Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

“If I should spend a night at your house, all night, that is…” Her cheeks flushed pink. “If we…if I were to lose my innocence and Maudling learn of it, I doubt he’d want me then.”

Derrick drew in a sharp breath at her coldblooded plan. Beyond her anger, he could detect little sign that she lusted after him. “Dammit, Miss Lacey. Contrary to belief, I don’t make a practice of debauching virgins.” He’d had several young debutantes try ingenious means to trap him. Ordinarily, he’d be instantly on his guard and suspicious. Miss Lacey was no conniving young miss, however. He’d come to like her, to respect her, and now found he believed her.

She seemed small and rather fragile as she twisted the skirts of her pale blue dress with her lace mittens, but her unwavering gaze held his. “Don’t you want me?”

The very thought gave him a cockstand. He shifted awkwardly. “Of course I want you. What man wouldn’t leap at the offer?”

She raised her chin; it trembled, giving her away. “Then will you agree?”

He took off his hat and raked his fingers through his hair. “You need to give this serious thought, Bella.”

She placed a hand on his arm. “Can I not persuade you?”

There was no artifice in her. No attempt to seduce him. And dammit, she didn’t need to. His body was already clamoring for her. It was all he could do not to pull her onto his lap and take her now. “You’ll put your reputation at risk. What of your parents?”

“I’m willing to risk it.” Her beautiful eyes pleaded with him. “If you want me.”

“Of course I want you, sweetheart,” he said, softening his tone. “But please understand that I cannot marry you.”

“One night is all I wish for,” she said crisply. “All that is needed.”

The carriage turned a sharp corner and threw them against each other. He placed an arm around her trembling shoulders, breathing in her delicate, flowery scent. One night might be enough for Bella, but once he’d tasted her, tucked her soft body beneath his, entered her slick heat and taught her about passion, not to mention kissing those delightful breasts, would one night be enough for him? He forced himself to search his own motives. All right, he wanted her. Badly. And he wanted to help her; he suffered the surprising urge to fight all her battles. Short of putting a bullet in Maudling or maybe roughing him up a little, he could think of no other way. He disliked the idea of violence, for it seldom solved much. He fought to think clearly, as the vision of Bella lying naked in his bed clouded his brain. Would this idea of hers have the desired effect? The distinct possibility of another man’s brat foisted upon Maudling as his heir could stop him in his tracks. Dammit, even if it all went cockeyed, better he take Bella’s virginity than that arrogant scoundrel. Or any other blighter for that matter. He saw red at the thought of it.

“Tomorrow night, then. Come to the corner of your street at ten o’clock.”

“Thank you, Lord Eaglestone.” Her eyes were huge blue pools in her pale face.

“Let’s do our best to enjoy it,” he said with a shamefaced grin. “And you’d better call me Derrick.”


Tingling with nerves, she suffered an urge to giggle at the disconcerted expression on Derrick’s face. Now that it was decided, she found herself comfortable with the idea. After all, it had always been her plan. And whatever was said about him, she liked him. Very much. “It’s agreed then, Derrick.”

She’d feel more reassured that he wanted this if he’d kissed her, but they were exposed in this open carriage. She looked around to gain her bearings; they’d left Cheapside and passed through streets of neat houses. If she were gone too long, she’d rouse her father’s suspicions. “Can you take me back to the orphanage? I must collect my maid.”

He leaned forward to instruct his coachman. “You’re sure then, Bella?”

Why was he still asking her when the very thought melted her insides? “I am.”

“Would it not be better to choose a man who will marry you?”

She could hardly admit she’d chosen a rake because they knew what they were about. And she felt differently about him now. He would be the one. In this, she was decided. There was no turning back. “I suppose it’s because I trust you, Derrick.”

His frowned. “It’s not advisable to trust me or any other male.”

“Perhaps not, but I do.” She frowned suddenly questioning the consequence of his involvement in her plan. “I hope Maudling doesn’t make life difficult for you, he could if he chose.”

“I don’t give a tinker’s damn what Maudling does. I doubt he’d do anything. He knows what side his bread is buttered on. I’m more concerned about you. What about your reputation, Bella? Surely it matters to you?”

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books