Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“Anderson, Victor,” Miller said.

“Good for you,” Anderson said. “You know who we are.” He reached into his back pocket and took out an envelope. “This is for you.”

“What the fuck is this?” Gaige asked.

“A cut,” Victor said. “Our offering for the little border situation we have here.”

“You’re paying me to let you deal in my town?” Miller asked.

“That’s a good deal you’ve got,” Levi said. “We’re not here to stir up old shit, Miller. All the old guys are in the ground now. Except you.”

“Call me old one more time,” Miller said.

Levi laughed.

Blaine saw it happening a second before it did.

Miller took out his gun and put it to Levi’s forehead. He grabbed Levi by the throat.

Anderson and Victor had their guns pointed at Miller.

Blaine came forward. “Hey, hey, hey. Come on. Put all the fucking guns down.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Anderson asked.

“Ah, shit,” Blaine said.

He put his head down and rushed forward. His shoulder hit Anderson. Anderson flew into Levi who flew into Victor. Blaine kept going, digging his boots into the ground until the four of them were on the ground. That neutralized most of the gun threat.

Blaine started swinging his fists, knowing it was three on one.

The rest of the guys hurried off their motorcycles and a street fight was underway.

Victor grabbed Blaine by the arm. Blaine slammed his head into Victor’s face, breaking his sunglasses and spraying blood everywhere. Anderson was on his hands and knees. Levi kicked back to get out of the way.

Blaine kicked at Anderson, sending his face right between Levi’s legs.

“There you go,” Blaine said. “Now you’re home.”

A second later a fist connected with Blaine’s right cheek. Then a second, a third, a fourth.

He was quickly lifted to his feet and Levi took out a gun and put it to Blaine’s head.

“Enough!” Levi yelled.

That ended the fight.

Gaige had a gun on his knees, a fist cocked back.

Miller had two guys in a headlock, their heads red, looking ready to pop.

All the Back Down Devil guys backed away.

“Don’t!” Blaine yelled. “Don’t listen to this fucking pussy.”

Levi swung with his free hand and sucker punched Blaine in the jaw.

“How’d that feel, pussy?” Levi asked.

“Do it again,” Blaine said. “Come on. Do it again. I love it.”

Levi swung again. Blaine took the punch with a smile on his face.

He spit blood on the ground. “There you go. I’m starting to get hard now.”

“What the fuck…”

“We have company,” Gaige said.

A black car came up over the horizon. The Eight Under crew suddenly looked relaxed. Relieved. Like they were expecting a visitor.

“What the hell is this?” Miller asked.

“The reason why I’m not worried about you,” Levi said. “The reason why you need to take that money and understand what it means.”

The envelope had fallen on the ground in the scuffle. Miller pointed his gun to the envelope and shot over and over.

“That’s what I think of your dirty money,” Miller said.

“You’re a fool,” Levi said. “Good luck.”

The black car turned and stopped. The driver rushed to open the back door. Two feet appeared and a man climbed out.

Blaine strained himself to be able to see who it was.

“Don’t fucking move,” Levi said.

“Levi! Let our friend go.”

Blaine heard the voice and quickly threw an elbow. He hit Anderson in the gut and was broken free. He pushed at Victor and Levi.

That’s when he saw who had climbed from the car.

“No fucking way,” Blaine whispered.

Blaine wanted to grab his gun but he was frozen. Everything around him disappeared. He had tunnel vision to the figure approaching.

The son of a bitch smiled.

The son of a bitch tugged at his suit jacket.

The son of a bitch looked right at Blaine.

“Surprised?” he asked.

Blaine started to retreat.

I need to get to Jessa…

He bumped into Gaige and Miller.

They said something but Blaine couldn’t hear them.

For the first time since he could remember, Eight Under was officially a scary threat. Because they had a fucking ghost leading them.

Blaine looked back one time just to make sure his eyes weren’t messing with him.

They weren’t.

It was him.

The man who killed Meghan and Janey.

The man who was supposed to be dead.

It was Vin. And he was very much alive.


Jessa touched the round belly of the Yellow Lab. The dog - beautifully named Daisy - looked back and showed her teeth. No growl though, just teeth. A silent warning as she wanted to say, “I don’t like this place, Doc.”

“It’s okay, sweetie,” Jessa said. “I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

Daisy looked at her owner, a woman named Deb.