This One Moment (Pushing Limits, #1)

“Just that. I have no idea if she loves me.”

“Well, what did she say when you told her you love her?” When I didn’t answer, she said, “You did tell her you love her, right?”

“Not exactly.”

Fine lines crossed her forehead. “What do you mean, ‘not exactly’? You either told her or you didn’t.”

“I told her she was my heart and soul.”

Alyssa nodded what I could only guess was her approval. “That’s not bad. And what did she say?”

“Nothing. We were too busy kissing.” I felt like I had back in high school, when Hailey used to give me advice about dating and girls. Or at least she did until our senior year. Then the advice suddenly stopped.

“Okay, so what did she say when you asked her to move to L.A.?”

Now it was my turn to frown. “I didn’t. I mean, I didn’t ask her to move to L.A. She wants to study physical therapy and get into the program back home. I figured she wouldn’t want to move here.”

“But you didn’t give her the choice to decide if she wanted to move here with you.”

“Sure I did.”

Alyssa shook her head as if I was an idiot, and maybe I was. “No, you didn’t. You decided she wouldn’t want to move here because of her goals. You never asked her. Maybe she wasn’t sure if you wanted her to come here to be with you.”

She had a point. I’d just assumed Hailey wouldn’t want to move to L.A. But she had never indicated she would want to or that she would be fine with my constant touring.

I pointed this out to Alyssa.

“What was she supposed to do?” Alyssa replied. “Your record label and my agent decided we’d both benefit from this fictitious relationship they dreamed up. And with our fans so enamored by the idea of the clichéd good girl taming the bad-boy rocker, why would she risk everything when it was already determined you two can’t be together?”

She had a good point. “So what should I do?”

“Ask her if she wants to live with you. She doesn’t have to physically live with you if she’s not comfortable with that. But at least she could live in the same city as you.”

“And what about the record label?”

“Couples break up all the time. If I want to break up with you, there’s nothing stopping me.”

“Except for the recording contract they offered you.”

“I don’t think they’ll change their minds because of that. Tell you what. Why don’t we take one step at a time? We’ll attend this premiere as a couple. Give the audience what they want. Then the first chance you get—sooner rather than later—you go back home and ask Hailey if she wants to move here. And then we’ll see what happens.” She tilted her head to the side. “Does that sound like a plan?”

I wasn’t sure if I was making a mistake or if I was about to cause myself more heartache, but Alyssa’s plan had merit, except…

“How’s this going to help my reputation? If anything, it will only make things worse. I’ll be labeled as a cheating asshole.” And it wouldn’t score Hailey any brownie points either.

Alyssa patted my knee. “It’s going to be okay, Nolan. You just have to have faith. Let people get to know the real you, and everything will be all right. And I’d love to meet Hailey. If I accept her as someone important in your life, the fans will too.”

I hoped she was right.

Once we arrived at the location of the premiere, the traffic surrounding the theater slowed the limo’s progress. As the occupants of each limo in front of us climbed out to greet the crowds lining either side of the theater entrance, my leg bounced with restless energy. But it had nothing to do with the screaming fans.

It was due to Alyssa’s advice. If I could, I would’ve hailed a cab and rushed to the airport to catch the next flight to Northbridge. But as much as I wanted to do that, I couldn’t let the band down again. I needed to stay in L.A. until the record was finished. Or at least until the band’s part in recording the album was completed. Only then could I return to Northbridge and show Hailey how much I loved her and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I hoped she felt the same way about me.

The limo pulled up to the red carpet. Camera flashes lit the area as fans waited with bated breath to see which celebrity had just arrived. The limo door opened and security helped Alyssa from the vehicle. Adoring screams filled the night sky as the fans caught sight of her. The woman I recognized as her assistant was instantly by her side and spoke to her while I stepped out of the limo.

Stina Lindenblatt's books