
I think about what it would feel like to have that sexy mouth on me. How she’d writhe when I bite her pretty pink nipples.

My cock swells as I imagine her wet curves fitting against me. The sounds she’d make as I lick up her sweet center.

The way she’d moan before chanting my name.

The rush of making her come hard.

And that’s all it takes.

The kitchen is dark when I get done with my shower, so I head to the office. Two cups of hot chocolate sit on the coffee table, but Kat is sound asleep. She’s curled up on half of the couch while her damp hair drips down her arms. I close my eyes so I don’t stare at her like a creep.

Reaching over, I take off her glasses and set them on the coffee table.

Damn. I don’t want to wake her up, but where am I supposed to sleep? I’m sure as shit not using Cal’s bed, and I think it would be a little weird if Kat woke up tomorrow morning and found me passed out in her room.

I grab a blanket and drape it over her. If the goose bumps on her arms are any indication, she’s freezing. It’s chilly in here, and she’s just wearing thin sweat pants and a t-shirt.

Which reminds me that I need to figure out the problem with the heating vents so she doesn’t catch pneumonia in her bedroom.

But first, where do I sleep tonight?

My brain feels like mush, especially after the tequila, that shower, and my impromptu jerk-off session. I’m ready to pass out. When my eyes land on the hot chocolate, though, I can’t resist taking a sip. Goddamn. It’s good.

After a minute, I set down the mug and debate what to do. Briefly, I consider the couch in the living room but dismiss it when I remember the broken springs that would probably poke a hole in my ass.

Deciding I need to sit, I park myself on the far end of the couch, opposite Kat. When I lean back, I’m surprised when it gives more than I expect.

It only took you five days to figure out that it’s a lounger, dumbass.

After grabbing another blanket, I settle in.

The rain beats against the windows, creating an hypnotic sound. I’m pretty sure I pass out a minute after my head hits the cushion. I’m hoping I can sleep into next week.

But I bolt upright when a scream cuts through the silence.

I look over to find Kat huddled on the couch. She's trembling, whispering, "No, no!"

She’s still asleep.

I crouch down in front of her. “Kat. Wake up, babe. You’re dreaming.”

Her face contorts, and she cries out again. I can’t stand seeing her this way, so I grab her arms and try to shake her awake gently.

Her eyes fly open, and she gasps.

I don’t have time to apologize for waking her because she launches herself into my arms, and I land on my ass, but the trembling girl I’m holding doesn’t seem to care. Her heart is racing, and she's ice cold.

“Hey,” I whisper. “It’s okay.” I stroke her back, and she takes a shuddering breath. Damn. That must’ve been one hell of a dream.

Is this why she always looks exhausted? “Babe, how long has this been going on? Do you have a lot of nightmares?”

She nods against me.

“Since the accident,” she whimpers.


Does she always scream in her sleep, and I’ve just never heard her?

I hold her until her breaths begin to even out. “You okay?”

She laughs, but it sounds hollow. “Trying to be.”

“C’mon. Let’s tuck you in bed.” I get up slowly, keeping my arm around her shoulders as we head to her room. I don’t bother turning on the light. Her window blinds are cracked open, and there’s enough moonlight to see her twin bed. Immediately, I see my breath.

“It’s fucking freezing. You can’t sleep here.”

“It’s okay. I’m used to it.”

“But your hair is wet. You’re going to get sick.” We were already running around in the ice-cold rain tonight.

All of a sudden, I’m pissed. This girl busts her ass around here, and this is where she sleeps?

“Fuck this.” I grab her hand and drag her back to the office. “Sit.” Pointing at the couch, I don’t wait for her response as I jack up the thermostat as high as it’ll go and then duck into the bathroom for a hair dyer.

When I stalk back, she motions toward me. “Why are you so pissed off right now?”

“This. You freezing.” Growling, I plug the hair dryer into the wall. “I’m going to fix the fucking temperature in your room, but for right now, let’s dry your hair. Turn around.” Her eyebrows lift, and we stare at each other. “Kat. I’m not joking. Turn around.”

She huffs out a breath. “?Seriament? I can do it myself you know. I’m not five.”

“Sure you can. But you didn’t. C’mon.” I flip on the dryer and put my hand up to my ear, shrugging like I can’t hear her protests. She rolls her eyes but finally turns so that her back is to me.

Reaching for her thick, damp locks, I thread my fingers through her dark hair as I wave the dryer. The scent of lavender and mandarin reach my nose. I know this because I read all the damn labels in the bathroom earlier tonight when I was trying not to get her naked.

Lex Martin's books