The Bandit (The Stolen Duet #1)

After my orgasm stole the last of my strength I slumped against the bedsheets and pillows and didn’t fight it when my eyes closed. I heard him walk away and seconds later, the shower run.

I felt his hands sometime later through the fog of post-orgasmic sleep. I pried my eyes open just enough to see him now dressed in blue jeans. They were left open to show the mouthwatering V-shaped cut just below his hard abs. His chest was bare with the exception of the shower watering dripping from his muscles. I cursed my body for responding as he gently lifted my hips from the bed and spread my knees apart. My heart pounded against my chest that remained flush against the mattress while my sex was already preparing for him. I was too sore to take him again, but it didn’t mean anything when I saw he was still impressively hard.

His fingertips grazed up from my knee and I held my breath as I waited for him to touch me. “Are you sore?” he asked when his fingers stopped an inch away. I quickly shook my head. Seeing his erection must have short-circuited my brain. I heard him chuckle, which meant he knew I was lying, but then it didn’t matter when his fingers moved. This time he didn’t stop. The shock of his first touch kept me in place, but then the continuous caress of his fingers as he toyed with my pussy made me come alive. My clit pulsed against his fingers as they circled gently. I thought I would come. I needed to come. “So, you can you walk then?”

Walking away from this bed was the last thing I wanted to do so I didn’t answer him this time. But then his fingers moved away and he might as well have thrown me into a frozen lake with an anchor tied to my ankle.

“Why did you stop?” I heard myself say. My voice sounded sleepy and full of sex.

“Because you came. Many times. It’s my turn.” I eyed his cock near to bursting from his jeans and didn’t realize I’d licked my lips until his gaze narrowed in on them. I felt the moisture on them and when my gaze returned to his cock, I wondered how he’d taste. “You’re eyeing my dick like it’s your last meal.” He pulled me from the bed and brought my naked body against his barely clothed one. “If you ever hold a gun on me, it will be.” So we were back to threats it seems. Before I could retort, he yanked his shirt I’d worn from the floor and shoved it over my head. “Come on,” he ordered. His mouth was set in an impenetrable line.

“Where are we going?” I questioned as he took my hand.

“I keep my promises.”


I DIDN’T UNDERSTAND until I witnessed Anna standing between Lucas and Z near the front door. He’s sending her home .

“Mian?” Anna’s voice shook with fear. I immediately figured Lucas was the culprit. His face was blank as he leaned against the door with his hands shoved in his pockets. Z moved away to speak with Angel so I took the opportunity to go to Anna. “I don’t know what’s going on. They came and took Caylen and—”

“You’re going home,” I interrupted, hoping to calm her. She was trembling when I pulled her into my arms.

She gasped and pulled away. “Why would Angel let me go?”

“Because I asked him to,” I answered truthfully. I left out the part where I had to hold a gun to his head for him to agree. I didn’t need Anna more freaked out than she already was.

“But what about you and Caylen?”

“We have to stay here. For now,” I clarified when horror filled her eyes. “It was my choice,” I lied. The truth was I didn’t have a choice. Our death certificates would be written the moment we leave.

Doubt replaced fear in her gaze. She pulled me away and just as I expected Angel, Lucas, and Z’s attention shifted our way. Anna hadn’t noticed, but thankfully, she lowered her voice when she spoke again. “What aren’t you telling me, Mian?” Her stern tone let me know I wouldn’t be able to just blow her off, but I couldn’t tell her the truth either.

“It’s not safe for me to leave.”

Her gaze narrowed. “But you’re innocent. He said so himself.”

“It’s more complicated than that.”

“How so?”

“It’s not safe for me to tell you everything yet. It doesn’t matter anyway because you shouldn’t be here. School’s starting soon and your mother will be worried.”

“That’s a bullshit answer, Mian and you know it. My mother probably didn’t notice I was even gone until she ran out of cigarettes.” I didn’t have a response because it was sadly true. Brandi had even gone as far as to get Anna a fake ID so she can fetch her booze and cigarettes whenever she needed which was often. “How am I supposed to just go home and act normal knowing my best friend and nephew are in trouble? I was worried sick about you when you disappeared. I didn’t know what to do or think. I even started to think you just left.” Her voice teetered between anger and sadness as she broke my heart in two.

“I’m sorry I worried you, Anna, but I didn’t have a choice. He took my son and then he kept us.”