Watch Me Fall (Ross Siblings, #5)

“What?” she asked, barely above a whisper.

Jared’s hands smoothed down the small of her back to cup her ass cheeks and lift her against him. Instinctively, she wound her legs around his waist, gasping as a delicious shudder went through her. “I don’t want to hear about you with anyone else. Ever. One thing you should know about me: I don’t share. If you’re mine, then you’re mine, and I’ll only be yours. Can you handle that?”

Starla couldn’t kiss him fast enough, couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t believe and had never imagined how hearing those words would affect her. Even in her more meaningful relationships—which, she had to face it, were usually based more on great sex than anything else—she’d always felt expendable. Like if she wasn’t down for something, there was always someone else who was. To belong unconditionally…

He pulled away and looked into her eyes, not letting her avoid his question. “Can you?”

“I can. I think I might cut a bitch over you.” When he moved forward to kiss her again, though, she caught his jaw with one hand, staring hard into his eyes. Such beautiful, soulful eyes. “Don’t make me regret it.” Because I don’t know if I would ever come back from it.

“Never.” He broke her grip to claim the kiss. Then another. “Never, never.” Dropping kisses all down her neck, her shoulders, oh—the room tilted dizzily and her back met the mattress, his powerful body still trapped by her thighs. Desire sang through her as she pushed her hands through his thick hair, guiding him where she wanted, where she desperately needed for him to go. But he wasn’t going. The damnable man took his precious time dropping slow, delicious kisses across her breasts, savoring every inch of her and taking special care to play with her nipple rings while Starla tossed her head and arched against him. The backs of his hands caught her behind both knees and he pushed her legs open so wide it almost hurt, and she did cry out, but that cry died in a rough gasp as he dove down to lick her clit.

Where her hands had been pushing, now they were pulling, clenching in his hair. The way he feasted on her was desperate, almost selfish, as if he were more concerned with fulfilling his hunger than giving her pleasure, but oh fuck, how he did. “God, I love that!”

“I love how you love it,” he growled against her, the vibrations sending her need into the stratosphere, pulling her body taut as a drawn bowstring. He released her legs—she obediently left them where he’d positioned them, wide open—and one of his fingers slid inside, teasing more wetness from her. A moment later, another joined it. Thick, hard…his calluses created the most perfect friction against her slick inner walls, and his tongue drew the most devastating patterns around the little beads of her piercing. Soon she couldn’t open wide enough for him, couldn’t stop the agitated undulating of her hips as her body begged his for release.

And just as she was thinking he might grant it, he rose up, and suddenly she found herself flipped over on her belly with her ass being hauled into the air. “Fuck, oh fuck,” she breathed, making it a chant as he left her there tormented and open and empty while he donned a condom. Her fists twisted in the sheets. She backed her ass up to him like a cat in heat.

“Yeah, I like that,” he murmured, stroking a hand over her hip, his normally amicable voice dripping with lecherous cruelty. “Maybe I’ll just look for a while.”

Beyond words, Starla could only turn her face into the mattress in frustration, but in her head, she called him every scathing epithet she knew. When hard teeth bit into her left ass cheek, though, she tossed her head back and yelped. “Jesus Christ!” He licked the sting away and gently sent a teasing fingertip through her wetness, pausing to circle her clit until she could hardly hold still for him anymore. With the lingering ache of his bite, the hollow yearning in her *, and the pleasurable caress of his fingers, she was drowning in conflicting sensations, held at the precipice of something huge just beyond her perception, waiting for his next move to take her there. A moment later, his fingers disappeared only to be replaced with something thicker, hotter, longer. The need that tore through her was almost a cramp. “Please.”

He pushed his cock between her legs. Not inside where she craved him, but sliding along her lips, back and forth, back and forth. The mattress caved where his hands came down on either side of hers, supporting his weight over her, and the harsh rasp of his breath brushed her left ear. Surrounded by his looming presence on all sides, she felt at once shielded from the world and unbearably vulnerable.

Cherrie Lynn's books