
He’s thick and hard and feels so good.

Instinctively, I push back, and a deep, raspy groan sounds in my ear, making my neck and everything south of it tingle. Then the hand that’s wrapped around my waist slides up over my breast and squeezes.


My eyes flutter closed, and I try to breathe.

A deep throb starts at my core, and it’s so very tempting to grind into his thigh to relieve the pressure.

I don’t know what this means, what we’re doing, but I’m filled with so much need, rational thought has escaped my brain.

He nuzzles against my neck while that hand rubs slowly across my nipple, back and forth, and warmth floods my panties. My skin is on fire, and I’m two seconds from turning around and launching myself at him when he mutters something I can’t quite make out.

I debate whether or not to say anything when he mumbles it again.

“Scale down the art.”

Wait. What?

Then he says something about an artichoke.


Yeah, he’s asleep.

Curse words I never say bounce around in my head. For the first time since he arrived, I admit how much I want him. I’ve never lusted over any guy, but there’s something about Brady that has me wanting to do all of the dirty things to him that I’ve only read about in books.

Disappointment washes over me at the realization that this comatose man will have no recollection of feeling me up once he wakes.

That hand squeezes my aching breast again, and I let out a gasp. Is it wrong that I’m enjoying this?

A lot.

Dang. If Brady is this good at foreplay when he’s sleeping, I can’t even imagine how good he is when he’s awake.

I start to wonder how far I’ll let this go. I usually pride myself on being an ethical person. I don’t cheat. I don’t steal. I don’t lie.

And I don’t usually fool around with guys I only met a week ago. Not even a week. Six days ago.

That’s not right, is it?

Closing my eyes, I count back to when he arrived. Internally, I shake my head. Here I am thinking I would totally drop my panties for a guy I haven’t even known a full week.

My mother’s voice rings loud and clear. Sinvergüenza. She’d say I was shameless, all tangled up, half naked with a man I barely know.

But that’s not totally true.

The way he held me yesterday. The sweet words he whispered to me, trying to calm me down after my nightmare. How he ran around in the frigid downpour to help me. My ex never would’ve done any of that even after all that time we were together.

Mel always said she had an immediate connection to Cal, like they’d known each other for years. That’s why they eloped after only knowing each other two weeks.

Not that I plan to elope with Brady.

He sighs, and that big chest rubs against my back. Actually, everything rubs against my back.

More. More, I think, embarrassed to be this turned on by a guy who isn’t even conscious.

If I press back, can I chalk it up to my hangover?

The erection slowly grinding between my ass cheeks is obviously short-circuiting my brain.

This is such a colossally bad idea.

“You feel so good, babe,” he mumbles as his hand slides under the thin fabric of my shirt and back up to my breast.

Oh, God, is he awake? Please, please let this happen.

And that’s when I realized what he said. Babe. He called me that last night after the nightmare too.

My stupid heart goes all aflutter.

His big, calloused hand slides over my sensitive skin, dragging over my tortured nipple, and I moan. My heart is racing, my panties are having a meltdown, and I’m panting.

When I don’t think I can stand it any more, I take a deep breath, preparing to turn around and slide on top of him when he… he… snores.


Goddamn it.



I wake with an erection so hard, it’s fucking painful. Thankfully, I’m alone, so Kat isn’t here to witness the wood. And if I’m being honest, it’s a distraction from the rest of my life. From yesterday. From the conversation I need to have with my parents about Izzy’s custody. From the woman I’m lusting over but can’t have.

My head throbs, from stress or last night’s alcohol perhaps. I’m wound. Tight. Tension pulls at my shoulders and neck, and as I twist on the couch, every muscle groans.

Jerking off last night to thoughts of Kat was probably stupid, but I haven’t been with anyone in months, and the last thing I need to do is let myself be tempted.

I laugh humorously. She doesn’t even know how tempting she is.

I’m halfway to convincing myself that I need to cut Kat from my mental porn reel when I catch a whiff of her shampoo. I pull my t-shirt to my nose, and sure enough, it’s her sexy-as-fuck scent, which makes the throbbing worse. Everywhere.

Thoughts of last night flicker in my head. The way she looked so vulnerable when she told me she needed to check on the animals. Like I was going to let her go out alone in a torrential rainstorm.

Lex Martin's books