The Exception

After their dance ended, it was an open floor for all the guests to dance the night away. The song “All of Me” by John Legend started to play. Kristen and my dad were the first on the dance floor while other couples followed behind.

“Come on, Jilly, let’s dance.” Kellan smiled as he led me to the dance floor.

As we were dancing, I looked over to see Drew and Lia on the dance floor. My heart started to rapidly beat and I buried my face into Kellan’s shoulder.

“It’s okay,” he whispered.

“I’m not sure it is.”

Just as the song ended, the DJ announced to switch partners with the couple dancing next to us as he played “Stay with Me” by Sam Smith.

“Oh hello, darling.” Kellan smiled as he took Lia’s hand.

Shit. Shit. Shit, I thought to myself as I took in a deep breath and placed my hand in Drew’s.

“We’ve never danced together,” he spoke.

“No. We haven’t.”

His hand wrapped around my waist felt good as did our hands that were locked together. His lips were inches from my ear. I could feel myself trembling.

“I like this song,” he whispered in my ear. “I don’t want you to leave will you hold my hand,” were the next words whispered.

I tightened and I knew he’d felt it.

“Relax, Jillian,” he spoke as he continued singing in my ear. “Oh won’t you stay with me, ‘cause you’re all I need.”

“I am relaxed.”

“But, darling, stay with me.”

On that note, the song ended and I couldn’t get away from Drew fast enough.

“Thanks for the dance.” He smiled as he turned to Lia and they both headed back to their table.

I couldn’t breathe. Something was wrong and I needed air. Kellan sensed it, so he grabbed my hand and led me outside on the balcony for some fresh air.

“I can’t breathe, Kel. I feel like I’m going to pass out.”

He gripped my shoulders tight.

“Look at me. Calm down. Take in a slow deep breath. Come on, Jill. You can do it. Slow, deep breath.” He stared into my eyes.

Suddenly, my heart started to calm itself and my breathing returned to normal.

“Good girl.” He gave a small smile. “You, my darling, just had a panic attack.”

“It’s just everything that’s going on.”

“You mean it’s Drew. You were fine until you danced with him.”

I smacked him on the chest. “Why the hell would you let me dance with him?”

“Ouch. Because he and Lia were the couple standing next to us and he’s your friend. Just like us. You didn’t freak out when we danced.”

“And you didn’t sing to me either!”

“Oh.” His lips formed the letter. “He sang in your ear? How romantic, Jilly.”

“Ugh! He’s with someone. What an asshole.”

“Did you ever stop to think that maybe that woman he’s with is just a friend?”

“No! You can’t just be friends with Drew Westbrook.”

“Come here.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. “We need to go back inside before people come looking for us. You can feel sorry for yourself in the morning, but tonight, you need to stay strong for Kristen.”

“You’re right.” I broke our embrace. “And I’m not feeling sorry for myself. I need a drink,” I spoke as I walked back inside.

As I headed over to the bar, Drew followed me.

“Are you okay, Jillian? I saw you and Kellan outside.”

“Yeah. I’m great. I just needed some fresh air. It’s a little warm in here.”

“It is warm.”

“Lia seems really nice,” I spoke as the bartender handed me a glass of wine.

“She is. She’s really sweet.”

Sting. Burn. Stab.

“Kristen and Noah are leaving tomorrow for Italy,” I spoke out of nowhere.

“Good for them. Italy is beautiful. I love it there.”

“I’ve never been.” I sipped my wine. Okay, I gulped down my wine.

“You should try to get there someday. I think you’d love it there.”

“Maybe I’ll head there on my next adventure.”

“Let me know what you think,” he spoke.

“I will.”

“I think Lia and I are going to head out. Her kids are with the babysitter and she needs to get home.”

Kids? Was he serious?

“She has kids?”

“Yeah. Two beautiful little girls.”

“That’s nice.” I gave my perfected smile.

“Have a good night, Jillian.”

I gulped. “You too, Drew. Thanks for coming.”

“It was my pleasure. Oh, and by the way, the bill is already taken care of. My gift to the bride and groom.”

“Drew, you didn’t have to do that.”

“I know. I wanted to.” He winked as he walked away.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


As soon as Lia and I climbed into the Bentley, I looked over at her.

“I feel like a total dick for doing this.”

“Don’t, Drew. She was upset I was there with you. She kept staring at us all night.”

“You think?”

“I know. I’m a woman. I can read other women. She was definitely not happy.”

I sighed.

We pulled up to Liam’s townhouse so she could get the girls and then Roland was going to drive her home. Upon walking into Liam’s house, the girls came running and gave Lia a hug.

“Where’s Uncle Liam?” I asked them.

“In the family room.” They giggled.

Walking into the room, I saw Sophie standing in front of Liam with what looked like makeup brushes.