Sinner's Creed (Sinner's Creed #1)

“Now, I don’t have time for all that damn crying. Y’all gonna have to get your shit together or get the hell out. Think happy thoughts and all that shit.” Saylor’s words were falling on deaf ears. I’m watching the scene unfold from my position in the kitchen. I’m propped against the counter, eating an apple, trying not to find too much humor in Donnawayne and Jeffery falling on the floor and rolling around like fish outta water.

They took the news of Saylor’s decision for treatment about as well as I did. Minus the whole rolling-around-on-the-floor thing. Apparently, they knew about the tumor and had made a pact to not mention it when they were together. Now that the timeline was confirmed and Saylor was starting treatment in just under two months, their pact had gone to shit.

Saylor looked to me for help and I answered her with my signature don’t-fucking-think-about-it look.

“Hey!” The crying ceased at her demand and she even had my attention. “Who is dying here, huh? Who is gonna be laying up praying for death in a couple months? Not either one of you. So don’t expect me to show you any pity. Stop acting like a couple of fuckin’ drama queens.”

When she stomped out of the room, I heard her door slam and I was ready to kill them for upsetting her, but Saylor wouldn’t want that. I figured I should say something, but decided against it.

I let Saylor fume and watched as the guys hugged, then made their way to the kitchen. They were comfortable here, making themselves at home. I wondered how they would feel if I told them I wanted to take Saylor back to Nevada. Since they were important to her, I guess their opinion mattered.

“I want to take Saylor back to my place in Nevada. She likes it there.” They both turn to look at me, surprised to find me addressing them. Or I guess that’s why they were looking around the room to see if there was someone else here.

“Isn’t that romantic?” Jeffery asked, just before Donnawayne decided to speak.

“That’s the most selfish thing I’ve ever heard. Why you wanna take her away from two of the three people in her life that she cares about?” I saw his point, and I wanted to tell his boyfriend the frown wasn’t necessary, but it was too late. I would regret my next words, but for Saylor, I would say them.

“Y’all are welcome to come up anytime. We have plenty of room.” Jeffery beamed. Donnawayne rolled his eyes. I’m beginning to think he is holding a grudge because of the whole nose-breaking ordeal.

“Well, I think we all need to let Saylor decide what is best. And whatever she decides is fine with us,” Jeffery says, throwing daggers at Donnawayne, who surprisingly agrees. He sighs dramatically, of course, and nods his head.

“I guess I need to go apologize to my girl. No reason in her being pissed at her favorite.” He saunters out of the room and I want to correct him on my girl and favorite, but it will just start an argument that will lead to me breaking his neck instead of his nose.

We fly to Nevada the next morning and aren’t out of the airport before my phone goes off. Nationals.

“Come to the bar. Bring Saylor.” That’s all that is said before Jimbo hangs up. I don’t know what this is about, but I don’t like that they just assume I’m gonna bring her because they told me to.

Roach was pissed at me the last time I saw him, and I don’t need him taking his anger out on Saylor. If I don’t go, they will come to me, and I don’t want our house plagued with anything that doesn’t bring Saylor happiness. A bunch of bikers showing up and beating my ass because I disobeyed a direct order would definitely not make for a happy experience.

“Who was that?” Saylor asks, as we make our way hand in hand to the exit.


“Oh.” The defeat in her voice has me stopping and grabbing her chin, lifting her head to look at me.

“I’m not leaving you. They just want to talk. I want you to come with me.” The fact that it is them that want her there is irrelevant.

“Okay.” She forces a smile and I know she’s worried. Not because she thinks I’m lying, but because of what they might ask me to do and what will happen if I refuse them.

“There is nothing to worry about,” I reassure her, and she sees something convincing in my face because she now seems at ease with the situation. I just wish I was.

I don’t have to get a taxi because Shady is waiting for us when we walk out. I hate asking questions, but there is just something I have to know.

“Why the fuck do you always just magically appear wherever I am?” He laughs, Saylor chastises me with her eyes, and I ignore both of them. I want an answer.

“Well, Dirk. There ain’t very many people in the club you actually talk to. Since I’m one of the chosen few, the club deems it necessary that where you go, I go. With the exception of some places.”

He is talking about when I go on runs, but there is an underlying meaning to his words that he finds funny. I choose to ignore that too. If I think too much on it, it’ll just piss me off. But I’m already pissed, so I reach over the seat and slap him upside his head. He laughs and says he is kidding, but I know it hurt.

Kim Jones's books