Seven Nights Of Sin: Seven Sensuous Stories by Bestselling Historical Romance Authors

The bright summer day arrived with the fanfare of bright sunrays, birdsong, and light warm breezes. Camille strolled down the center of the small chapel to the front where Lucas and Brogan already stood. The entire room was filled for the occasion, everyone in town glad for an excuse to celebrate.

Both the sheriff and his deputy looked exceptionally handsome, Brogan with his long hair pulled back with a strap and Lucas next to him in a white shirt and vest. Her lips quivered at noticing how nervous the men looked, both swallowing visibly with rounded eyes. If one didn't know any better, it could be assumed they were about to be hung.

Camille motioned to them to relax lest they pass out and make a spectacle at the wedding. Sarah would be mortified if she were to be upstaged by two men fainting.

Violin music played and everyone stood to watch Doctor Sutherland escort Sarah down the aisle. She looked resplendent, her long, blonde hair pulled up, a long veil flowed down her back. Her face was pink with happiness as she locked eyes with her soon to be husband. Camille sighed at the sight of undeniable love between the two.

Just past them, Lucas watched her, his warm gaze sending shivers of delight through her. They'd be married the next week in a much simpler ceremony.

Although she'd told everyone she didn't want all the fanfare of a wedding, now witnessing Sarah and Brogan exchanging vows before so many well-wishers, she wondered if perhaps she'd made the wrong choice.

Instead of the chapel, they'd chosen to have an outdoor wedding, which would be more their style. So far, the only guests invited were the Blakelys, Brogan, Sarah and Doctor Sutherland. She'd asked Lacy, who'd politely declined stating it wouldn't be feasible. Of course, women like her were not sociably accepted, especially not at a religious ceremony. Still it saddened her.

The couple kissed and everyone stood once again, cheering and clapping as they made their way out. Lucas took Camille’s hand and placed it on his arm as they followed the newlyweds. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

"Next week we'll be in their shoes."

Camille smiled, unable to keep from giggling like a schoolgirl.

That night, Camille couldn't sleep. She fidgeted at every single sound. Since returning from her ordeal, nights had been horrible. Every time she was close to falling asleep, something would wake her. Now the sound of men arguing sent her from the bed to the window.

Below, in the middle of the street, two drunken men argued, pushing each other to make a point. A third man ran over and before long, all three were yelling curses and fighting. She moved away from the window and let out a sigh. Although she and Lucas had yet to discuss where they'd live, she would prefer to move away from the center of town. It was too noisy.

A shot rang out and she shrieked when her window shattered. Camille fell to the floor and scrambled to the kitchen. With her back to the far wall she waited to hear what happened next.

"Camille!" Lucas called out from below and Camille blinked away sleep. She'd fallen asleep on the floor for fear of another shot.

She jumped to her feet and went to the window. Careful of the broken glass, she peered down. "I'm here. Is everything all right?"

Lucas nodded. "Are you hurt?"

"No. Give me a minute." She motioned for him to wait as she stepped over broken glass, grabbed a robe and wrapped it around her.

Once downstairs, she opened the door to Lucas. His hair stood at odd angles, since he'd obviously been awakened out of a dead sleep. "I had to lock the drunks up before coming to check on you. When I saw they'd shot your window, my heart sank.” He hugged her tight and lifted her face. "Are you sure you're not hurt?"

"I was frightened, but I'm fine otherwise. I was already awake when they shot the window. Thankfully, I'd just moved away from it."

She shuddered and he cursed at the thought. "I had a surprise for you, but given the situation, tomorrow you are moving to our house."

"Our house?” Camille took a step back. "What do you mean?"

"The house that was just built down the road from where Brogan and Sarah live. I bought it."

Camille shrieked with happiness and threw herself at him, making him stumble backwards. "I am so very glad. It hadn't occurred to me until tonight that we had not discussed our living plans."

Her wedding day finally arrived.

"I never imagined that the weather might not cooperate," Camille said frowning. "It's summer for goodness sakes. Why is it so windy?"

Mrs. Blakely patted her hand. "Don't you worry, sweetie. It will all be fine. Just wait and see."

They were under the cover of a makeshift tent, as the guests assembled before a large oak tree. It was the same tree Camille had climbed on the day the bull had chased her.

Victoria Vane & Sabrina York & Lynne Connolly & Eliza Lloyd & Suzi Love & Maggi Andersen & Hildie McQueen's books