Uncontrollable Temptations (Tempted #3)

So I did what I did best, I defied the truth, defied the facts and instead I did whatever the fuck I wanted. And right now I wanted Reina.

It didn’t take me long to ride to her complex, keeping with the mantra and defying speed limits. I turned off my bike and threw my leg over, lifting my head staring at the building she lived in. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing anymore. One minute I was looking for a way to kill Jimmy and make him pay for what he did to Danny. The next I was chasing after his fucking girl. I should listen to Blackie, get my head together and steer clear of Reina but all that goodness she radiated was something I wanted to taste.

I rapped my knuckles against her door before roughly threading my fingers through my hair. The door opened, and I lifted my head to stare into her shocked eyes. She was wearing make-up, and miles of blonde hair sat on the top of her head in a messy bun, pulling it away from her face. My eyes roamed the length of her, taking in the tight jeans that molded her legs and clung to her hips. The black tank top she wore was also tight and form fitting, giving me the first real chance to check out her tits. The desire to rip her shirt to shreds washed over me. I heard myself growl and instantly lifted my eyes to hers as she tried to close the door.

I stuck my boot in the doorway preventing her from pushing me away and stared at her like an animal seeking its prey.

“Give it up, sunshine,” I rasped. “I came here for a fucking reason and I’m not leaving until I get it.”

And I decided right then, the reason I showed up at her place was to get a taste of the goodness that was Reina.

Chapter Nine

Her eyes peered into mine, scared and uncertain. Damn if that didn’t set something off inside of me. I was a twisted fuck, torn between hating the idea that I scared her and getting off on it just as much.

“Jack,” she whispered, gripping the door, knuckles fading to white as she stared down at my boot.

“Like the way you say my name, Sunshine,” I ground out, placing my hand on the doorknob and throwing my weight into it as it fell open and she stumbled back. Her gasp excited me, the perfect O her lips formed had my dick stirring to life and encouraged me to keep at her. I kicked the door closed with the heel of my boot. For every step I took, she took one away from me. I took two long strides toward her, caging her in once her back hit the wall.

“Don’t,” she ordered, her voice struggling to sound stern. “You come any closer and I will scream,” she said, through clenched teeth as she brushed away the tendrils of hair that fell into her eyes.

My lips quirked, “That’s the plan, baby.” I bit my lip and shook my head, drowning in visions of Reina throwing her head back and screaming out for me to fuck her hard. Her tongue sneaked out of her mouth, running along the seam her perfect lips. My dick liked that subtle move—liked it a lot. I reached down, cupped my erection through my jeans and moaned, never tearing my eyes from hers.

“You’re disgusting,” she hissed, her eyes narrowing, dipping to my crotch before snapping back to my face. Something snapped in those brown eyes of hers, something so fucking amazing to watch—like life was reborn in them in that second. She pushed off the wall, closing the distance between us, and poked her finger into my hard chest.

“I get you’re this badass biker who throws his weight around and gets people to follow your every command, but you don’t get to come into my home and demand shit from me. I can’t control who comes into the diner but I have a say in who comes into my apartment and into my life—you don’t make the cut…Bulldog,” she whispered. My road name sounding as if it was venom on her tongue.

I thought I was a goner when she called my God given name, but hearing my road name come from her mouth took everything to another level. Nothing else seemed to exist other than this woman before me and the unexplainable need to have her say my name over and over again.

“There you go riding on that high horse of yours again. Why don’t you do us both a favor and step off? I promise I’ll give you something better to ride,” I suggested, crossing my arms against my chest.

She glanced down, those electric eyes of hers zeroing in on my dick and then again she lifted them to mine, her lips curled in disgust.

“I’m not interested.”

I laughed, leaning in, feeling her breath on my lips. “Liar.”

I reached out, my fingertips tracing the length of her neck, twitching and begging to wrap around her neck and give her a little squeeze. Just a little one. Tiny. Miniscule.

I cupped the back of her neck, jerked her head back and forced her to look at me.

“Bet the house that pussy of yours is drenched for me,” I growled.