Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

He thrust out his chest and rose on his toes. “That’s not very welcoming. You have been keeping me at arm’s length.” He frowned. “Have I not made my feelings clear?”

Bella picked up her book and clutched it to her chest for protection. “I don’t return your feelings, Lord Maudling. Have I not been clear about that?”

“Foolish girl.” He pulled at his cravat, which was damp with sweat, and stepped closer. “I can offer you much. Your sons will be peers.” His hard brown eyes roamed her body. “And you can give me certain delights as a fair exchange. There are many such successful marriages in society.”

She sidestepped him. “I don’t share your opinion of what constitutes a successful marriage, sir.”

He grabbed her arm, his fingers biting into her soft flesh. “I’m sure I can change your mind. Just one kiss.”

“How dare you! Let me go this minute!” Alarmed, Bella realized that no one would hear her cry for help. She didn’t trust Lord Maudling to act like a gentleman. She struggled as his arms came around her. He breathed heavily, and grew very red in the face.

Stiff with fright, she backed toward the river. He caught her with a look of implacable determination and crushed his mouth to hers. Outraged, and a little fearful, she shoved hard at his chest with both hands. Lord Maudling staggered backwards into the reeds below the bank of the river.

“Now look what you’ve done!” His face mottled, he stood in the water and scowled at her.

Her father would be furious with her. He’d become even more resolved to see her married. She bit her lip and wished she’d handled Maudling better. “I’m sorry; I didn’t intend that to happen. But you wouldn’t listen.”

He climbed out of the shallows, his trousers soaked to the knees. “My valet will never restore these boots. They’re ruined. Ungrateful girl. You should be eager to assist your father in his time of need.”

“Need? What need, Lord Maudling?”

“Never mind. A woman’s smaller brain cannot fathom financial matters.” Lord Maudling attempted to brush the mud from his ruined trousers and succeeded only in spreading the murky brown stain further.

She backed away as he stalked toward her, his eyes smoldering with anger. “You will be brought into line, so it’s useless to protest. Look on the bright side. As my wife, you will be dressed like a queen. And as a reward for being a generous husband, I shall immensely enjoy teaching you how to please me in the bedroom.”

With a gasp, Bella turned and ran back toward the house, her hat bouncing on her shoulders by its ribbons. Her breath coming in short pants, she climbed the stile and darted a look behind her. Lord Maudling strolled in her wake, making no attempt to pursue her. He could never have caught up with her anyway; he was too stout to run. And he knew he didn’t need to. She’d be handed to him on a platter. Heart hammering, she slowed her pace, put on her hat, and brushed the grass from her skirt.

The welcoming apricot walls of their manor house appeared, and she darted inside. She went in search of her mother, finding her in her bedroom, where she discussed her wardrobe with her maid. A bright pile of jewel-colored silk gowns covered the bed.

Mama looked up. “What is it, Bella? Have you been running?”

Bella attempted to control her rapid breathing. “Mama, Lord Maudling followed me on my walk. He wasn’t nice to me. He—”

“Hush!” Mother signaled to the maid. “That will be all, Rebecca. We’ll continue this discussion later. Ask Mrs. Short to serve tea in the morning room at four o’clock.”

The door closed on the maid.

“Now, what is this all about, Bella? Why so dramatic? It surely can’t be a life-and-death situation.”

Bella’s words came out in a rush. It was difficult to describe the unease she felt alone in Maudling’s company. She failed to mention pushing him into the water. If Father heard of it, he would explode.

Mother gathered the gowns into a pile to clear a space. “He tried to steal a kiss? My dear, you are too sensitive. He did nothing shocking by the sound of it. He would never risk our displeasure. Come and sit.” Her mother took Bella’s hands and drew her down onto the bed with her. She smoothed back Bella’s untidy hair from her hot brow. “I had hoped you’d change your mind about Lord Maudling. Think of it, you’d be a countess and live in his beautiful mansion right next door to us.” Her gaze clouded. “It’s become imperative that you marry well, Bella. For your sake as well as your father’s.”

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books