Watch Me Fall (Ross Siblings, #5)

As soon as the living room lights came on, Starla surged upward to find her bra and shirt, unwilling for him to find her half-naked on his couch when he’d just turned her down. In fact, she was unwilling for him to find her on his couch at all, so she retreated to the bathroom to repair whatever damage that session had done to her hair and makeup.

It was okay. She understood, but she was disappointed all the same. Her mind and her body had been ready to spend the rest of the night in his bed. They’d been ready for more orgasms like that one. Many more. Now that his kids were coming, she’d be spending it at home, alone, with the leech in the next room. It would be all the worse if their own power was out. They didn’t have a generator. She knew better than to even ask if Jared would still be willing for her to spend the night with him now that his daughters were coming over.

She got it. She did. But still. Fuck. The man was so talented with his tongue. Her internal muscles quivered, ready for more, so much more. Her panties were wet from her own desire and from his mouth. The mirror showed her cheeks were flushed, her neck and chest splotchy. It was almost fucking embarrassing how much she wanted him, and she spent so much time splashing water on her face trying to cool off that he finally tapped on the door.

“Starla? You okay?”

No. She wasn’t. But she dried her face and opened the door anyway, unable to look up at him. She needed a cigarette. “Sorry, I know we need to go. Yeah, I’m fine.”

His knuckle nudged under her chin and lifted her face to his. As she was forced to meet his incredible, invading blue eyes, her knees almost gave out. “You are so beautiful, and I’m so sorry. I’ll make this up to you.”

“No,” she said, surprised at the note of desperate longing in her voice, unable to keep it out. “Don’t make it up to me. See me because you want to, not because you think you should.”

“If you think I don’t want to,” he rasped, “you haven’t been paying attention.” Then his mouth descended on hers, and she tasted herself, and her knees did give out.

Chapter Fourteen

He took her to Dermamania, where her car still waited in the parking lot, and kissed her good-bye until she almost staggered when she finally climbed down from his truck, knees still weak and rubbery from the strength of his lips. The storm had passed on, leaving puddles and a clean, summery scent in the air. Grinning like a fool, Starla slammed the door and waved, warmed on the inside when he didn’t drive away as she walked the short distance to her car.

So he was still there watching when she found the note clamped under her windshield wiper.

Only one word, stark black and ten feet tall on the white paper. WHORE. The ink had bled outward in the rainwater, but it was easily decipherable.

Jared was at her back before she even realized it, taking it from her as if he didn’t want her to be subjected to that word one second longer. The expression on his face could have been carved out of granite, hard and unforgiving. “Sonofabitch.”

“It’s nothing,” she said, hearing the hollow weakness in her voice. “He’s just—”

“Are you sure this is Max?” Jared demanded, folding the note and shoving it in his pocket.

“Who else would it be?”

“Isn’t Ghost mad at you for being with me?”

“Don’t even go there. He would never do this, no matter how mad he is. Really, Jared, I know him and this isn’t him. Max is just mad because…well, in his twisted mind, I’m fucking every guy in the shop. He said as much today before Brian ran him off.”

“And he came back.”

“I guess so.”

“It wasn’t long ago either. This paper is damp, but it isn’t soaked like it would’ve been if he’d left it before the storm came through. I don’t want to leave you alone tonight.” He cast a glance around at their surroundings. “He could still be here watching us right now.”

“I won’t be alone. I have—”

“Roommates you can’t stand to go home to.”

“What do you expect me to do? It’s fine. Leave it alone. He’s just being an asshole, and he’d never do anything at my house.”

“You probably thought he’d never cause a problem at work either.”

“Jared, it’s fine. I’m going home. I’m not going to let him scare me.”

“I’m following you.”

She scoffed to hide how relieved she was. “Okay, whatever.” The fact was, she was getting more scared with everything Max did. And she hated herself for ever letting him near her in the first place. The thought of him touching her with his callous indifference, so bent on his own gratification, after the respect and reverence Jared had given her tonight turned her stomach. Never again.

Cherrie Lynn's books