Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

“A small luncheon. Something to tempt your appetite, perhaps.” Lord Eaglestone took her elbow and led her into the trees. “Like your orphans, you also require regular meals. Is that not right?”

Luncheon was served at home every day punctually at two o’clock, and she would be expected to partake of several courses. To mention it seemed unkind when he’d gone to so much trouble. They strolled through the trees.

The groom spread the rug on a sunny patch of grass and put down the hamper before melting back into the trees.

Lord Eaglestone gestured. “Please sit, Miss Lacey.”

Bella glanced uneasily around. She hadn’t expected a tête-à-tête in broad daylight. Hyde Park was not very far from home. What if someone saw her? Lord Eaglestone came from a class who set their own rules, but those did not apply to the gentry. At the thought that Lord Maudling might hear of it, she lowered herself onto the blanket, glad that the current fashion allowed more freedom of movement. She tucked her plaid skirts neatly around her tan boots.

Lord Eaglestone opened the hamper. “Now what do we have here?” He drew out a frosty bottle of champagne and two crystal flutes.

The champagne was delicious, and she drank thirstily. Holding the half-empty flute, she took in the trees in summer leaf and banks of bright flowers. It was quite perfect. At the thought of Lord Eaglestone attempting to seduce here on the blanket, her toes curled. It must happen during the night and would require perfect timing. She took a deep sip of champagne, thinking of what was hopefully to come.

Eaglestone showed little inclination to seduce her. He began to remove plates, silverware, and napkins from the hamper. Delectable foods followed.

She sipped the champagne while watching him pile her plate. “Oysters!”

He pinned her with his gaze. “You like oysters?”

“Yes, very much.”

He took a small penknife from his pocket, wiped it clean, and levered open a shell.

“Why then, the world’s mine oyster,

Which I with sword will open.”

Surprised, Bella laughed. It seemed incongruous for him to quote from Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor.

“You find that amusing?” A smile lifted the corners of his mouth. He was very appealing when he smiled.

The wine banished her nerves and loosened her tongue. “Most appropriate. I must confess I didn’t expect to hear Shakespeare quoted from someone who denounced verse so ruthlessly last night.”

“You are quite wrong. I only denounce my own paltry attempts.”

He leaned over and held the oyster shell to her lips. When she parted them, he tipped the oyster in. “Swallow it whole,” he said, his eyes on her mouth.

Her mouth filled with the smooth, salty taste. She closed her eyes as the oyster slipped down her throat. “Mmm, lovely.”

“You look very lovely eating it,” he said in his husky voice. He leaned forward and kissed her.

With the light touch of his lips, Bella’s breath caught. Her hand fluttered to his shoulder before common sense prevailed. “Sir!” Flushing, she drew back. He must first agree to her request.

“Merely a small kiss between business associates, Miss Lacey.” He lay back on his elbows on the rug like a sleepy panther, watching her.

Bella’s whole body tingled. The kiss, brief as it was, had turned her insides to honey. Was he laughing at her? She sensed he wasn’t as relaxed as he made out. Fighting to keep hold of her objective, she forked up a piece of chicken from her plate. “Do you often picnic in the park with a lady?”

“Not as a rule.” The sight of him biting a chicken leg with his strong white teeth made her feel hot, imagining him nibbling on her.

That he was here with her made her suspect she’d become part of an exclusive group of women who’d gained his attention. She couldn’t help but be flattered, although she wasn’t fooled into believing she was any more special to him than the rest. It hardly mattered. After one night, they would part. She drew in a breath; she really must stop her mind racing ahead to that night.

“I read that the government has brought in a new law to extend opportunities for education, making it available to the children of the poor,” she said, trying to draw them onto safer ground. “Schools controlled by the churches are sorely inadequate. Don’t you agree?”

He looked surprised. “I do, Miss Lacey.’

She raised her eyebrows. “I wish the act made schooling compulsory.”

“It is a step in the right direction. Compulsory schooling will come.” He smiled. “Your interest is admirable, Miss Lacey.”

“It is a particular interest of mine. I prefer to keep up with current affairs.” He made her feel young, and she searched his tawny eyes for a sign that she amused him. “I read my father’s copy of The Times every day.”

He nodded. “I value the editor of that esteemed newspaper as a friend.”

Bella widened her eyes. “John Walter is a friend?”

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books