The Exception

“What’s going on in here?” I smiled.

Laughter ripped out of me when Liam turned around and his face was all painted with makeup.

“Shut up, Drew.”

“But you look so pretty.”

“Ha ha, very funny. Little smarty pants Sophie over here made me sign a piece a paper that I would let her put makeup on me if she let me watch the playoff game.”

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I quickly snapped his picture.

“Damn you, Drew!” he yelled.

“Sorry, bro, or should I say sis? It was too good of an opportunity to pass up.” I laughed.

“How did it go with Jill?”

Staring at him, I couldn’t seem to hold a conversation while he was wearing all that makeup. The bright red lipstick was really bugging me.

“You need to take that makeup off, dude. I just can’t talk to you like that.”

He rolled his eyes. “Soph, go get the face wipes.”

“Okay, Uncle Liam.” She giggled.

Sophie returned with the face wipes and Liam started to wipe off the makeup.

“Okay. Go on. I want details.”

“Lia said she could tell Jillian was upset.”

“Okay. That’s good.”

“Not really. I didn’t want to upset her and I’m sure I made matters worse when we danced together and I sang in her ear.”

“Nice one, Drew.” He smiled.

“Then why do I feel like a complete dick?”

“Listen, bro. You did what you had to do. I mean, sometimes we have to hurt the people we love in order for them to wake up. Trust me, she’ll be back in your life soon.”

“And if she isn’t?”

He stopped wiping his face and looked at me with confusion.

“Well, I don’t know. Then maybe I was wrong about her, but I doubt it. Have a little faith.”

“I’m going to head home. Thanks again for watching the girls. Are you taking Sophie home?”

“Nah, she’s spending the night. But no more makeup!” He pointed at her and she giggled.

I chuckled as I headed to the door.

“Good night, Miss Sophie.”

“Good night, Mr. Drew. Be careful walking home.”

“Yeah, try not to trip over any bushes,” Liam yelled.

After stripping out of my suit, I put on my pajama bottoms, poured myself a drink, and climbed into bed. Now what? I thought to myself. Seeing her in that long strapless plum-colored dress with her hair pinned up in curls really did me in. The minute she walked down that aisle, I was even more captivated than the first time I had ever laid eyes on her. I never knew that I needed stability. I mean, I did have some stability in my life with my company, but I needed more in my life. A woman who would stand by my side that I could hold and take care of. That was what I never realized I needed until I met Jillian. She was all the stability I needed.



My aching fucking head. Shit. I drank way too much last night. The struggle was real trying to get out bed. When I finally managed it, I stumbled into the kitchen, where I found Kellan leaning over the counter, drinking his coffee.

“Morning, Miss Hangover.” He smiled.

“Shut up,” I growled.

“Be nice or you won’t get any coffee.” He poured some into a cup and handed it to me.

“Ugh. Why did you let me drink so much?” I laid my head down on the counter.

“If you recall, I tried to stop you, but you weren’t hearing it.”

“What time does your flight leave?”

“In about four hours. So sober up.”

“I don’t want you to leave.” I pouted as I looked up at him.

“I don’t want to go either. I miss you, Bean. Maybe I’ll move here. I can get a job anywhere.”

“Don’t toy with me, Kel.”

“Seriously, Jill. I’m being serious. I’m over Seattle.”

“What about your parents?”

He smiled. “What about yours?”

“Good point.”

“I’m sure there’s a company on Wall Street that would hire me with my financial background. I’m going to start looking as soon as I get back to Seattle.”

“I would love for you to move here.” I wrapped my arms around him.

“You stink like alcohol. Go take a shower.” He kissed the top of my head.

As the hot water streamed down me, the first thing that came to my mind was Drew. I vaguely remembered having a dream about him last night. We were in Hawaii on the beach and the sun had just set. I sank down on the shower floor and brought my knees up, hugging them tight as the water beat down on me. I was fighting with myself. Fighting to detach myself from the man I was in love with. But the fight in me was quickly leaving, and the strength I thought I had, wasn’t there anymore. All I kept picturing in my head was him and Lia and wondering if they had sex after she put her kids to bed. The thought of him with another woman made me sick. I blew it. He’d moved on because I was too selfish and only thought of myself. He’d given up on me. Just like I had given up on myself all those years ago.

After managing to finish my shower, I got dressed, and Kellan and I headed to the airport.

“Call me as soon as you land.” I hugged him goodbye.

“I will, Bean. Do me a favor.”