from his fingers.

She turned her head and caught sight of him. Her eyes widened and her lips pursed. Then, slowly, her mouth curved in a smile, and challenge filled her eyes.

Oh, baby. It was on . . . and it was the smile that drew him toward her. Aye. That damn smile.

Felicity held on tighter to Lucas Clarke, bear shifter, her heart leaping to life. Daire Dunne, on a Harley, chasing her down looked like every nice girl’s dream of a bad boy fantasy.

Yet the enforcer was all man, and he was pissed.

Green fire crackled across his hands, and even the air around him seemed charged.

Wind whipped across her face, yet she couldn’t look away. Determination stamped hard on his rugged face, anger tightening his lips into a line. Moonlight slanted down, glinting in his furious green eyes. Yet something else lived there.

The thrill.

The thrill of a chase, the excitement of a challenge.

Her breath panted out. When was the last time she’d felt so alive? Never.

Dark anticipation crossed Daire’s face as he drew near.

She shivered and pressed closer to Lucas, who was one of the top lieutenants in the shifter organization and currently under contract to work for her. “Go faster,” she yelled.

The shifter handed back a green gun. “Shoot.”

Rebecca Zanetti's books