The Ending I Want

“What if it happens again when we’re out?”

“It won’t. And if I feel even the slightest twinge of a headache, I’ll tell you, and we can come home straightaway.”

He’s still staring at me.

“I flew all this way to come to England. I don’t want to spend it stuck inside.” I get to my knees and press my hands together in front of me. “Please,” I say in a soft begging voice. “I’m only here for a few weeks. I don’t want to waste my time. I want to be out with you, having fun.” I pout to finish it off.

He lets out a sigh. “Okay. But if you feel ill at any point—”

“Then, I’ll tell you. We can come home, and you can be my nurse.” I smile winningly.

“Fine. But I’m not wearing a nurse outfit, just so you know.”

“I wouldn’t dream of asking.”

Liam gets to his feet. Then, he leans down and picks me up, holding me in his arms.

“What are you doing?”

“Playing nurse before we go out.” He starts walking through the living room. “I’m gonna put you in the bath. Maybe wash your hair. Then, I’ll get you off with my hand while you suck my cock.”

A laugh escapes me. “I thought, a minute ago, I was too ill to go out. But, now, I’m okay to suck your cock?”

“Boston, you are always okay to suck my cock. All you have to do is ask, and I’ll whip him out for you. Anytime of the day, no matter where we are, just ask, and my cock is yours to do with as you please.”

“Gee, you’re so kind.” I giggle.

“I’m a philanthropist. Didn’t I tell you?” He grins as he pushes open the bathroom door with his foot and carries me inside.

Liam dropped me off at the hotel earlier and told me he’d be back to pick me up in an hour.

That hour gave me ample time to get ready for my surprise afternoon outing with him.

I don’t usually like surprises. I normally like to know what to expect. But something about Liam surprising me has me all excited. Butterflies-in-the-tummy excited.

The hour is almost up, and I’m ready and waiting for the main man to make an appearance.

I’ve got makeup on—light beige eye shadow and pale pink gloss on my lips. My pink hair speaks volumes nowadays, so the makeup definitely needs to be neutral so that I don’t look like a doll. Because it’s warm outside, I’ve opted to wear my denim shirtdress with a brown belt on the waist, and I’ve got my brown ankle boots on, which only have a small heel, as I don’t know if we’re going to be walking or not.

I’m looking good—well, for someone with a brain tumor, that is.

And that’s enough of the depressing shit.

But I did take some pain pills just in case another headache decides to attack, and my pills are also in my bag.

I don’t want the headaches to become a regular occurrence in front of Liam; otherwise, he’ll start to notice. He’s far from stupid.

But it’s going to be hard to hide them when I’m hardly away from him. I’ve seen him every day since he sat beside me on that plane.

And, now, I’m starting to wonder if seeing so much of Liam is a good idea.

I don’t need to be getting too close to anyone. Or to let anyone get close to me. Close equals attachment, which means complications.

I don’t need complications.

But then Liam isn’t exactly a complicated guy, and I can’t imagine him getting attached to anyone.

We both know where we stand. Two weeks, and then we’re done.

Liam will go back to his life, and I’ll go back to…well, I’ll just go, and Liam will be none the wiser.

He’ll never know what became of me. I’ll just be a fond memory—that American girl he once spent two weeks with.

And for me…he’ll be the last good thing I had.

My cell phone starts to ring on the nightstand.

Liam and I exchanged numbers earlier. As many times as we’d slept together, it was weird that we didn’t have each other’s cell numbers.

“Yes, Mr. Hunter?” I say on a smile.

“Are you ready?”

“I am.” I brush my hand down my dress.

“Good. Come down. I’m waiting outside the hotel for you.”

“I’ll be down in a few.”

I pick up my cardigan in case it gets cold later and put it along with my cell in my bag. I check to make sure I have my wallet. Then, I hang my bag on my shoulder. I grab my room key on the way out and let the door lock behind me.

I don’t have to wait long for an elevator. I ride the four floors down, excited to see Liam, which is crazy because I saw him only an hour ago.

But still, I have flutters in my tummy at the thought of seeing him again.

It’s going to suck when it comes time for me to leave him.

I push through the door of the hotel, stepping out into the lovely sunshine. And I see Liam standing by a…bus.

Smiling, he walks over to me. He looks gorgeous. He’s wearing dark blue jeans and a black polo shirt. His wavy hair is parted down the side and slicked back. He looks hot. So very hot.

“Hey.” He hooks an arm around my waist and kisses me.

He tastes delicious, like mint and coffee.