Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

Thursday night the McKay-kateers showed up to watch the football game. None of us gave a damn about the Eagles or the Rams, so the game served as background noise. I baked molasses cookies and had a lively discussion with Hayden about his business ethics class.

Friday night I attended my first pro hockey game. I loved it from the first drop of the puck—not just because I knew the Scorpion’s star player. The atmosphere? Infectious. The fans? Maybe more rabid than football fans. Watching the players literally skating circles around each other was as entertaining as the fights. The first time I shot to my feet and yelled at the player from Minnesota for tripping Mase, Anton smirked at me and said they’d created a monster.

But home alone at night…I missed Boone like crazy. More than I anticipated.

Saturday, while Lu worked on her landscaping project, I watched the Sun Devils game on TV. Then Lu and I decided to test out the PS4 to figure out why our guys loved video games. We ended up playing Grand Theft Auto until two a.m.

I spent Sunday at McJock Central for football and Meat-topia. I’d baked three different desserts—which Mase almost singlehandedly devoured. Despite the killer brisket, Anton seemed as preoccupied as I was. When my dad called Sunday night to recap the weekend games, I avoided talking to him. I hadn’t told him about Boone returning to base and I feared I’d blurt out the PCE offer just to gauge whether DPM would fight to keep me—that might make my decision easier.

Or harder.

Monday morning I was dragging ass. Even Griff from legal mentioned I looked tired.

Yes, I’m tired, dammit. I stayed up too late having phone sex with my kinky boyfriend.

Totally worth it though.

Friday afternoon, Lu plopped next to me on the couch. She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed. “I miss Raj.”

As much as I missed Boone…I realized I’d missed Lu too. She and Raj were shacked up at his sister’s place, so last weekend was the first time just the two of us had hung out in ages. I missed heckling our favorite crappy TV shows. She hadn’t updated me in weeks on how far she’d gotten with her senior design project. And she had no idea that I was considering taking a new turn in my career.

I loved her, but I couldn’t chance confiding in her about the fulltime PCE offer. If she slipped up and told Raj, and Raj told Boone, Boone would go…what the ever lovin’ fuck? Because I still hadn’t said a freakin’ word about it to him.

The timing had been off, especially after he’d dealt with his dad’s stuff. Then he’d gotten recalled to base. After nearly two weeks apart…bringing it up this weekend wasn’t a priority. With limited time together, banging the headboard held more appeal than talking.

“What are you fretting about?” Lu asked.

“If my dress for this gala thingy is too slut-tastic.”

Lu lifted her head and batted her lashes at me. “Skanky-ass ho. Have you been shopping at the stripper’s discount store without me again?”

“You’re the skanky-ass-ho.” I shoved her with my shoulder. “I’m serious. I do not want to embarrass Sergeant West, slithering in wearing the latest in ho-bag fashion or looking as if an Amish stylist chose my frock.”

“Which dress are you talking about?”

“The backless blue beaded one.”

Disbelief distorted Lu’s face. “Sierra McKay. You haven’t been shopping? You actually thought you’d recycle a dress from college? Dude. This is Boone, the man you’re in love with. He deserves to see you in a dress that’ll bring him to his damn knees.”

“Omigod. You’re right. What am I going to do? I leave tomorrow!”

Lu popped to her feet and grabbed my hand, jerking me off the couch. “Get your purse. We will get this fashion crisis handled tonight.”

I’d over-packed for one and a half days in Killeen, Texas.

I didn’t have to bring Boone muffins and cookies. But I’d baked plenty this week.

So I paced in the room, wondering why I’d chosen a hotel without a mini-bar and stopping at the window every time as if I could see him pull up. From the sixth floor.

Hurry up and get here, Boone. I was about to climb out of my skin. I’d never had a case of nerves like this.

Four hours had passed since I’d arrived. Boone’s meetings didn’t allow him to pick me up from the airport. Hailing a cab to his place wasn’t an option because he lived on base and I didn’t have an escort or a pass to get on a secure military installation.

Boone had texted me ten times—a new record for him. It ripped at his manhood that he couldn’t fetch me from the airport. To kill time, I scrolled back through our text exchange.

B-Dub: U here?

Me: I just got your text. I landed fifteen minutes ago and I’m waiting for my bag.

B-Dub: It kills me not to be there. I’m sorry Me: I know. I’m fine. Just take care of your stuff.

B-Dub: I luv u

Me: Back atcha.

Then half an hour later

B-Dub: Hotel ok?

Me: It’s good.

B-Dub: Be there at six-thirty

Me: I’ll be ready will we have time for a quickie first?

B-Dub: U r miknag me hard.