Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“How bad is it?” Blaine asked. “The need for these guns for the other charters?”

Miller looked at Blaine. “I’m financing this order personally. To save ass. There’s heat everywhere. But we’ll survive it. We’ll take our stand right in town and the message will be clear.”

“You need Vin gone then.”

“I do,” Miller said. “Can you handle this? Everything that happened to you…”

“No,” Blaine said. “We’re not doing that, Miller. I’m fine. As long as Jessa is safe, I’m fine.”

Miller patted Blaine’s shoulder. “She’s fine. She’s under the protection of this club. Not just this charter, but the entire club. North, south, east, west. Okay? She’s family. She’s got a little MC member inside her.”

“And a baby,” Nate said.

“Fuck you,” Blaine said. “You want to compare dick sizes, brother? Let’s go. I’ll show you the anaconda.”

“Good Christ,” Trev said.

“Let’s keep our dicks in our pants,” Miller said. “For now.”

Gaige opened the door. “We have a problem.”


“Erik and Landon spotted a car. Something went down with Eight Under. They’ll be following.”

“Shit,” Blaine said. “Guns.”

“Guns,” Miller said. He pointed to Gaige. “Tell him to tail but linger. We’ll be right there.”

Miller left the map on the table and they all stormed the door.

They were out of the clubhouse with Miller shouting orders to other members and prospects. They ran to their motorcycles and took off out of the lot like a storm. The war cries the sound of engines roaring like a hungry lion ready to seek out prey.

They caught up with Erik and the others ten minutes later. Sure as hell, not too far ahead, there was an old car with a big trunk. It was going the speed limit, cruising along like nothing was happening.

Miller pointed to Blaine and pointed to the car.

Blaine hit the throttle and sped up. He moved in and out of traffic, vehicles beeping at him as he did so. He got to the car and rode its ass. He needed the rest of the traffic to thin out before making a move.

When it did, he pulled to the left and rode up alongside the car. Behind him, Erik took to the right. Landon was on the trunk. Gaige flew up by Blaine and positioned himself in front of the car, effectively boxing it in.

The driver was an older man, wearing a black baseball cap, a cigarette between his lips. When he got boxed in, he looked at Blaine and showed his teeth. The guy cut the wheel to the left, trying to hit Blaine.

Blaine wasn’t in the mood to play fucking games. He took out his gun and shot.

The car moved to the right, off the road. Blaine shot out the back tire and the car skidded. They worked together and got the guy to stop the car. He then grabbed at his shoulder as Blaine opened the door. He grabbed the guy by the neck and threw him to the ground.

He stepped on the guy’s shoulder, making him scream.

“Fucking asshole,” Blaine said. “You running with Vin?”

“Fuck you,” the man growled.

“Lift his shirt,” Blaine said to Erik.

Erik grabbed the bottom of the guy’s shirt and lifted it up. There were black spots all over his body. They were covered up tats. From all the crews he had worked with.

There was a fresh tat on his flabby skin, left side of his ribs.

Eight Under.

“Goddammit,” Erik said.

“Pop the trunk,” Miller said.

The trunk popped open when Landon pulled the lever in the car. Blaine watched it open and saw the look on Gaige’s face.

“Holy fuck,” Gaige said.

“Guns?” Blaine asked.

“No. Women.”

Blaine rushed to the back of the car and did a double take. There were three women in the trunk. Strippers. All three of them Blaine recognized. They were alive. Their hands tied, mouths taped.

Blaine hurried to free the women. He helped them out of the trunk. They all clung to him, the smell of the fruity and sexy perfume shooting straight up his nose.

“What the hell happened?” he asked Amber.

She blinked fast. “They attacked the club.”

“Police?” Miller asked.

“No,” Amber said. “Bikers. Back door. They just stood there. Then a guy in a suit ordered the three of us to come with him. He tied us up and put us in the trunk.”

“Jesus Christ,” Blaine said. He touched Amber’s face. “I’m so sorry, beautiful.”

Danielle grabbed at Blaine’s arm. “You saved us. You protected us.”

He looked at the women and knew what his reward was going to be. He could fill every hole for hours on these women and they would still be begging for more. Saving them meant never a need to pay for them again. Tits, ass, pussy, all for the taking.

Blaine stepped back. He put a hand to Amber’s flat stomach. “Just hang here. We’ll get you a ride back.”

“Then I’m going to ride you,” Amber said.

“And I’ll ride your face,” Danielle said. “You love that, right?”

Blaine turned and shook his head. Could romance take care of all temptation? Because it seemed to be happening.