Take Me With You

“I don't think so. Scooter said he's normal, it's just his voice. I don't think he's retarded or anything. Do you think he'd bring a retard to be your date?”

Phoebe laughs. “Ugh, I would kill him. To be honest he's really cute, I was pretty excited when I got in the car, but that was zapped right down when he opened his mouth. What about his face? Did you ask Scooter?”

“I didn't but he told me when he was explaining the stuttering. He says he was run over by a car and dragged down the street. He was in a coma and everything,” Cindy slurs in a slow cadence. The irony of then mocking my speech when they are so sloppy.

“Oh my god. That's crazy. Now I feel bad.”

“You should fuck him. Think of it as charity.”

“Community service. Do you think he's a virgin? He's obviously not smooth with the ladies.”

“It's the least you could do after laughing at him.”

“Me? That was you! I laughed because you did first!”

They both begin laughing as if this whole thing is a joke. As if I am a joke.

“I'm gonna do it,” Phoebe declares. “He doesn't even have to say a word.”

“Do you think he stutters when he comes?” Cindy giggles.

Phoebe snickers. “I’m c-c-c-coming!” she says in a husky voice.

“Okay, let's go back. I want a round two,” Cindy says.

I give myself a head start as they gather themselves and sit where I was previously, seething yet anxious. I am a virgin. And as much as I want to snap that Phoebe girl's neck, I'll take her pussy if she'll give it to me.

They emerge from the brush and Cindy waves coyly. “You two kids have fun!” she says, fanning her fingers as she waves goodbye.

Phoebe and I sit in silence as Cindy becomes just another shape in the darkness. This time, though, she's closer.

“We shouldn't let this high go to waste.”

I look over at her. “Come on, then.” I even shock myself at the drastic change in my speech pattern. Just hours ago, I struggled to eke out a sentence, and now I am confidently inviting Phoebe to the woods. And I think I know why. I'm the one in control now. I heard her words when she had no idea I was listening. I know what is to come. I'm angry and I am in charge. A calm rage has come over me, similar to the contrast of emotions I feel when I watch people through their windows.

Her eyes register surprise.


I stand and reach out my hand, taking her further away from Scoot and Cindy.

“Modesty. I like that,” she flirts.

I don't let her say another word as I push her up against a tree and kiss her. Her body goes rigid but then relents to my dominance. I know she wants to fuck. I heard her say it.

She pulls away just long enough to say, “Who the hell are you, Sam?”

Bitch, you don't have the slightest idea.

I pull off her dress, and she's there, just like that time I watched her, except I can touch her. I can say the words. But all I want to do is make her remember me. Make her hovel at the thought of me. She'll never laugh when she thinks of me again.

She pulls my cock out of my pants and hoists a leg around me. I'm not nervous. I don't care about pleasing her. I don't care about my performance. This is about me. I push myself into her, and it feels good. It feels damned good.

“Fuck! Sam!” she cries out. I like the way she says my name. Not like a joke, but like I'm her master. Though, it's not enough. My head swirls with the drugs and the words she said. Her laughter. Her pity. The way she imitated me. My cock swells just like my anger.

“So, you think this is charity?” I sneer.

Her eyes, hooded with drugs and sex go clear with realization.

“You think this is a pity fuck?”

She tries to wriggle under me, but I hold myself firmly inside of her. “You're the only one who’s going to need pity,” I growl, each syllable, each word, as crystal clear as the anger I have kept deep inside of me all these years.

I pull out of her and turn her against the tree.

“Do you feel bad for me now?” I ask.

“Sam, stop! I'm sorry,” she says. I cover her mouth before she can continue.

“What? I'm just a fucking retard. A harmless, little retard. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

She grunts and screams into my hand, the words dissipating into my palm. I spit into my other hand and shove my dick in her ass. Her cry vibrates into my palm, it's loud, so I press down harder. It's tight in there. I could barely get it in. She's bucking like an untamed horse, but she's a skinny little thing and my dad made me strong.

I pump a few times until I come in her ass. It feels like an explosion of every bit of energy in my body. I pull away and she spins around. It's dark, but I can see the sheen of her tears along her face.

“Can I go?” she asks. The false charm and sass have completely abandoned her. She's just a shaky, scared girl. Now she can be the object of pity.

Nina G. Jones's books