Uncontrollable Temptations (Tempted #3)

It took my mind a moment to catch up to my body as I stalked toward her. The fear in her eyes vanished, replaced with a dull ache I know reflected in my own eyes.

I glanced at the counter dusted in flour and cluttered with dirty dishes. Spotting a mixing bowl, I leaned over and saw the remnants of the cherry filling and remembered the pie she had baked for me. Bringing my eyes back to her, I watched as she studied my every move, eyes glued to my hands as I lifted the bowl, holding it between us. I shifted it to one of my palms and scraped my thumb around the inside of the bowl, scooping leftover filling onto the pad of my finger.

Our eyes lifted simultaneously, glued to one another’s, uncertainty and anticipation pouring from our irises.

“You made me cherry pie,” I spoke huskily. “Really wanted a taste.”

She swallowed hard, visibly pushing down the lump lodged in her throat.

“Gonna have that taste now,” I warned, lifting my thumb and smearing the cherry filling across her mouth. Her lips were soft as they parted—just barely, a soft gasp escaping past them as my thumb worked back and forth. She lifted her hand to my wrist and pulled it away from her mouth. I sensed the change in tides, saw the storm roll over in her eyes and knew she was about to push me away—but before she did, I took that fucking taste I came here for.

My mouth crashed over hers, my tongue lapping at her lips, licking all the filling off her. Reina remained perfectly still, holding my wrist as my lips slowly worked hers. I was drunk…and not on cherry pie but on sunshine. My sunshine.

“Fucking delicious,” I grunted, before I took her lower lip between my teeth. Just a nibble.

Just a taste.

She moaned.

And that was it.

I snatched my hand from her grip, cupped her face in my hands and kissed her like I had nothing, nothing but her. It was ferocious, it was primal, it was everything. When she parted her lips and beckoned me into her light I lost control like I never had before.

I devoured her. The faint hint of cherries assaulting my taste buds as I gripped her hips and hoisted her up against me, her legs wrapping around my waist. Reina came alive in my arms, her hands moving up my back and into my hair, tugging at the short strands. I spun around, her fingers clawing at my scalp as I slammed her onto the small wooden table. I tore my mouth from hers, placed my palms on her knees and spread her wide, stepping between her legs.

She panted, eyes wide, and reached for my leather jacket, fisting it in her hands bringing me back to her. High on life, high on feeling, high on sunshine, I gave her what she needed, what we both needed as I took her mouth again. My fingers worked the button of her jeans, cursing against her mouth as I peeled the denim down her legs. She lifted her hips so I could maneuver her jeans over her round ass. God, she had a fucking body that made men like me drop to their knees, begging to be at her mercy.

I managed to get one pant leg down and left the other halfway up her leg while I worked my zipper. My cock throbbed, my balls ached, and the need to pound into that forbidden pussy consumed me. I palmed the white lace that covered the part of her I craved most before tearing it to the side, exposing the sweetest Hell I’d ever know. My fingers grazed the pink flesh, slick and all mine.

“Jack,” she cried out, her hands clutching onto my shoulders, pulling me toward her. I stared into her eyes as I lifted my hand to my mouth and licked her essence off the tips of my fingers.

Fucking nirvana.

I wanted to bury my face between her thighs, maybe camp out there for a week but my cock couldn’t handle much more. I grabbed my erection, groaning as I stroked it, the head glistening as I swiped the drops of my release that had escaped, squeezing myself to get it all out before I slammed into her. I didn’t have a condom and wasn’t about to pass up my chance to have that cunt around me. I looked at the fluid on my fingers, then back to Reina and I wiped my fingers along her pussy. Her breath hitched letting me know she was aware of exactly what I was doing. My fingers glided over her pulsing flesh, branding her Property of Parrish.

Her mouth opened, about to spew some bullshit I probably didn’t want to hear so I silenced her with my mouth and shoved my dick deep inside her tight cunt.

Holy fucking hell, her pussy was like a vice around my dick and I had to work her, thrust by thrust, stretching her to fit me. I had lived a lot of life, lived hard and fucked harder. But fucking Reina, balls deep inside of her, was like nothing else I had ever known. She arched for me, meeting each stroke of my cock, inviting me deeper inside her warmth.

I pulled back, the need to watch her so strong it gave me the will to tear my mouth from hers. Her eyes closed and she arched her back as I pounded mercilessly inside of her. I was staring at her, memorizing her features, photocopying them to my memory so when I lay my head down at night I had something to replace the demons that haunted my dreams.