
“Yeah. I still need to deal with the stump, but at least we’ll have some firewood instead of a rotting tree.”

“That sounds great.” She moves in closer and points out a few dishes on the menu she thinks I’d like. I fight like hell not to stare at her breasts, which aren’t the double D’s the other waitress flashed at me, but the redhead’s tits didn’t have me wondering how her skin would taste. Kat has a great rack, though. High and pert with a little bounce that I’m guessing would be the perfect handful.

I have no clue what the hell Kat just said but I nod, she smiles, and a few minutes later, she brings me a giant plate of chicken fried steak that makes my mouth water. “Eat up, buttercup. When you’re done, I’ll bring you some pie.” And just like that, she trots off to wait on another table.

By the time we leave, it’s dark outside, and I’m so full, I wish I could crawl into bed. “Let’s head to the MacIntyres’ house to pick up Izzy. You can drive her back in Melissa’s truck.” I rev the engine of the Harley as Kat’s slender arms wrap around me. “Sorry if I stink.” I chuckle. “Haven’t had a chance to take another shower.”

I’m surprised when she pulls me tighter and buries her nose in my neck, instantly making my blood rush south. “You don’t stink. You actually smell kinda good,” she says in this throaty little voice as her lips whisper over my skin.

I hold in a groan. This girl is seriously giving me the worst case of blue balls known to man.

Once we pick up the baby and pull up to the farm, I help Kat get my niece out of the truck.

“I’ve missed you, squirt,” I tell Izzy as I lift her up to blow a raspberry on her tummy.

She squeals and claps. I smile back until I remember I still need to tell my parents I’m getting custody.

It’s nice heading into the house with Kat, though. I don’t know why, but it takes the edge off. Somehow, being here with her and Izzy makes this house a home. It’s… comforting.

I’m about to get Izzy ready for bed when Kat calls my name. With one arm around the baby, I head into the kitchen to find her holding up the envelope I left her.

“What’s this?” she asks.

“Since it has your name on it, I’m guessing it’s for you.” I don’t know why I’m teasing her, but she gets a flirty glint in her eye that makes me want to tease her more. I motion toward it. “Open it and find out, Sherlock.”

She tears into it and gasps. “Holy shit, Brady,” she whispers. I nearly gasp myself because the girl never curses. “This is too much.”

“Sorry, it’s non-negotiable. Although I still need you to fill out a 1099. And if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to photocopy your ID so I can add you to the car insurance.”

Her eyes glisten, and she blinks rapid fire. Then she comes crashing into me for a hug.

“You work hard around here. You deserve it,” I mumble into her hair.

Her soft body melts against mine, and that buzz I get around her kicks in to overdrive.

She gives me another squeeze and then reaches for the baby with a sigh.

“Seriously, Brady, two grand is way too much. Cal only owed me for the last few weeks. That’s like three hundred max.”

I frown and ignore the inclination to criticize my brother. “You bust your ass. Hell, I don’t think two grand is enough, but that’s all I can afford right now. I wish I could pay you more.”

She bites her lower lip. After a moment, she whispers, “Thank you. So much. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.”

I nod, truly wishing I could give her more, wishing I could give her everything. And as terrifying as that idea should be, for some reason, it isn’t.



My pen pauses on the grocery list. I turn toward the baby monitor and listen to Brady get Izzy ready for bed.

“Oh, baby! No, no, no. We’re licensed for residential poops. This is an industrial-sized poop.”

Izzy squeals with delight, and I choke on a laugh. Good Lord, he’s adorable with her.

Being with him tonight, having him pick me up from work was freaking awesome. I’m not the bragging type, but seeing him brush off Darla’s advances at the diner made me want to do a victory dance.

Not that I blame her for hitting on him. From the moment he strode in on those long, muscular legs, every female turned her head toward Brady. It’s hard to ignore his dark, brooding vibe. When he took off his jacket, I swear the girls in the diner let out a collective sigh because those tattoos are sexy as all get-out.

Yeah, Brady looks like a badass with that swagger and ink.

For some reason, I think of my dad and how much he’d probably hate Brady on the spot. I can just hear him now. What kind of man rides a motorcycle? One who isn’t family-minded. Why does he need tattoos? Only gang bangers have tattoos.

Lex Martin's books