The Ending I Want

“No, he didn’t say that. He never says anything, just like you. So, we have to jump to conclusions, and considering you were the one who punched him in the face at Kate’s funeral, I’d say he’s covering for you.”

“Because, of course, it would be something I did. Sounds about right.” Liam’s laugh is dry, but I can hear the hurt beneath it, and it cuts me. “Not perfect fucking Jeremy Bentley. He would never do anything wrong. But me, the bastard son of a stripper? Yeah, I’d definitely do something wrong.” He steps away from the bar.

He’s the bastard son of a stripper? And who is Kate?

“I never said that. Jeremy isn’t perfect—far from it. None of us are. We’re all a bunch of fuckups, except for you. You’re the one who made something of himself. And I’m so fucking proud of everything you’ve achieved, man.” Cam tries to reason, but I can see Liam is already gone, not listening to anything he’s saying. “But if we just knew what went down between you and Jeremy, then maybe we could help.”

“You can’t help. No one ever could.” He stares hard at Cam before looking at me. “We’re leaving.” Liam grabs my arm and all but pulls me off the stool.

I have just enough time to grab my bag off the bar before I’m being dragged along.

I hear Cam and Eddie calling his name, asking him to come back, but he doesn’t stop. He just strides out of the bar, and I have to jog to keep up with him.

Thankfully, there’s no sign of Jeremy when we get outside.

Liam doesn’t stop walking. He continues on along the roadside, pulling me with him, and he lifts his hand for an approaching taxi.

“Will you just slow the hell down?” I yank my arm from his grip.

“No.” He grabs my arm again as the taxi pulls up beside us. He opens the door and manhandles me in. He barks his address at the driver. Then, he finally sits back in his seat.

I fold my arms over my chest. “I don’t appreciate being manhandled like that. And I didn’t even get to say good-bye to your friends. You were really rude to them, you know.”

“I’ll buy them a fucking card to apologize.”

“You’re acting like a total dick. You don’t like that Jeremy guy, fine. Doesn’t mean you get to act like a prick toward me.”

His eyes swing to mine. The look in them makes me want to shrink back in my seat. Possibly get out of the cab—while it’s still moving.

“I thought you liked it when I acted like a prick?” His voice is low and dark.

I don’t get a chance to respond because he grabs the back of my head and slams his mouth down on mine.

His kiss is hot and hard, angry and so fucking hot.

He’s devouring my mouth, his tongue sliding along mine. His hand grazes up my leg and pushes under my skirt, slipping between my thighs.

And I don’t even stop him.

He strokes his fingers over my panties. “The second I get you out of this taxi, I’m going to fuck you. Hard.”

Then, he’s kissing me again. The whole time, his fingers are rubbing my clit through my panties, driving me wild. And all I want is for my panties to disappear and for him to be touching me, skin to skin.

I don’t care that we’re in the back of a taxi and that the driver can probably see what Liam is doing to me.

I don’t care about anything but him.

I’m mindless, lost in Liam’s touch, his body…his kiss.

Almost as if reading my mind, he brushes his lips over my cheek and says into my ear, his words hot against my skin, “Does it turn you on that he might be watching what I’m doing to you?”

I turn my head, staring into his dark eyes. “Yes, it turns me on.”

“You make my dick so fucking hard.”

He pushes my panties to the side and slides a thick finger inside me.

I can’t help the moan that escapes. Liam swallows it with his kiss.

“I’ll never tire of fucking your hot, tight *,” he rumbles over my lips, curling his finger inward in a come-hither motion, pressing against my inner walls.

I’m squirming and bearing down on his hand, riding his finger.

“That’s it, babe. Fuck my finger. Just like I’m going to fuck you with my cock. God, I want to fuck you now—so bad. I want to bend you over this seat, lift your skirt, pull your knickers down, and slam my cock deep inside you. I want to fuck you right here, in the back of this taxi, while the driver watches, jealous because I’m the one inside you, fucking you.”

“Oh God,” I whisper.

If he tries to fuck me in this taxi, I don’t even know if I’ll stop him because I’m so turned on that I can’t even think straight.

He’s just that sexy and so fucking dominant.

He’s like a sexual force of nature that I wouldn’t know how to stop…and I don’t want him to stop—ever.

Liam’s fucking me with his finger, and I’m so ready for more. Then, he abruptly pulls his finger out of me, and I whimper at the loss.

I quickly realize that the taxi has stopped, and we’re outside Liam’s building.

Without a word, Liam pulls some bills from his wallet and throws them at the driver.