Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

“That lesson can wait,” he replied tersely. Though excessively fond of oral pleasures, the last thing Ludovic wanted was to intimidate or repulse her, but damn how he needed release. Now. Impatient to plunge into her, he shed his breeches and swiftly returned to her, caging her body beneath his, his mouth on her breast. He pressed his thigh between hers, urging them apart. She moaned and clutched him to her chest as his free hand guided the head of his cock to the swollen lips of her slick sex, sliding it in her folds, circling around her nub, rubbing the whole length of him in her dew and making her writhe. He fought down the urge to thrust wildly into her then and there.

Her urgent supplication bade his hands to seek the swells of her buttocks. He slid beneath them, raising her hips, spreading her wide. Her dewy pink lips unfurled to his view, reminding him of an exotic flower, an orchid in full bloom, her beautiful quim open and beckoning. It was the most exquisitely erotic sight. He thumbed the pulsing bud, and she whimpered. Still, he drank her in, licking his finger and stroking along her delicate folds with lust-filled fascination, until the hot surge of blood to his shaft and the tightening in his bollocks told him he’d had his visual fill.

He guided her long sleek legs while she gripped his shoulders. “Wrap your thighs around my waist.” She surrounded him with her silky flesh and undulated, grinding her mons against him. She cried out, tearing at his hair, desperate for his possession. “Now. Please, Ludovic. Take me. Fill me up.”

A primal sound escaped his throat as he plunged into her hot sheath in one deep, gliding stroke. She rewarded him with a sultry moan, and he jerked his hips with a grunt, impelling himself deeper, fully impaling her on his staff. He gripped her hips, pinning her in place as she stretched to accommodate his full length and breadth, her frenetically pulsing passage milking his manhood with delectable ripples while his heart pounded against his ribcage.

Dear God in heaven. She was tight and wet and smooth as silk, and he feared he would combust if either of them moved. He held her thusly for an interminable heartbeat, and then she began to tremble beneath him, the first stage of her impending orgasm.

He pulled back and thrust in again. She gasped. Her sex spasmed tighter about him, and he was suddenly lightheaded, the blood roaring in his ears. “Kiss me,” she whispered and rose up to him. He crushed his mouth down on hers, and his mind blurred to all but the urge to pound into her until they both exploded.


He had filled her with his sex. Hot and throbbing, her body strained to adjust. It was part pain, part pleasure and the most exquisite agony she’d ever known. She was already writhing with the need for release. “Kiss me,” she whispered. And then his mouth was on hers, his tongue plunging in and out, sucking and swirling in rhythm with the hammering force of his sex. Plunge and drag. Sweet, slick friction. She clutched his shoulders, her fingers gouging his flesh, urging him on. He drove into her fiercely, relentlessly.

Breathing ragged, bodies coated in a thin sheen of sweat, the slap of flesh on flesh, the pressure increasing. Too much. Not enough. Rising higher. Dipping back. Harder. Faster. Spiraling out of control, her body jerked, and her orgasm came crashing, ripping over her in pulsating waves. Her sex contracted in a last powerful spasm that rippled through her, leaving her in final breathless, boneless repletion. Ludovic cried out, a guttural sound, before he jerked out of her body, shuddering and spilling hot jets of liquid fire over her. He collapsed against her with a groan, rolling her into his arms, her head pillowed by his body.

Her cheek resting against a chest still sounding a rapid drumbeat and steadily slowing to an even thud with his longer deeper respirations, she closed tear-filled eyes. Her heart surged inside her chest with gratitude…and something more she couldn’t define. They had exchanged no words after their mutual release, but to Diana, there were none sufficient to express her awe in the heart-sundering rapture she had experienced. In this warm cocoon of wondrous well-being she slipped into sated slumber.


Diana awoke hours later to feel a warm, stirring sensation against her thigh. In the pale light of dawn, she stole a look at her lover’s face, for there was no denying now what he had become to her in one passion-filled night. They were lovers now in truth, her reality now far exceeding her nocturnal fantasies. She thought about what he had done to her, how he had worshipped her body with his own, had led her to soaring heights without demanding anything more than she was willing to offer in return. It filled her with warmth, with the need to give back.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books