Wicked Edge

She sucked in a breath. “Daire—”

He reached down and ran his palm and the fire over her nipples.

The sharp bite overloaded her senses. So damn good. Beyond good. Her internal muscles quivered. “Oh.”

“My name fits me,” he said, pinching a nipple.

She glanced down, her mind blank, her body clamoring. Fire crackled between his fingers, licking her flesh. So much power. “Name?”

“Daire,” he whispered, his hand caressing down her abdomen.

“No.” Her gaze flew up to his. “I, ah.” The look on his face, she’d never forget. Male. Intent. Possessive.

The fire crackled, and she jumped.

He chuckled, low and male. “I wouldna’ move, were I you.”

She stopped breathing, her body clamoring. The flame torched over her stomach, and she tried to back away, but he held her fast. His heated fingers separated her labia.

Her eyes widened, and she met his gaze, almost straining toward the flame.

Fire flicked her clit.

She exploded, throwing back her head, hissing his name. He shoved up inside her, moving her, pounding so hard she could do nothing but hold on and feel. The orgasm, if that’s what it was, consumed her, burning through her, taking every ounce of energy she possessed. The waves crashed endlessly, prolonged by the heat and his furious thrusting.

Finally, her body went lax, and she sighed in relief.

He manacled one of her shoulders, one of her hips, and held her in place for one final thrust. His body, all sleek power, shuddered as he came.

When he released her, she fell against him, kissing his salty jugular. He dropped his head to the vulnerable area where her neck met her shoulder and planted one soft kiss.

She sighed, her attention caught by the clock ticking on the mantel. “Oh God.” Her head lifted. “Daire, I—”

The door blew open and glass shattered. Flash grenades popped all around them. Men in black filled the room.

Daire jumped up, shoving her behind him onto the sofa. He grunted as five tranquilizer darts were instantly shot into his chest. His hand shook as he reached back for her.

She scrambled away and yanked on the yoga clothes, stumbling a little from the grenades. Even though she’d known they were coming, she hadn’t had a chance to fully duck her head first.

He growled and reached for her, and two soldiers immediately turned and fired shots into his neck. He dropped back onto the couch, fury glinting in his eyes.

Oh man, this was so bad. Sure, she’d made certain the tranq was temporary and wouldn’t harm him in any way. Her hands trembled when she reached him. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Daire.”

Rage, the real kind, contorted his face right before he passed out. She grabbed an afghan off the end of the sofa and tossed it over him. There was going to be hell to pay. She just knew it.

Chapter 12

Daire rolled over and hit the floor with a hard clunk. Sparks lit across his rug. Smoke filled the penthouse and his phone buzzed from the table. An alarm should’ve gone out immediately upon breach, but Adam and Simone were out to dinner and Kellach was in Ireland.

Backup would take precious minutes.

He sucked in air, focusing on the tranq in his blood. ’Twas the same as the drug Felicity had first used to incapacitate him.

Big mistake.

His body would’ve created antibodies from the first dose, and he could actually feel the energy rippling through him as his blood negated the interloper. Closing his eyes, he focused more power into his cells, taking the energy of fire and burning away the drug.

Minutes later, he reached for his jeans and yanked them on.

Boot steps clamored up the stairs.

Adam and Simone rushed inside, green guns in hand. “Status!” Adam barked.

Daire shot a slightly numb hand through his hair. “We’re clear.”

Simone slowly tucked the gun into her waistband.

Rebecca Zanetti's books