Spiralling Skywards: Falling (Contradictions #1)

“Fuck, Sarah. I miss that sound.”

“Will.” I tried to make his name sound like a warning, but it just sounded like I was attempting a deep voice.

“Sarah.” He used the same tone back at me.

“So, how’ve you been? Tell me all the exciting things that have been happening in Will Bennett’s life since I saw you last. Let me escape and live vicariously through you for a while.”

I heard him draw in and then let out a long breath.

“I love that you’re lying in bed while I talk to you.”

“A hospital bed, remember? I’m lying in a hospital bed, big, fat, and round.”

“I doubt that very much, and even if you were, I’m sure you’re still the prettiest girl around.”

Obviously, I was flattered, but I didn’t want to be the prettiest girl around for Will. I was Liam’s pretty girl, no one else’s. Will deserved his own.

“My husband tells me I am, but I can’t see it myself.”

“You should listen to your husband. He’s a wise and lucky man.”

“Yeah, he tells me that, too. So, where you living, you still in the city?”

“Yeah, I’m still in the city and still in charge of the London locations. Boss man has us all working overtime for the Triple M fundraiser coming up next month.”

“Has that been a year since the last one already? This year’s just flown by, I’ve spent most of it with my head down a toilet or lying in a hospital bed, all while you’ve been rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous.”

“I’ve actually spent most of it stuck in my car on the M25 driving, or attempting to drive, from club to club and meeting to meeting.”

“So, no time for romance then?”

“Always time for romance, babe, especially if it’s with you.”

I let out an exasperated sigh. “Do you ever give up?”

“Nope, and I never will.”

“Well, you should.”

“I know.”

“Anyway. Are we gonna be Facebook friends or what? I’ve no clue what I’m doing on there, so I may need guidance.”

“Yep, I’ve been setting up my account as we’ve talked.”

“Cool. You can help brighten my lonely days and save me from dying of boredom before this baby’s born.”

“Any time, Sunshine, any time.”

“Thank you.”

We were both quiet for a few seconds, and the familiar but hated awkwardness crept in.

“Anyway, I won’t—”

“I miss you, Sarah. I had to get away. I couldn’t . . .” He let out a heavy breath. “I’m glad that you’re happy. I want that for you. It’s just hard to watch coz it’s not with me. So, yeah. Moving away was the best thing I could do. Especially for myself.”

“I’m sorry, Will. I really am.”

“It is what it is.”

I didn’t know how to respond to all of that and chose to remain quiet again.

“So,” he said way too loud and upbeat, which made me flinch a bit. “When’s this baby due? Boy or girl? Will he be a Gooner?”

“Seventh of July. We don’t know, and no. He’ll be a red.”

“United? Tell me you’re joking?”

“Afraid not.”

“Poor kid.”

“I’m sure he’ll survive. After all, didn’t they just win the league for the tenth time or something?”

I took a swig from the bottle of water I had sitting on my tray table but almost choke when Will says, “Oh please don’t tell me you’re gonna call the poor kid Ronaldo or something sad like that?”

Images of my vibrator popped into my head, and after a minor coughing fit, I managed to reply.

“Nope, I definitely don’t think that’s at the top of Liam’s list of names.”

It would, in fact, be right at the bottom, after Will and before Adam of course.

“Okay, well I best get back to work.”

“You do that. I’ll get back to playing solitaire on my laptop and staring out the window.”

The line went quiet, and I thought he was gone but then I hear, “I know you don’t wanna hear it, but if it ever don’t work out, you know you can always call me, right? I’ll always be here for you, Sunshine, always.”

“I know, Will. Thank you.”


I woke with a start from a vivid dream where I was trying to lasso a horse. In the dream, I got too close, and the horse kicked me in the belly. My dream self wasn’t pregnant, but the pain of being kicked was excruciating regardless.

I sat up with my heart pogoing around inside my chest and phantom pains twisting in my abdomen. A chair scrapped across the floor, and then Liam’s face appeared in front of me, chasing the dream away.

“What time is it?” I asked with a croaky voice.

“Almost seven. I brought Chinese with me, but I didn’t wanna wake you.” He tucked my hair behind my ears and held my face in his hands as he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

“I fucking miss you, pretty girl,” he said, dropping another kiss right below my ear.

“You don’t miss me, you miss fucking me.”

“That too, but I miss you in my bed. I miss waking up with you spread all over me, your smell’s fading from the sheets. Did I tell you I had to spray them with your perfume?”

His words made my nose tingle, and I shook my head in answer. “Come and get in my bed then.”