The Lost Girls (Lucy Kincaid #11)

Noah stared at him. What did he know? That Sean had fucked up? That he was losing the only good thing in his life? Sean couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d said, what he’d done, how he’d screwed up. He thought … Hell, he didn’t know what he was thinking. When he was in Mexico, it was so easy to believe that when he told Lucy, she would understand. She’d listen, she’d realize that he hadn’t had a good opportunity to explain before he left …

He’d lied to himself. Just like he lied to Lucy. He knew he should have told her the truth from the beginning, but he was scared. He didn’t know why. Lucy would never have left him because of Jesse. She’d never have walked away.

She’s leaving you because you lied to her.

He wanted to take it all back. He didn’t know how to fix it.

“Are you okay, Sean?”


He didn’t elaborate. He couldn’t. This was Noah Armstrong. He was half in love with Lucy; he’d told Sean before he didn’t think Sean was good enough for her.

“Did Lucy tell you what happened in Laredo?”

“I don’t want to talk to you about Lucy.”

“I don’t care what you want, Sean. You need to listen.”

“You were just waiting for me to fuck up.”

“Get over yourself. You did this, Sean. You fucked this up. But Lucy loves you.”

“Don’t. Just … stop.” Every muscle in Sean’s body was coiled and ready to pop.

“I’m not your rival. I’m your friend. More, I’m Lucy’s friend. She went through hell these last three days. You went through your own crucible. I’m not judging you. I was in college once. I’ve made mistakes. We all screw up, Sean. But right now, this isn’t about you. It’s about Lucy. This case was horrific. It affected me, and cases don’t affect me. None of us working this have slept much in four days. But through it all, Lucy went above and beyond. She needs time. She needs you.”

“I fucked up, Noah.”

“I know. Fix it.”

“I don’t know how.”

“You’ll figure it out. You always do.” He slid over a newspaper. “The unidentified FBI agent in the article is Lucy. I’m going to check on Hooper. I’ll get you when they’re here.”

Noah left Sean alone in his office. Sean picked up the newspaper and read the article Noah pointed to.

Laredo, TX—A violent shootout Wednesday night resulted in seven dead, six injured—including two Webb County sheriff’s deputies, one of whom is in stable but critical condition—and three arrests.

Webb County Assistant Sheriff Adam Villines reported that at approximately 0900 hours, he and two officers canvassed a neighborhood where they believed a woman was being held against her will. When they approached a ranch house on the 1800 block of Westwood Avenue, they were fired upon. Officer Tom Franz was shot twice point-blank in the chest and thigh. He’s in critical but stable condition following surgery.

After a short but tense standoff, the suspects began to shoot hostages. Three of the six hostages were killed before SWAT was able to secure the scene. During the assault, four suspects were shot and killed and three were taken into custody. Two were transported to the hospital but are expected to make full recoveries.

But the hero of the night was a rookie FBI agent whose name was withheld for her safety. One of the hostages was a pregnant woman who was used as a shield by Lance Dobleman, one of the suspects. According to witnesses, Dobleman shot the unidentified pregnant woman in her neck before SWAT officers immobilized him. With her dying breath, she begged the officers to save her baby. The paramedics were en route, but the life of the infant was at stake. The rookie FBI agent, who has had some medical training according to her commanding officer, performed an emergency C-section with the assistance of the SWAT medic. According to Dr. Laurel Davidson with the children’s hospital, the quick thinking of the officers saved the baby’s life. Unfortunately, the mother died from her injuries.

“If the FBI agent didn’t perform the surgery immediately, even in the horrific conditions, that baby would have died,” Davidson said. “Even so, it’s a miracle that the baby survived.”

The nurses at the hospital are calling the miracle baby Lucia.

Villines said that this is the end of a black-market baby criminal organization that has resulted in the sale of more than six dozen infants over the last two years. The FBI and Webb County Sheriff’s Department have been working together …


Noah brought Sean to where Jesse was sitting in one of the FBI conference rooms. It was late, so no one was in the office except for them and the small team Dean Hooper was working with in the White Collar Crimes Division. “Hooper is talking to Madison. You have about ten minutes.”

Sean looked Noah in the eye and said, “Thank you.”

Noah squeezed his shoulder. “Sean, it’s going to be okay. Things will work out the way they are supposed to.”

Sean closed the door and sat down next to Jesse. He looked tired, scared, and determined.


Jesse looked at him. “I’m not going.”

“They can’t make you.”

He seemed surprised by Sean’s comment. “Exactly.”