Uncontrollable Temptations (Tempted #3)

“Yeah,” I admitted.

“You don’t need for me to tell you this but I have to say it anyway,” he started.

“I know,” I interrupted.

“You need to find out if she’s involved in this shit before we go any further.” He continued, despite my efforts to stop him. “Put the brakes on that shit until we’re sure she isn’t in bed with them.”

The idea of Reina being a part of this fucking mess, being in bed with my enemies, made me fucking sick. I didn’t want to think she was capable of that, not my Sunshine, but the truth was—she had secrets. A shitload of them and I hadn’t succeeded in chipping away at any of them. My first instinct was that she was too pure and was just as much a victim in this as anyone else, but I’d been proven wrong before. I couldn’t risk it, wouldn’t risk it, not for pussy. Not for the light my black soul craved.

I lifted my head, eyes on Bianci as I nodded.

“I’ll deal with her,” I vowed.

He nodded in agreement as Blackie walked back toward the table. I met his gaze, saw the tears had been replaced with determination and watched as he turned to Anthony.

“Bianci, you came here with a plan. Think it’s about time you divulged that shit to us,” he ground out.

Anthony looked at me, I nodded agreeing with Blackie. He took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair.

“Jimmy’s on the prowl for kilos of heroine, you supply him, Vic will use his connections to bring Jimmy down,” he paused for a minute. “You guys can get your hands on that, keep feeding Jimmy until we have a chance to set the motherfucker up, then the plan is to send him away.”

“So we supply him with the product, he disperses it, comes back for more, we give it, and what? He gets to breathe? What about the people he gets hooked on that shit? What about the people who lose their lives to that shit? Their lives don’t matter, but his does?” Blackie shouted.

“He won’t be breathing for long. Vic will be waiting for him,” Anthony said gravely.

“Vic will do the hit?” I asked.

“And if all goes according to plan, and the dust settles, he’ll get himself moved to the joint up near Canada, and finally be able to do what he’s been itching to do for years,” Anthony added.

“He’s got a motherfucking death wish,” I mumbled.

“That man died the day he sacrificed himself for his family. He’s got nothing left but this,” Anthony said solemnly.

“You get me a meeting with Pastore,” Blackie said, turning his eyes to me. “I’ll get you the heroine, I’ll be Jimmy’s supplier but not without hearing it from Pastore’s mouth that he’s prepared to take out G-Man.”

There was conviction in his voice, exhaustion in his eyes, a man determined to seek closure on his wife’s death, prepared to close that chapter of his life.

I turned to Anthony.

“Get us in with Victor,” I said.

“No,” Blackie disagreed. “I said me. I don’t have anyone that needs me breathing,” he said.

“I need you fucking breathing,” I fired back, not giving him a chance to say another word as I rose from my seat and pointed to Anthony. “Set it up.”

I was done with this fucking conversation and walked away from the table. I went from having Reina’s pussy convulsing against my face to questioning if she was a goddamn enemy. No longer was I avenging my brother’s death but instead planning a fucking massacre. War was coming and death was getting ready to knock on Satan’s door. I stared up at the clock, the minute hand ticking ferociously, reminding me the time was coming to fucking resurrect the demons in us and reclaim our black souls.

Chapter Fourteen

I put in a few extra hours at the diner, staying for the breakfast rush, figuring the extra money will come in handy now that I had plans to buy a car. I smiled at the customers, took their orders as I refilled their coffee and lingered at the tables once I brought them their meals, ensuring they were satisfied.

I don’t know if it was the time of day or the change in myself, but in a few short hours I had raked in more tips than I did on any other night. I swiped the tip from the table, smiled as I counted it and shoved it in my back pocket before leaning over the table and loading up my tray with the empty water glasses and used silverware. I turned around and collided with a hard body.

“I’m so sorry,” I said, lifting my eyes and pausing. “Jack,” I whispered, staring into those dark eyes of his that held me captive. He looked exhausted, like he had been up all night and I couldn’t help but wonder what he did once he left my apartment. One phone call, a few words exchanged, and he was zipping up his pants, hurrying out the door. I didn’t know much about motorcycle clubs, and from what I saw I didn’t think there was much these men wouldn’t do.

He bit the inside of his cheek as his eyes worked over me.