Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“Yeah,” Blaine said. “You look like a parrot right now with your head bobbing.”

“How about a bob over you?” Jace asked.

“How about I take my balls and bob them over your mother…”

“Jesus Christ,” Miller said. “Enough of the mother and balls talk. Can we get serious.”

“I am serious,” Blaine said.

“We have a fucking problem.” Miller said. He then slowly sat down.

“A big one,” Gaige said. He looked right at Blaine.

“I, uh, had intel that Vin was dead,” Blaine said. “An old friend… or I thought he was a friend.”

“A cop?” Shay asked.


“You fuck… you said you didn’t…”

“I haven’t seen Petey since the day I left. I didn’t even know if he had the same number. Obviously, Petey is in Vin’s hand.”

“That’s why that woman is here again, huh?” Nate asked.

“Got a problem with it?” Blaine asked.

“What does she know?” Nate asked.

“Nothing,” Blaine said. “She’s in danger. Vin went to see her as soon as he got out. I told her he was dead. When I saw him standing there, I had to go save her.”

“She means something to you, brother,” Gaige said.

“No. I’m just trying not to get someone innocent killed again.”

The table fell silent for a few seconds.

“Well,” Miller said, “we know that Vin is alive. We know that he’s financing Eight Under. They were able to rebuild, recruit, and get weapons. We know that he has ties from inside to out. And it’s obvious he has some of those justice badge holders under his control.”

“What are your feelings on this Petey guy, Blaine?” Gaige asked.

“I’m debating on whether to shoot him in the throat and let him bleed out… or just put a bullet right between his eyes.”

“Good answer,” Shay said.

“Hey,” Blaine said. “I have no connection. I have no compassion. Vin is a dangerous person. He works with one foot on each side. He’s not afraid to kill. He’s not afraid to lie. He’s not afraid to be shot at. He’s not afraid to do time either.”

“So how do we stop him?” Landon asked.

“If we keep this war with Eight Under…,” Gaige said.

“He’ll keep recruiting,” Blaine said. “He wants us to push at him. Because he’ll keep fighting. He’ll work at us, into us. Ethan is the thorn in our side.”

“Speaking of which,” Shay said. “How did our prospects fair in jail?”

“They’re fine,” Miller said. “They’re already out. Our diversion worked. But I’m sure we have eyes on us even more now.”

“Ethan has nothing on us,” Nate said. “He won’t find anything either.”

“He’ll just sniff our ass until we shit,” Blaine said.

“So then we shit right on him,” Gaige said.

“We have to keep our eyes open,” Miller said. “We have that run to make from Reno still. It has to be done. We have to supply and protect our other charters.”

“Jesus,” Blaine said. “Vin is going to be all over that.”

“Then we take a stand,” Gaige said. “What if we call up the other charters and show the true numbers and strength of the MC?”

“That’s risky,” Miller said. “That’s a lot of heat.”

“If it’s the only choice?” Blaine asked.

Miller nodded. “I have it in the back of my mind.” He rubbed his chin. “Where would Vin get his money?”

“He takes pay offs,” Blaine said. “Lets certain guys walk the streets and he takes a cut of everything. I’m sure he’s got favors owed for shit done in prison. So he’s got suppliers. He’s getting deliveries. That’s what we need to do. Find out who and when.”

“You realize…,” Gaige said and then paused.

The table was eerily quiet.

“Aye,” Shay whispered.

“Fuck,” Nate said.

Trev stared off into space. His face like stone and his eyes glazed over.

Blaine knew where Gaige was going. He pushed back and shook his head. All he could think about was Jessa at the bar. Just sitting there. Looking around.

I’ve got to fly her to safety. Send her east.

Blaine had a few old friends in Maine that were almost off the grid. Jessa could fly there and stay until everything sorted itself out.

“I guess we should just put it out there,” Miller said. “I’ll say it. He’s probably working directly with the cartel.”

“And if we step in that pile of shit,” Blaine said, “we’ll leave a smelly trail right back to this clubhouse.”

“Not if we protect the guns,” Gaige said. “Maybe we can… buy the order for ourselves.”

“Jesus,” Shay said. “No. No, brother.”

“Then we come up with a better plan,” Miller said. “You guys ever get a package you didn’t want? Or came to the wrong address? What did you do?”

“Send it back,” Trev said.

“Exactly,” Miller said. “Return to sender… so that’s what we’ll do.”

“This is going to get bloody,” Gaige whispered.

“That’s what I said to Jace’s mother last night,” Blaine said with a grin.

“You motherfucker,” Jace said and stood up.

“That’s exactly what I am,” Blaine said.

“Okay, okay,” Miller said. “Let’s vote this and then everyone can go fuck each other’s mothers.”

Jace sat back down.