Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

Her gaze lingered on the strong profile, the half-smile curving his soft, sensuous mouth, the wonderful wicked mouth that had wrought pure rapture. Her eyes drifted to the throbbing pulse of his neck, and she was suddenly filled with the powerful urge to lick it, to trace the column of it, to suckle his nipples, to pleasure him in every way he had her. She lifted the sheet and drank in the delicious vision of the lean, sculpted muscle and sinew that formed the solid wall of his abdomen, the erotic trail of black hair leading to his phallus, semi-erect in its nest of dark curls and resting benignly against her thigh. Her stomach fluttered at the remembrance of what he had wanted from her. An illicit shiver rippled through her at the thought of putting her mouth on his sex. She wondered if she dared, but desire soon overcame trepidation.

Her hair curtained his face as she feathered kisses against his strong, square jaw. Drifting downward, she enacted her wish and licked his neck, teasing with her tongue. She shifted her weight onto his body, and he stirred beneath her, his arousal surging upward, his hands moving automatically to grip her buttocks before his lashes had even fluttered fully open. She shifted deftly out of his grasp. He reached for her.

“No,” she said. “It is my turn now.”

Vivid, blue eyes met hers, questioning from beneath hooded lids.

She licked her lips and traced her tongue around the disk of his nipple. “Do you like that?” she asked.

“Yes,” he replied. “You are wonderfully sensuous, Diana.”

“Teach me,” she insisted. “Show me what pleases you.” She moved to his other nipple and gave it an experimental nibble.

He groaned. “Your wish to do so is an aphrodisiac in itself.”

“No. That is not enough. I want to give you the same mindless pleasure you gave me.”

His eyes narrowed. His erection reared up between them, tenting the sheet. “Don’t tease, minx. You’ll get far more than you bargained for.”

“Really?” she challenged, his ominous look heating her blood. Emboldened to prove herself, she reached for him, grasping his sex in her hand while her mouth played over his abdomen, growing more fevered as she followed the seductive trail to the object of her desire. She crept down his body, licking, kissing, biting as her hand worked his shaft. She gripped him harder, closed her eyes, and brushed her lips across the sensitive tip. The smooth sleek texture of him surprised her. She stretched out her tongue, gliding across the purple head, giving an experimental flick to the underside of his shaft.

He jumped in her hand. “Sweet Jesus.” He groaned and palmed her head. “Please, just take me in.”

“In? You want to be inside my mouth?” He was large and thick, his length daunting. She felt her courage falter.

“Yes. Speaking bluntly, I want you to open your beautiful lips and swallow me whole…but if the notion unsettles you…”

“No,” she answered softly. “I just didn’t know…what you expected…”

“I would never ask anything that repulses you, Diana. The act of love should only bring pleasure. Don’t take me in your mouth unless you want this. I kissed and tongued you because I love the taste and scent of you, because it excites the hell out of me to make you come with my mouth. Do this because you are hungry for me, because it excites you to take me to the brink of the abyss, or don’t do it at all.”

He was hard and hot and throbbing in her hand, and she could see the stark desire in his eyes. He wanted it so badly, yet he still did not demand. The knowledge was bolstering and incredibly arousing.

“Yes,” she said. “I want you in my mouth. I want to taste your desire, to give you bliss.”


She dipped her head, and her parted lips were gliding over him with more confidence, her tongue circling his crown, exploring the tiny slit and the bead of salty moisture with delicious, little darts. His breath hitched.

“Good. That’s very good,” he encouraged, gently cupping her nape, riffling her silky hair. “Open your mouth now, Diana, and take me in. Slowly. Breathe through your nose. Use your lips, your tongue. No teeth,” he added brusquely.

She closed her eyes and opened to him, laving with her tongue as his length slid inch by inch into the wondrous wetness of her mouth. “Relax, Diana. Pull me deeper,” he commanded, tamping down the urge to thrust. “Suck upon the release. Harder. Use that velvet tongue.”

She answered with an effort that was unschooled but heavenly, a decadent delight. He lost himself in the euphoria of her hands and lips, the swirl of her tongue drawing him deep into her mouth, the sultry sucking sounds, the pulling of sweet friction on the release.

“God, yes,” he groaned as he threaded his fingers through her hair. Her rhythm increased with the encouragement, her mouth becoming a voracious vortex of pleasure. Every fiber of his being fired with exquisite sensation. His vision blurred, his sac contracted. He was going to explode hard. But not this way. Not this time.

“Enough,” he growled. His bollocks throbbed with agonizing pressure to release his essence. Still, he withdrew from her mouth.

“But you haven’t…”

“No. I won’t come in your mouth. Not the first time,” he said, tamping down the powerful compulsion to do just that. Instead, he flipped her onto her stomach and straddled her thighs. He slid a hand under her belly to raise her hips, and she bucked under him with a strangled sound.

“No! Please don’t!” she cried out with a hysterical sob and burrowed her face into the pillow.

Christ Jesus! He turned her over. “Diana, what the devil is wrong?”

Her eyes were wide. She trembled. “Weren’t you going to…”

“Sodomize you?” he finished, aghast. “Did he…”

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books