Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

I smiled.

“The reason I didn’t introduce you is because he doesn’t deserve to know you, Sierra. You are the best part of my life and something I never thought I’d have because of my fucked-up childhood. Since he was a good part of that misery, he doesn’t deserve to see me happy. He hasn’t earned that right. I suspect he never will. It’s not me being petty. It’s not me retreating because of what he told me about his abusive past. It’s about me not letting my crappy past have any hold on my future.” He pressed a warm kiss to the top of my head. “I love you. I know how to love because of you.”

That was the first time I’d ever cried myself to sleep with happy tears.

It’d been a long day, sitting in on conference calls, then writing up reports summarizing the calls. I’d scrambled to get everything finalized for our departure in the morning.

Sierra wasn’t home from her PCE meeting. She warned me she might not be back until late. The clock inched toward twenty-two hundred and I hadn’t heard from her.

After being inside all day, I opted to wait for her by the pool. I stretched out in a chaise, can of Coors on the table, earbuds in, but on low. I could sit out here for hours, watching the play of light, shadows and movement across the pool’s surface. I figured this was as close as I’d get to a Zen experience.

I heard the garage door go up. It amused me that as soon as Sierra didn’t have to present a business image, she dressed down—not that I’d ever complain about that ass of hers in yoga pants.

As I waited, I wondered if she’d eaten dinner—she forgot half the time. Especially on nights when she went directly from DPM to her meeting at PCE. She’d been on edge the past week, which meant she’d been on a baking spree. Anytime I asked if she wanted to talk, she claimed everything was fine. So tonight she deserved to unwind. From the small cooler, I pulled out a plastic cup and poured a can of pre-mixed margarita over the ice. I even popped in an umbrella next to the straw.

The patio door opened and there she was. Her beautiful brown hair secured into a messy bun on top of her head, a loose cotton tunic that hit her mid-thigh and her feet bare. I got that one-two punch in the heart and the gut. My love for her just grew every damn day.

“I’m so glad you’re out here. I’m sick of breathing recycled air in stuffy offices.” Sierra smiled at me; the smile that was mine alone. Soft, sweet, sexy. Then she leaned over me. “Hi.” She kissed me, starting out a tease, then she pushed her tongue past my lips and poured her passion into me, filling that empty space that used to be inside me, with…this. With everything. She took the kiss back down to sweet, gliding her damp lips across mine, and murmured, “I love coming home to you every night.”

“I love this domestic stuff, baby. I love that I have it with you.”

She sighed dreamily and stood.

I reached down and snagged her drink, holding it up. “For my hardworking corporate executive.”

“God, I love you, West.”

“Back atcha times a million, McKay. Have a seat.”

Sierra lowered herself in the chaise next to me on her front side, her head by my feet. She sipped her drink and the dimple in her cheek popped out when she noticed the umbrella. “Nice touch.”

“Only the best for you.”

“Thanks for the blanket too.”

The first week we lived together, I learned that the fuzzy blue and white blanket belonged to Sierra and she didn’t share it. Ever. And the girl turned pissy if she suspected someone had been using it. I did not get her attachment to it, but I did respect it. I’d taken a chance bringing it poolside, and I breathed easier that I hadn’t fucked up. “You’re welcome.” I ran my hand up the back of her thigh. “Take a moment to clear your head.”

“Okay. But please keep doing that.”

I brought my hand back down to her knee and let my palm slowly journey upward again. Over and over.

Only the right side of her face was visible, but I knew when she dozed off. I’d miss this in the next two weeks. After a lifetime of feeling adrift, this connection to her and proof of the life we were building together filled me with pride. I’d do everything in my power to keep this.

Sierra stirred after half an hour. The first thing she did in that groggy state was reach for me.

Fuck. I was just bursting with happiness over that one small thing.

She lifted her head and smiled at me. “Power nap accomplished.” She readjusted herself so we were side by side and she sucked down half of her drink. “Guess I was thirsty.”

“You wanna talk about your day, your meeting tonight? Or would you rather just chill?”

“Just chill. Except I will say the PCE meeting was the most productive we’ve had in months.”


“What crazy things did Sergeant West get up to today?”