Spiralling Skywards: Falling (Contradictions #1)

She looked tiny in the large hospital bed, propped up on a mountain of pillows and hooked up to two drips and a shit ton of machinery.

In the five seconds it took for me to observe all of that, Sarah burst into tears. I passed white coats—at least two—but kept walking. Being careful of the drips, blood pressure cuff, and the monitors she was hooked up to, I slid onto the bed and pulled her into my lap. Wrapping my arms around her and holding her tight. Not giving a shit about my vomit breath, I kissed her hair and face. I brushed away her tears before giving up and falling apart with her.

“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. My phone died and because I didn’t think I was gonna be gone for so long, I didn’t take my charger. I called the house but got no answer and I couldn’t remember anyone’s mobile numbers. I called the office, but Mel’s at an expo and Liz is at her nan’s funeral, and I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m okay. The baby’s okay.” She tried to reassure me.

“You’re far from okay, Sarah. Now, tell him the fucking truth.”

That came from Sasha, not one of the doctors that were standing staring at what was unfolding right in front of them.

Sasha stood from the chair she was sitting on in the corner.

“I’m gonna go grab a coffee and then go home. You lot need to explain to Richard Branson here exactly what’s going on with his wife while he’s been jet-setting around the planet building his empire.”

Sasha left, and the doctors stared after her for a few seconds before turning back to Sarah and me.

“Mr Delaney, Sarah is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, which basically means severe morning sickness. This led to her becoming dehydrated, which in turn led to a water infection. She’s somewhat malnourished and severely lacking in iron.”

“Why didn’t her doctor do something? I said this wasn’t right. I said that something more needed to be done.”

I was fucking angry. With myself, the doctors, everyone.

“We’ll be having a word with Doctor Abella in due time, but Sarah and the baby are our priority right now. We’ve set her up on a drip to get some fluids into her. She’s also receiving some blood as well as a vitamin infusion, some anti-nausea medication and some antibiotics to fight off the water infection.”

“Is all of that safe? For her and the baby?”

“Perfectly. We wouldn’t be administering them otherwise.”

We had a little stare down the two doctors and me, and I refused to look away.

“We’d like Sarah to stay in for the next couple of day—”

“No. I—” Sarah complained from where she was tucked tightly into me.

“Shhh,” I said against her head, “you’re sick, bub. You need to stay here for a few days and let the doctors do their stuff and get you well.”

“Don’t talk to me like I’m a fucking child, Liam. I’m not sick enough to keep you at home, am I? You just want me here so you can keep gallivanting around on your little trips.”

What the fuck?

The doctors looked as shocked as I did.

“I had a business meeting. You know this.”

“What I know is that you’ve been gone for over twenty-four hours and haven’t contacted me since you got off the plane yesterday, which was also when you told me you’d be home during the night. Not only did you not come home but also you’ve been unreachable ever since. That’s what I fucking know.”

She was right. Everything she said was right. The truth of the matter was that I should’ve been the one calling an ambulance when she was sick the other morning. I saw then that she wasn’t well, and I should’ve done something.

I didn’t argue with her, not about what she said about me anyway. I was not gonna add high blood pressure to everything else that she had going on.

“If the doctors think you need to spend a few days here, then you’ll spend a few days here. I’ll stay with you if that makes you happier. I’ll get another bed brought in, and I’ll work from here.” I felt her let out a deep breath, but she didn’t say anything else. “We’ll arrange an ultra sound for tomorrow morning once you’re a little more hydrated, but right now the baby’s moving just fine and has a good strong heart beat,” the taller of the two doctors said.

Sarah nodded, while I just felt relieved.

Once the doctors left, I slid Sarah off my lap and onto the mattress and moved the chair that Sasha was sitting on from the corner so I could sit beside her bed.

She stared over at me without saying a word.

“What happened to the girl that never used to swear? I’m sure you just said fuck more than once in front of those doctors.”

“She met and married you. You make me sweary.”

I reached out and took her hand, enveloping it between both of mine.

“I am sorry,” I told her honestly.

“I didn’t know where you were. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I was so fucking scared . . .” She started to cry the instant she tried to speak. I was back on the bed in a split second, dodging the wires to get to her.

“I thought I was losing the baby. I was so frightened, and we couldn’t find you. I called Mel, and she said—”