Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

He laughed and handed her a plate of strawberries laden with cream. “I do believe the best way to seduce you is to discuss current affairs.”

Her heart thudded. Was today the beginning of a planned attack to seduce her? He would not get her so easily. Not until she had his promise. “Seduction, my lord? We must not forget why we are here. This is a business arrangement. And you have yet to commit yourself to my project.”

“And if I do, Miss Lacey? What then?”

Her confidence faltered in the act of biting into a large juicy strawberry dripping with cream. Was there an unspoken understanding that by supporting her charity he would then gain access to her body? Perversely, even though she’d planned to seduce him, she didn’t want to think of it that way. She admitted that she hadn’t seen the situation in quite that light. It felt like a dash of cold water, for it would be tantamount to prostitution. She’d been na?ve, foolish. He was toying with her, amusing himself at her expense. He had made no promise to support her children.

“There’s that unhappy look again. I much prefer to see you smile. I trust I haven’t said something to produce it.”

She put down the plate and licked the cream from her lips.

“You have missed a bit, here.” He ran a thumb over her bottom lip.

Her mouth tingled beneath his touch, and she hastily dabbed it with a napkin. “I am committed to my orphanage, but there’s a limit to what I will do to achieve it.” She climbed to her feet and brushed down her skirts. “I have enjoyed the picnic. Would you please take me back to Hartnoll House?”

Lord Eaglestone had jumped up. He called for his groom. “Miss Lacey, have I said something to distress you?”

“I am not distressed in the least. I am merely conscious of the time, sir.”


BLAST. HE’D BECOME CARELESS. He’d been caught by the delightful view of Miss Lacey baring her creamy throat in the act of swallowing an oyster, popping lush strawberries between her perfect, Cupid’s-bow lips, and the glimpse of frothy petticoats and a neat ankle as she smoothed down her skirts. While planning further delights to tempt her, he’d made her believe he expected her to offer herself in exchange for his support of her charity. If he was brutally honest, he had hoped one act would follow the other. Never as a bargaining tool, however, or payment in kind. He found himself disconcerted. While he enjoyed the seduction of many women, all of them lovely, and all of them more than willing, he’d never liked them or enjoyed their company quite as much as he did Miss Lacey. He was also surprised. He was arrogant enough to know not many women rejected his advances.

“We’d best get you back to Hartnoll House.” He offered her his arm as the groom returned the hamper to the carriage.

Derrick settled the silent Miss Lacey beside him on the squab, and the coachman drove them back to Cheapside. He drew out his notebook and jotted down ideas with his fountain pen.

At least that produced a response from Miss Lacey. She leaned toward him with a waft of flowery scent. “May I inquire if that concerns me?”

“Just a list of the most urgent things in need of attention.”

“You mean for Hartnoll House? You agree to become our patron?” Her voice trembled.

Her sparkling smile made him feel like a schoolboy who’d just hit the ball for six playing cricket. “But of course.”

Although Hartnoll House was a worthy cause, the magnitude of his pleasure surprised him. Perhaps it was best if, when he’d organized the finances required to begin the repairs, he placed the matter in her hands. The regret that decision caused him was inconvenient to say the least. It was all very well to gain her gratitude, but regretfully, he had wanted much more than that.

Bella remained sitting as far apart from him as the carriage allowed. The distance between them seemed unnaturally wide. Although she was clearly pleased, the rapport they’d shared before the kiss had evaporated. His ability to charm a woman into his arms seemed to have deserted him. Perhaps, due to his admiration for her, he’d lost the thrill of the chase. Certainly, no one had impressed him as she did. She was different from any woman he’d met. And that difference made her someone not to be trifled with. Fortunately, she’d already made it plain there was to be nothing between them on a personal level. Gently reared young women like Miss Lacey married the man. And it was entirely possible that he would never marry. At least while his mad cousin remained determined to kill him.

Derrick could deal with whatever Hector threw at him. He was good with his fists and an accurate shot. He refused to place a woman’s life in danger, however. The grim situation between Hector and him would not change until one of them was dead, either his cousin or himself.

“I am beholden to you, my lord.”

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books