The Roommate 'dis'Agreement

She shoved me toward the back door. “Oh, and before I forget, at two o’clock this morning when I was feeding Clay, I added something to the agreement.” The look on her face told me being late to work would be worth the detour to the kitchen.

Right in front of me, hanging on the fridge, was our paper. At the top, just beneath “More than Roommates,” she’d added a subtitle: Agree to “dis” Agreement. Regardless of what it was called, it was ours. It’d been changed out over the last year for new ones, each list growing longer and longer as time passed. But on this one, at the very bottom, in her neat handwriting, I found: I get to name our next kid.

I glanced over my shoulder and found her smirking at me. “What’s wrong with Clay?”

“Had I thought about it at the time, I would’ve realized what you’d done, Cassius.”

I couldn’t hide the grin. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Cassius Clay? Didn’t we agree no oddball famous people’s names?”

I didn’t pick it because of that. Honestly, I liked how it sounded when our names were put together, like an unstoppable team.

I shrugged, feigning ignorance. “But if we have another girl, imagine how awesome it’d be to name her Ali.” I winked, letting her know I was only kidding. My dad was the Muhammad Ali fan, not me. “Fine. If you’d like to name the next one, feel free.”

That just meant she’d give me another. And I had it right here on the agreement. She wouldn’t be able to argue with that.

“I love you, babe.” I kissed her on the lips.

She mumbled back, “Love you, too,” which was echoed by Aria.

“Love you, too, Tyke.”

Leddy’s Notes

There’s something about a man who steps up and not only takes care of a child who isn’t biologically his, but loves it like it was, that just hits me straight in the heart. And so I’ve always wanted to write a book about a single mother and a man who comes into their lives. However, I never had the right story to tell, so the idea remained scribbled in a notebook.

That changed one fateful day when I decided to take a nap. This part is important because I never take naps. Ever. There’s something about the sun being up that keeps me from actually falling asleep. Anyway, so I laid down and started to drift off when a random, almost forgotten thought filtered through the narrow gap of consciousness.

You may or may not remember it, but about two years ago, there was an ad that had been passed around Facebook about a man who was seeking a female to live with him. I can’t remember too much about it, but I believe he said the rent was free, something about him being retired or whatnot. I just recall women commenting with “sign me up.” Anyway, this is the memory that decided to cross my mind that day right before I fell asleep.

And when I woke up, I thought that would be a fun “roommates” book. It wasn’t until the opening of chapter one when I realized this was also my “guy falls for woman with kid and loves the kid like his own” book.

Two birds.

One stone.

All made possible by a nap.

So, to conclude, the Leddy Harper Nap Foundations leaves you with this PSA: Take naps.

Hey You!!

Where to begin…

There is a certain man who deserves far more than a thank you for putting up with me when my fingers won’t type as fast as the thoughts enter my brain…when taking a bathroom break is about as long as I can leave my computer. And of course, there are three incredible little girls who drive me (crazy) every single day. Without you four, I would be nothing. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

Stephie… It’s always so hard to come up with something at the end of a book for you because I tell you my thoughts on a daily basis. But since you love to hear how great you are, I’ll say it again. You’re a whorehole.

Kristie… My house needs decorating.

Marlo… I know I say this all the time, but I honestly don’t think I could publish a book without you. Your creativity and thoughts, and just overall support, keep me steady in a windstorm. Love you, Lobs!

Angela… Holy cow you’re never allowed to leave me. Ever. Got it? I have witnesses! You force me past my comfort zone and then hold my hand (and remind me of everything about a million times a day). I’d be lost without you!

Kristie… It’d be great if you could come over here. You know, to decorate my house.

Heidi… Or should I say, Mrs Axel?! LOL! Love you, C!

Stefanie… It may have taken us a while, but I think we finally found our groove!! I shall never ask you to beta after I finish writing again. From now on, you must be part of it from the beginning. You have no choice in the matter. “Debating” our opposite opinions gives my two-sided situations so much depth, and that’s not possible if I’ve already written it. Thank you so much for walking through this journey with me and pointing me in the right direction (even when you don’t know you’re doing it).

Kristie… I’m waiting. So is my house.

Josie… As always, you didn’t let me down! I honestly can’t express how much I appreciate you. They say everything happens for a reason, and no matter how I feel about the whole Booktrope thing, I got you out of it. And if you ever try to leave, I’ll lock you in my basement. Well, I don’t have a basement, but I’ll find one and lock you in it!

Judy… You’re amazing! Thank you so much for everything you do! PS—I’m going to have to fire you because you’re far too pretty to proofread my shit! Haha!

Robin… This cover. Let’s not even talk about the headache that it started with, and only focus on the fabulous end product! Which, by the way, looks amazing on a blanket! Thank you so much for your patience and the many many hours you dedicate to me!

Emily… In a way, you’re like my soul mate. You were there for me at the very beginning, like a high school sweetheart. And you continued to support me while I “found myself” with other people, like a college separation. And when it mattered the most, fate brought us both together with the help of a naked man. We’re what books are written about! LMAO! Love you!!

Chris… You should tell your wife to come decorate my house.

TWOTs… You six keep me grounded, lift me up, and support me. You’re like my gravity (Get it, Lauren?!)

Sarah… As always, I love you. Stop doubting it. What you can or do for me will never, ever ever ever, affect how I feel about you. I love you!

Canada… I have a bone to pick with you. You let Kristie out. If you wanna make it up to me, make her come decorate my house. Thanks in advance.

Leddy Harper's books