Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

As Blaine reached between his legs, Jessa put her foot up on the faucet. He pressed himself to her body and felt her accept him. He sank deep, her body sheathing him tight. They both sighed at the same time, feeling the same pressure of each other’s bodies.

Blaine rested his forehead to Jessa’s and he started to fuck her. He thrust hard and fast, needing to fucking come. Jessa grabbed his shoulders and balanced herself, sighing with each hard pump of his dick.

“Yeah,” Blaine growled. “You fucking feel that, sweetheart? That’s all yours. All yours.”

Jessa’s body quivered as she started to come. Blaine forced himself to keep going, battling her orgasm as he pulsed tighter by the second. His right hand slid up her body and cupped her breast. He squeezed and pressed her against the wall. Her nails clung to his skin, ripping at him.

Blaine liked the pain. He fucking loved it.

And he loved Jessa’s fucking body.

He sped up, the water splashing between them. Their eyes never broke their stare, even when Blaine started to come. He thrust deep and held there, his cock pulsing inside her. He put a hand to her waist and gently rocked her, forcing her to rock against him, making sure there wasn’t a drop to waste.

Jessa’s face was red, her body soaking wet.

Blaine pulled out and away. He grabbed for Jessa’s hand and made her grip his throbbing dick. He then put his hand over hers.

“When I don’t come… then you worry. Understand?”

Jessa nodded.

“Good. You’re all mine. I’m all yours.” Blaine kissed her. “Thank you for what you did… but all I ever need is you.”


“We have Jace, Erik, and Landon out riding,” Gaige said. He finished his smoke and blew big rings into the air.

The table was just Blaine, Miller, Gaige, Trev, and Nate.

“It’s going to be intense,” Nate said.

“What about Ethan?” Miller asked.

“He knows what’s happening,” Blaine said. “He’s trying to break me down. He wants to take me down. He’ll keep his eyes on the MC, but he knows the war Vin can start.”

“So we ignore him?” Gaige asked.

“We use him,” Blaine said. “The same way he wants to use us.”

Miller stood up. He grabbed a map and put it on the table. “Our ride needs to get weapons from here” - Miller pointed - “to here.” He pointed to another spot. “Everything in between is tricky. We’ve got enemies here, here, and here.” Miller’s finger danced around the map. “We’ve got interstates to deal with that could easily lead to Federal involvement if something goes wrong. Back roads are doable but riskier because of how suspicious we’ll look.”

“What do we need?” Blaine asked.

“A straight shot ride,” Miller said. “A clean ride. We keep the truck ahead of us and we hang back and make it look like a ride. Just cruising the streets. But we need to make sure there’s no chance of problems. No Eight Under MC attacking. No Vin attacking. No bullshit.”

“That’s a big variable we can’t control,” Trev said.

“Not if Vin’s dead,” Miller said.

Blaine sighed. “That’s a tall order.”

“What do we have to do to make that happen?” Gaige asked. “We cut off his source with your old partner.”

“That was one source,” Blaine said.

“You still want to strike at their gun order?” Nate asked.

“I think that’s the only way,” Blaine said.

“How do we get away from the cartel heat?” Gaige asked.

Blaine looked at Miller. Miller was already looking at Blaine.

“This is on me?” Blaine asked.

“You’re doing great,” Miller said.

Blaine ran a hand over his face. “I’m used to thinking about pussy, brother. You know? Or different ways to slip one in the back door without having her clench up on me.”

“Pretend you’re fucking Vin in the ass,” Trev said with a grin.

Gaige laughed. “There’s a sight.”

“Maybe that’s what he needs,” Miller said. “A little hard payback.”

Miller nodded at Blaine.

An idea came to Blaine. He slowly rose up. “Hey… I got something.”

“What?” Nate asked.

“If we get Vin away from the guys… they’re both vulnerable. I can strap Vin to a table where Jessa works. There’s plenty of stuff there to play with. To stick up his ass. To fuck him with…”

“Okay,” Miller said.

“That’s not bad,” Gaige said. “We can attack Levi and Eight Under. Keep them apart. Find the guns.”

“What about the cartel?” Trev asked.

“There’s no guns. There’s no Vin. What are they going to do?”

“Christ,” Nate said. “That’s a heavy question.”

“Let me sit on that,” Miller said. “We need to know about their shipments.”

“Let me ask you this,” Blaine said, “how are we moving guns?”

“In a truck,” Gaige said.

“They probably do the same,” Blaine said. “Something quiet. Calm. Low key.”

“A car,” Trev said.

“A car can’t move that much,” Miller said.

“Makes it even less suspecting,” Nate said.

“Call Shay,” Miller said. “Right now. Get him to tag up with Jace and the others. Ride out to the end of town and look for a car. Any kind of car. Something that makes sense.”

Gaige stood and rushed out of the room.

Miller looked down at the map again.