The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7)

I shook my head and grinned. “What the hell are you doing?”

He only shrugged. “Loosening up.” Then he rolled his shoulders and kicked out each leg before shaking it. “You have no idea how stiff I get after sitting on that stool for so long.”

Made sense, so I turned away, and sucked in a breath when the coordinator waved us forward. “We’re up,” I announced to the guys and led the way onto the stage, where a crew had already set up our equipment.

I exhaled a rush when I saw the crowd. This place wasn’t as packed as Forbidden usually was, but it was easily four times the size, meaning it held at least twice as many people. It was dark out on the floor with about four blue spotlights flaring down on where we were each supposed to stand, already heating the back of my neck.

I jogged to my place, slipped on my Taylor, and reached for the mike, glancing around me to make sure the others were ready. When Remy nodded, I gave him the signal to begin before we even introduced ourselves.

I finally did a little talking two songs later, telling the crowd a little about who we were, where we were from, and where they could find more information about us. By this point, we’d riled them up with our music, and they were more responsive, cheering when I introduced each member.

And then we were playing again, rocking each song. I thought we were going to have a problem when Holden experienced a smidgeon of stage fright and missed a lick on the guitar. But Remy kept the beat steady the entire time, and it was easy for Heath to pick right back up with us.

Relieved, I sang a little stronger to make up for it, and no one seemed to notice. They cheered us on, and danced, and seemed to have fun.

By the time we finished, I was drenched in sweat but riding an adrenaline high that felt freaking incredible. The owner—yeah, the actual owner—met us behind the stage to invite us back again in a month, and I only had to glance at my bandmates for them to agree, so I bobbed my head yes.

After that, we were given coupons for discounted drinks at the bar, and I think all four of us were too wired to crash yet, so we took them and headed out into the club.

Gally immediately disappeared, on the search for a one-night stand, but Holden, Sticks and I found a free table to park ourselves. It took a few minutes for people to recognize us, but soon a trio of carbon copy blondes were gathered at our table, one particularly bold as she slid right up onto my knee and perched herself there to tell me how much she’d liked watching us.

Her perfume was strong, but her body was soft and oh-so feminine, and I had all this excess energy to expend; I didn’t send her away. I even set a hand on her waist so I didn’t have to worry about her losing her balance and tumbling off my leg. She flirted with me while her friends gathered closer, one of them finally turning to Sticks to talk to him.

I knew the woman on my lap would be willing if I wanted to take this any further. Hell, I had a feeling she’d be willing if I wanted to drag her off to some private corner in the club and take her right then. But something kept stopping me from acting, probably the way she kept calling me by my first and last name together.

Annoying as hell.

We’d been sitting there less than ten minutes when someone approached, calling my name.

I glanced over and nearly fell out of my chair when I met my dad’s snickering gaze.

“What the hell?” I demanded. “What’re you doing here?”

“We need to talk.” He leered at the cleavage of the woman on my lap before returning his attention to me. “Now.”

“Wha… How did you find me?”

“It’s posted on your little band’s website. Since they kicked me out of that shithole you usually play at and I haven’t gotten your home address yet, this is the only place I could reach you.”

“He doesn’t want to talk to you,” Sticks answered for me, appearing at my side so he could fold his arms over his chest and glare at my dad.

The old man blinked at him before snorting. “What the fuck is this?” he asked me. “Your bodyguard. Little bastard’s smaller than I am.”

“I’m also younger, faster, and armed,” Sticks reported, narrowing his eyes.

His posturing amused me, and kind of delighted me since it meant he cared enough to have my back, but it was totally unnecessary.

“Excuse me a minute, sweetheart.” I scooted the woman off my lap and then stood before telling Remy, “I got this.” Motioning my dad to follow me, I found the quietest place possible to hear whatever he had to say. When I noticed my drummer had followed us and stopped a few feet away, I rolled my eyes. He really was worried, the weirdo.

Then I faced the guy who used to be my living nightmare. But yeah, I couldn’t summon my old fear of him. I was a head taller and wider than him now. He just looked shriveled and crude, and bitter. I couldn’t even think of him as a killer. I’d been there, I’d seen his shock. He hadn’t meant to take her life.

Linda Kage's books