The Bandit (The Stolen Duet #1)

We’d see about that.

She rose and plunged over and over. Slowly—too slowly—until she drove us both crazy. I needed more. She knew this, and she refused me. I pulled at my bonds again—not to escape, but to take. My muscles strained to overpower the ties.

“You won’t escape.” I stopped fighting to watch her tight, little body release me from the confines of her cunt. “I was a damn good camp scout.” She slammed down and trapped my dick, sucking in large gulps of air at the same time. I was big—almost too big for her tight cunt, so I knew she was feeling the effects of how well I filled her. I kept the grin off my lips and locked my gaze on her tits. Her rosy colored nipples were the stuff of dreams, and I wanted my mouth on them.

I could have only the taste of her body as sustenance for the rest of my life and never suffer.

Her whimper drew my attention back to her face and saw her face drawn tight with anguish. She wanted to come.

“Christ.” I was no longer fighting it. “You’re going to ruin us both.” I dug my heels in the sheet, used all my lower body strength to fuck her back as much as I could—as hard as I could—from beneath. Her expression was no longer drawn tight. It was soft again, but her body was still searching.

“You want to come? Untie me.” I punctuated my demand with a hard upward drive of my hips. She gasped her surprise but maintained her stride.

Fuck yeah.

“I want my name. Say it,” she growled.

“Fuck,” I grunted. I needed my hands free, so I could take her hips in my hand and guide her. Her rhythm was now erratic. Uncontrolled. Mindless .

Did I mention she never removed her aim of the gun? She had been on the ride of her life, but now she’d lost control.

“Daddy, please,” she’d cried out, and that was when I knew I had her as much as she had me.

“Baby…” My tone was soft and still she wouldn’t open her eyes. She just kept riding. So I gave her the out she sought to give us—what we both wanted. “Mian…” Her eyes were suddenly bared to me. I drank in the sight and tasted the need in them. “Come on my dick. Please .”

“Send Anna home.”

“Come. On. My. Dick.”

“Send Anna home!”

“Damn, baby. I will. Now please—”

Her eyes were once again hidden from me when she threw back her head. I watched her body jerk and spasm as she screamed and very soon after, she sucked my own release deep inside her.

She fell on top of my chest, leaving me tied and aching to hold her closer. The gun had fallen from her hands and rested near my shoulder. It took a while but our breaths caught and the silence that followed had eventually become too loud. “Mian,” I barked. Drowsily, she lifted her head and gazed at me with sleepy eyes. “Untie me.”

She nodded and lifted her hands to the knot, easily slipping the rope through and moving to the next. Once free, she dropped her head to my chest again. I felt her body settle into sleep and her breathing evening out.

“Well played,” I whispered in her hair. I settled my arms around her and joined her.

Chapter Fifty-Two

You fucked up.


“Mercy!” I received a stinging slap to my thigh and corrected. “Mercy, Daddy!” My well spent, well-used body jerked for a third time after I came. I had no idea how much time had passed since my punishment started.

I really should have thought last night through.

I not only challenged Angel, but I did it with a gun after I tied him to the bed while he slept. He must have been drained because he’d slept through it until it was too late. This morning, I’d woken up to a ringing pain in my ass delivered by his palm. When I tried to turn, to protect my ass from further assault, I was held down as he delivered another blow. “Worth it,” he’d said, low and sinister.


“Last night, while you held a gun to my face, I warned you of the consequences, and you said it would be worth it .”

Oh, God . Did I?

I was brought back to the present when I became aware of him covering my body with his. “I can’t.” My legs were spread wider. “Tired.” I felt his cock positioned at my entrance. “No more.” He entered me hard and deep.

My cry was swallowed.

He didn’t listen.

He didn’t stop.

But he did remind me, sometime during another orgasm, that we were better off enemies. Each time we get too close we nearly destroy each other.