Watch Me Fall (Ross Siblings, #5)

The sound ended on a gasp as the lights flickered and blinked out. Sudden, impenetrable darkness engulfed them, and he couldn’t see her except in flashes of lightning. No sound but the thunder and their heavy breathing and the wet sounds of his sucking and licking her. He didn’t stop. Her hips threatened to throw him off, but he wrapped his arms tight around her thighs and held her down, held her open, her panties wrenched to one side, her hand buried in his hair. Then the words tore from her throat, a chant, a musical prayer: “Make me come, make me come, oh God, Jared, yes, don’t stop don’t stop don’t—”

He wanted nothing more than to surge up and plunge into her, feel her hot and wet around his throbbing cock, but not when she was so close, so delicious. He teased that tiny silver sphere until she came apart around him, her thighs clamping hard on him and her fist damn near ripping hair from his head. He’d give it gladly to make her feel this good. Because she deserved it. And maybe it was only his imagination, but she tasted even sweeter as she came. His name had certainly never sounded sweeter from anyone else’s lips as it did when she shouted it.

“And will you remember that?” he asked as she finally floated back down from her heights, loving her dark, dirty laugh as her muscles eased.

“I don’t know. I might need you to do it again, you know, just to be sure.”

Slowly, he pulled her panties off her hips. She lifted her legs so he could divest her of them completely. “Good. Because I can do this all night.”

“I wouldn’t survive all night.” His eyes had adjusted to the dark somewhat. She sat up and reached for the button on his jeans. Only then did he realize it was already undone. He must have unfastened it at some point to relieve the unbearable pressure. “Come here, baby,” she crooned, reaching deep to take him into her hand. His entire body seemed to groan with pleasure as her fingers found him. She kissed him, drawing him out of his jeans. Jared felt her smile against his lips. “I wish I could see you.”

Yeah, he couldn’t formulate a reply. Her grip was too damn perfect. He couldn’t see anything but neon explosions against the back of his closed eyelids. Her sweet scent still drew him, her softness. She sighed as he trailed his fingertips down her slit and nestled at her entrance. Both of them released a moan as he slipped a finger inside. Wet. So wet. So tight; she gripped him as if she couldn’t bear to let him go. He pushed in another, savoring her whimper, her increased pressure as she squeezed his dick. Not nearly as much as she would squeeze him when he slid inside—

His phone took that damned moment to ring, and worse, it was Shelly’s ring. Which most likely meant Mia. With the power being out, he knew right where this was headed.

He dropped his head to Starla’s shoulder, gently pulling his hand from her though she mewled in protest. “That would be my daughters.”



She laughed, but there was a sad quality to it. He could understand. He wanted to cry. “Go ahead,” she urged. “Be a good dad.”

Wincing, he stuffed himself back in his jeans and grabbed the phone while Starla began blindly searching for her own clothes. As soon as he answered, Mia started babbling, but he caught the gist: Daddy, the power’s out, Ashley’s scared, she’s such a baby (No I’m NOT!), whatever, we’re bored, can we come stay with you tonight?

They knew he had a generator, and any other time, he would already have it fired up by now. “I’ll come get you,” he told her, cramming the heel of one hand into his eye.

“Yay! Bye.” And she was gone as fast as she’d shown up.

Forcing himself to gently set his phone down on the coffee table lest he wrench it to pieces and fling it across the room was a struggle, but he managed. He put a hand on Starla’s leg to still her movements. “Hang on, and I’ll get you some light.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Not that I wouldn’t love to keep you naked right here in the dark.”

“Are you sure you don’t have time…?” She left the question hanging, and yeah, he was facing a serious case of blue balls, still so hard it hurt. It wouldn’t take long… Jared released a shuddering breath as her hand snaked its way back down his abs, but he gently caught her wrist. Getting his dick sucked while his kids were waiting on him to rescue them from a dark house just seemed wrong.

“It’s okay, darlin’,” he told her, and gave the back of her hand a consolatory kiss. He had to get away from her before he gave in. “Hang on.”

Movement helped somewhat. From years of habit, he was able to get to the kitchen and the drawer with the flashlight. Then it was out the back door and into the rain, a steady patter that was the equivalent of a cold shower on his overheated bare skin, hitting him like needles. The worst of the storm seemed to have moved on, though—too bad he couldn’t say the same for the one in his body.


Cherrie Lynn's books