Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

The corner of his mouth kicked up. “Rest assured that I am both eager and equipped to satisfy you.”

Though her hand trembled beneath his, she couldn’t help a light squeeze, delighting in the way it jumped in her hand, in the sharp rise of his chest, in the way his jaw twitched, and lashes fluttered. He groaned in pleasure, and her remaining inhibitions vanished, replaced by a heady sensation in having evoked such a potent response.

He released her hand and reclaimed her mouth. He skirted up her sides to fondle her breasts, his thumbs moving over her nipples. They instantly hardened, and her entire body thrummed. She arched into him, begging for more. It was sheer heaven and beyond any of Diana’s dreamscape imaginings to have his big, warm hands and hot mouth on her body.

“Do you know there are women who climax from breast play alone? I wonder, Diana, what you would do if I took that luscious peak into my mouth? Shall I? Shall I pull and tease and suckle you ‘til you whimper for release?”

“Yes,” she hissed.

He rumbled with pleasure. His hands and mouth played over her plush mounds, gently squeezing, teasing, biting, and tormenting her flesh with sweet agony until he drew one tight peak into his mouth. Licking, laving, pulling, suckling, every sensation built upon the last, awakening every inch of her skin with want. Urging him to the other breast, she madly riffled his silky hair, now torn loose from its queue. He complied with eagerness, continuing the delicious torture with teeth, lips, and tongue, escalating her need. Abandoned to sensation, she awoke from her stupor at the awareness of her own cry. “Please.”

He slowly released her nipple from his mouth. His eyes were heavy-lidded, and his smile wicked. “Please what, Diana? I only live to please you.” The promise in his words, in his heated gaze made her heart seize in a panic of anticipation. “I will do anything and everything to bring you ecstasy.”

With this vow, he slid slowly down her body, cupping the generous globes of her buttocks, fondling and squeezing them while his tongue smoldered the skin of her belly. Adding soft bites and fevered kisses, he skirted the smooth contour, lasciviously laving her navel, yet always progressing southward with languorous deliberation. Until he settled on his knees, and leveled his face with her sex. Profound awareness of his intent besieged her in waves of wicked wanting.

Her breath was already coming in short rasps when he slid a hand between her thighs, stroking her wetness and gently but firmly urging them apart. She already ached to be filled, but then he molded his hands to her hips and pulled her up against his mouth. Her treacherous legs trembled, her knees threatened to buckle. She gripped his shoulders. “N-no.” She exhaled in hope-filled terror while a pool of liquid heat filled her sex.

“Oh, yes,” he growled into her nest of curls. “I can smell your arousal, Diana, sharp and pungent, the most potent of perfumes. You are soaking my hand with liquid desire. I want to bask in it, fill my senses with your very essence, kiss and taste and tongue you until we’re both blind and writhing to have my cock buried deep inside you.”

Before she could voice another protest his tongue invaded her in the deepest, most decadent and devouring of kisses. Wickedly circling, swirling, sucking while his clever fingers played along her slickened folds, parting, stroking, gently probing, obliterating time and place and all reality beyond his hot mouth burrowing in her wet quim. Her hunger rose to a rabid frenzy. Dear God in heaven! It is too much!

“Ludovic,” she cried, beseeching an end to the agonizing emptiness. “I can’t bear it! You must…! Please!”


She was dripping with desire, her body quivering, her passage clenching around him. He answered her plea by plunging two fingers deep inside her. She cried out, and he slid a third into her scalding wetness, stretching her, stroking in and out, matching the urgency with which she writhed against him, losing himself in her need.

He felt her climax building with smug satisfaction, the arc of her body, her breath coming in erratic bursts. He stole a glance at her face. It was flushed, her head thrown back. She was so ready, so ripe, an enticingly erotic vision that made his engorged cock strain against his breeches like a dam about to burst. Come on, sweetheart, he silently urged. I’m going to make you come so hard you think you are dying. Then I’m going to bury my cock in you balls deep and fuck you senseless.

“Reach for it, my love,” he growled aloud, ignoring the painful throb of his prick. “Seize your release. It’s yours for the taking.” He curled his fingers inside her, massaging that magical place just as he plied his lips to her clit. Determined to push her over the brink, into the dark oblivion, he sucked hard and watched her orgasm erupt.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books