Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

Jessa was checking for anything abnormal. Lumps, bumps, sensitive spots. Other than being a little overweight, the dog was perfectly healthy.

She had her hands down Daisy’s belly again and had the image of doing the same to herself too. Sooner than later her belly would start to swell. She’d be showing any day now and that would be the end of her big secret.

“She’s perfect,” Jessa said. “A little overweight, but perfect.” She turned and washed her hands briefly before getting a treat and offering it to Daisy as a peace offering for being so invasive. “She’s so beautiful, too.”

“Good,” Deb said.

“We just need shots and blood work and you’re all set. Are you okay with being in the room while I give her the shots and take blood? I know some dogs tend to get protective of their owners.”

Deb put a hand to Daisy’s head. “Of course I’ll stay in the room with her. She’s my baby. I could never leave her.”

Jessa brushed a hand to her own stomach.

My belly…

Twenty minutes later she was back at her desk. Hands at her face, she took deep breaths, waiting to throw up. The last two days it hadn’t happened though.

Lucky me.

There was a knock at the door and then Dr. Ashland poked her head in. “Minute?”

“Hour?” Jess said with a smile. “Everything okay?”

“You tell me,” Dr. Ashland said.

Jessa felt herself start to blush. “I…”

“You can tell me anything.”

“I’m just still rattled by that situation here.”

Which wasn’t a lie. That situation - meaning Vin showing up - led right to Blaine and that led to… my baby.

“That was weeks ago, Jessa,” Dr. Ashland said.

“It just…”

“You’re making excuses.”

“I’m sorry. Is something wrong with my work?”

“Professionally, you’re on top of it all. But personally…”

“I’m sorry. I’m just tired.”

“That’ll pass with the first trimester. At least that’s what I’ve been told.”

Jessa’s face burned. “Wait, what?”

Jessa felt her jaw almost hit the desk.

Dr. Ashland then produced an ultrasound picture of the baby - my baby - growing inside Jessa’s body.


“You left it in Exam Room 4. You’re lucky one of the girls didn’t find it. You know how they like their gossip.”

“That’s… not…”

Dr. Ashland put the ultrasound on the desk and point to the corner where it had Jessa’s name.

“Don’t say this isn’t yours.”

Jessa looked up at Dr. Ashland. Her eyes filled with tears as she nodded. “I’m pregnant,” Jessa said.

Dr. Ashland touched her mouth. “Is it that friend of yours, Mike’s?”

The easy answer would have been yes and lie to just get it out of the way. But Jessa didn’t want to keep lying. She was going to need help with the entire situation.

She shook her head. “Not Mike’s.”

“Oh,” Dr. Ashland said.

“I’m not a whore.”

“Of course not. I would never think that of you. So… you had to get away right after all that happened here. Wherever you went…”

Jessa sighed. “It’s hard to talk about right now. I’m kind of in shock.”

“I could imagine. You’ve been to a doctor. Everything okay?”

“The baby is fine. Me? Not so much.”

A tear fell from Jessa’s eye. She hurried to wipe it away.

“Oh, Jessa,” Dr. Ashland said. “I know everything I’m going to say is all wrong. But don’t cry. There are women who can’t have babies.”

“I know that,” Jessa said. “But this…”

“Well, then tell me who the father is. How bad could it be?”

The office door opened and Terri stood there. She put a hand out. “Sorry to just burst in. Um… there’s a few motorcycles out front. The guys are all dressed the same. One guy is looking for you, Jessa.”

Jessa looked up at Dr. Ashland. She whispered one word. “Bad.”

Suddenly, she had to throw up.


When Jessa looked to the counter she didn’t see Blaine. For a second she hoped it was all a bad dream or a bad joke.

Then she heard his voice.

“That’s a good girl…”

Jessa felt a rage of jealousy and rushed to the waiting room. She couldn’t believe how she felt.

Jealous? Because of Blaine? Didn’t he fuck ten women a night?

Jessa then did feel like a whore. Because she had let him inside…

She opened the door and saw Blaine on one knee, petting a dog. It was a beautiful German Shepard with a dark coat and rich brown spots. The dog was on its back, leg kicked as Blaine rubbed her belly.

“That’s good,” Blaine said. “You like that, don’t you?”

“You certainly hit the right spot,” a woman said, sitting with her legs crossed. She had an engagement ring the size of a boulder.

Blaine looked right at her and stood up. “I always hit the right spot, beautiful.”

Jessa felt her blood boil. “Blaine?”

His head snapped around. “Oh, Jessa…”

He came running right at her. A second later his hands were at her waist, pushing her back. Jessa thought Blaine was going to put her against a wall and kiss her.

“You’re okay. You’re alive. You’re…”

“What are you doing here?” Jessa asked. “Who is with you?”

“A couple of the guys. We need to talk.”

“Not right now.”